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Mini Archer Nest

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Xorlathor, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Yeah keep at it, at least you've put some thought in, fuck loads better then alot of the stuff you see in game. As someone that plays archer pretty much all the time (if I don't have to pitch in giving the team an at least half witted builder) one thing that hasn't been explicitly mentioned is the lack of an archer overhang, look at some towers in the forum and get some inspiration, without an overhang there's real way to defend the tower when the enemy are siegeing it. Also an overhang makes it more difficult to ladder over, as going back on yourself while laddering requires alot more coordination then going straight up, not like it's the most skilled thing ever but it does make getting over take a few more seconds.