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MEDIC - KAG's Newest In-Game Guides!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by thebonesauce, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    To expand on this, while I haven't taken part in this Medic thing (mainly cause I'm not really playing KAG right now, and if I do it's mainly with clan wars or guard calls, which in neither case being a MEDIC would help) I've been seening a big problem arising.

    The focus has been mainly on aesthetics and not the actual organization of the group. There's been more talk about banners, signatures and icons than there has been about any code of conduct, how to try to get well known, or requirements for getting in.

    Code of Conduct: how one should act when helping someone or dealing with someone who's a dick. You should probably have a set of rules on this simply cause if you have people who are being asses with the tag, it's going to reflect badly on the group which defeats the purpose of making it in the first place

    Trying to get Well Known: New players aren't going to know what the MEDIC tag means and might just think it's a clan. Sure the Devs might post something about this and that might make new players more aware, but that can only really happen after the group gets organized and at least decently established.. TBH it's pretty much a mess now.

    Requirements for Getting In: Not saying you guys should discuss some strict requirements or anything, but there should be some level of basic knowledge that people should have if they are a medic. If you let people in all willy-nilly, it's going to get more disorganized and make the whole situation worse.

    Basically, if you guys are going to keep focusing on things like emotes and icons, then this group is pointless and nothing will be done.
  2. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I agree that everyone has been more focused on aesthetics. People like Canadian have compiled a really great list of mods.

    Codes of conduct; I want everyone to be patient and helpful when using the tag. That's really it.
    Requirements; I've actually said this a few times, I see no point in trying to keep people out when this is about helping people. If you know the mechanics of the game and you want to help, you're in.
    Canadian98 likes this.
  3. bergice

    bergice Arsonist

    I don't see how you can be that much of a helpful person when all you do is go on other people's servers, spew shit about them and build swastikas.
    PainGiver, GloriousToast and Hella like this.
  4. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Hey bergice, maybe if your shitty admins took care of business instead of letting every pleb grief I wouldn't have spewed shit. Get out of my thread. If you have beef with me, take it up in a PM. Also, I wasn't wearing the MEDIC tag. I wasn't looking to be helpful and friendly.
    </br>--- merged: Jul 4, 2013 10:58 PM ---</br>
    PS: Last time I checked, as well, my MEDIC crew weren't the ones hacking the game to see everyone's names as if in spectator, among other things. That was YOUR band of yokels, so do me a favor and keep to yourself.
  5. bergice

    bergice Arsonist

    I am invading your thread just as much as you are invading my server.
    The reason for the bad admining is that it's simply too much work. And a permanent solution is being worked on.
  6. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Too much work? Then what is the point of having admins? TOO MUCH WORK? It's too much work to freeze/ban people who are griefing?

    Oh my goodness, you are a fucking moron. I sent you a PM, feel free to read, digest, and reply. I didn't "invade" your server. I came to play, and was predictably shunned by shitty admins who would rather get cool points for banning someone who was "famous" in the KAG community (your admin's words) than to deal with problematic people. I will not reply to another one of your posts here, as this is for people who want to help new players, not provide them with a server of administrators who are too lazy to do their fucking job.
  7. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Okay... lets get back on topic.

    Maybe if we really want to discuss this without people 'intruding' we should make a private convo for all MEDICs.

    Ive been seeing a big problem lately with MEDIC's. They just aren't choosing to help! Most of the time only a few are actually helping while others are playing and choosing to ignore people to ask for help. For example once a player asked for help bomb jumping, there were 3 medics on the server at the time with only me wearing the MEDIC tag, after I helped the person then the other two continued playing... without helping at all.

    This is why we need very strict pre-requisites for being a MEDIC! There's no point being a MEDIC if you don't know anything yourself, I was even asked for help by a (you guessed it) a fellow MEDIC!
    Also we need to manage this better, and get it organised. Maybe make a page with all active MEDIC's and then maybe we can get the Devs to post an announcement or something.
  8. LucasTT

    LucasTT Haxor Tester

    When you aren't wearing the MEDIC tag,you don't have to help.Also,nobody knows everything,you may know something that I don't,as I may know something that you don't.
    Force and Digger101 like this.
  9. bruthsaw

    bruthsaw Shopkeep Stealer

    Is it weird that I somewhat enjoy watching this develop. But aside from my somewhat sadistic thoughts. There should be a compiled list of everyone who is in this group. Not to be published, but for organizational means.

    Since there is not exactly any requirements besides knowing mechanics. (I mean why would you not want someone to be able to help. Knowledge is still knowledge) there should be some form of a code of conduct. Lest someone flip out and make a bad impression.

    I just now noticed also... this is in the public thread... maybe we should put this somewhere else...

    EDIT: Yay for my not checking first. Also PR is PR. Good PR is always good. Have you noticed I like saying PR. HR is nice too. PR and HR.
    thebonesauce and Digger101 like this.
  10. Taiga

    Taiga Based God Donator

    Idk about you guys..but i'm pretty excited about taking a nubby under my wing :D
    thebonesauce and Digger101 like this.
  11. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I just did so with two new guys on Action. :) Feels good mayne.

    I'll post a code of conduct under the social group.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  12. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    I keep finding that the only people I see with the MEDIC tag on, are the people who are building not-so-good structures, or jab spamming. We really need a list of MEDICs and something to make sure not anyone can join.
    Beepo likes this.
  13. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    Am I the only one who is feeling evil enough to parody this idea? Using the tag M3D1C and teach noobs how to not play badly. Edit: readin cana's post it looks like some of you are doing my work for me ;) ty
    You should provide a list of suitable servers to practice on like bc flat map, clemo rtdm (now it has admins) and a.t.o .n.i.i.e.
  14. Taiga

    Taiga Based God Donator

    We do need a list of Medics, even I agree on that.
  15. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    The group has everyone, but I suppose tomorrow morning I can compile a list.

    Please note, MEDIC isn't builder exclusive. The most I did with two new guys today was showed them the shops, taught them how to change class, how to attack as a knight/archer...

    If you guys see someone using the MEDIC tag and aren't being particularly helpful, PLEASE bring it to my attention.
    Beepo likes this.
  16. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    I usually seem to help knights when I'm playing as knight and help builders when I'm playing as builder.
    Don't know why but maybe we should allocate classes that we mainly play so we can mainly help.
    Did you guys also know that the best way to learn is to teach others, so this does help us.

    Also MEDIC who jab spams: Rubbernipple, I think that's his name.
  17. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Rubbernipple? He's not even part of the group. Lemme check the forum, I'll send him a message.
  18. Beepo

    Beepo Asian Faggot Donator
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    Let's narrow it down. How about Premium-Only? :3
    Gofio, Canadian98 and Force like this.
  19. No, some great players are non-premium aswell. Some kind of recruitment could work out though.
    Guitarman and killatron46 like this.
  20. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    I'm pretty sure I saw him with the tag. He said he was a MEDIC.
    (I also think Rubbernipple is FAITH)