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Marvel vs. DC

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by SMASH1413, May 31, 2013.


Marvel vs. D.C.

  1. Marvel

  2. DC

Multiple votes are allowed.
Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Pecola1033

    Pecola1033 Drill Rusher
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    Thats a star wars quote i swear
  2. eamono

    eamono Arsonist


    I thought it was superman's (adopted) parent
  3. Hulk smash little fags
  4. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    It was Spiderman's uncle Ben ^_^
  5. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    Just to add (again) that I still maintain that Thor is far better and could easily crush batman, and could fight superman as if he were only a mere mortal...
  6. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    "Look at me guys, I lose all my powers if I don't have my hammer and my special attack is throwing it"

  7. Pecola1033

    Pecola1033 Drill Rusher
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    Kouji just burneed you :p
  8. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    No, if he dosen't have his hammer he can just summon it and he is super strong and all of that
  9. eamono

    eamono Arsonist


    unless he pisses off his dad, then he gets his hammer privileges taken away
  10. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    true true but he got past that and matured, plus you are only thinking of the the film Thor.
  11. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3 Marvel :3
    For Ever <3
  12. that's about right
    DC gave us Batman, Lobo (who's not that popular either way) and Sunshine Superman who never received spotlight he deserved
    on the other hand Marvel has made some more funky guys like Wolverine, Iron Man, Deadpool, Howard the Duck or even Spider-Man (he's not that cool but still better than most of USA USA USA heroes of DC) + many others
  13. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    Miniu spam alert
  14. Pecola1033

    Pecola1033 Drill Rusher
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    Nobdody liked the Wolverine/X-men movies thoguh :l
  15. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    thats why they made so many right
  16. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    I change my vote to marvel, most of DC heroes weakness/enemies were stupid, green lanterns weakness was the color yellow, superman was weak to a magic rock, and batman fought a clown, a midget in a top hat, a man who wants his wife back, a luchador with a messed up face, that creepy alice and wonderland guy from arkham city, annnnnddd calendar-man. nothing you can say can erase the stupidity that is calendar-man, not only did DC create calendar-man, but they went the extra mile to put him in arkham asylum and arkham city (in the basement of the courtroom)

    marvel wins
  17. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

  18. eamono

    eamono Arsonist


    does anyone know where i can get those glasses?
    feet likes this.
Mods: BlueLuigi