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Lost Premium for what i don't know...

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Klatmester123, Mar 2, 2012.

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  1. Titmau5

    Titmau5 Bison Rider Staff Alumni

    Ok, this seems to work. When you log into KAG, start a game of zombies, wait a few seconds then quit to menu, now try to join a server.

    This method is working for me! :D
  2. jonyfox

    jonyfox Builder Stabber

    Its says on here that your account doesn't have the premium trophy, did you definitely redeem your code for premium?
  3. StormEagleZX

    StormEagleZX Builder Stabber

    I might not have, but I don't remember the code. Is there a way to look it up?
    I just checked and it even says purchased gold version in the Desura window.
  4. jonyfox

    jonyfox Builder Stabber

    found a forum on KAG for you its here;


    this should help you i think it sounds a lot like your problem

    Kagesha likes this.
  5. Tim

    Tim Shipwright

    Still got no
    Premium :(
  6. For the sake of not cluttering the thread, can you stop spamming the thread saying "i have no premium". Everyone knows that now and are working on a solution. I know you want to play zombies, bit spamming isn't going to get you premium any faster. It would be best if you mention what OS you are using.
  7. Tim

    Tim Shipwright

    Windows xp 32bit. :D
  8. fadel12321

    fadel12321 Catapult Fodder

    Sos.... this is of the conversation but how do you tell what you are like you are the necromancer?
    </br>--- merged: Mar 10, 2012 8:05 AM ---</br>
    </br>--- merged: Mar 10, 2012 8:05 AM ---</br>

    LOL!!! I love badasses!
  9. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Ok, this thread has no purpose at all. If you have problems with premium account then please mail support [at] thd.vg and describe your problem in detail.

    I'm locking this thread. If such need arises - pm me and I'll open it again.
    MrSheepMr likes this.
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