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Moderator applications/list

Discussion in 'Groups' started by Aphelion, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. WuppieF

    WuppieF Shipwright

    +1 good server owner and nice guy also online a lot ::D::thumbs_up:

    +1 good fellow and online a lot ::D::thumbs_up:
  2. rynardt_sieberhagen

    rynardt_sieberhagen Builder Stabber


    This guy :D
    He is a legend, such a nice guy, honest, and all around friendly, he truly wants to make the server a better place


    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 22, 2015, Original Post Date: Aug 22, 2015 ---

    Welp, guess I don't stand a chance against all these great people... :QQ: XD

    EDIT: sorry I double merged
  3. WuppieF

    WuppieF Shipwright

  4. Mldrm

    Mldrm Horde Gibber

    Aphelion I would like to apply for admin. I know you have probably read over 50-100 of these applications but let me be honest here and tell you some reasons why I should be considered for admin
    • I get on regularly on weekends to check if anybody is on and if they are, I usually will
    • I will report any griefers, spammers, and all rule-breakers of all sort
    • I'm 14 going on 15, so you can trust that I am responsible (enough) to not abuse my admin abilities and powers
    • I am a HUGE fan of your server, and I have been for the past 1-2 years that I owned kag
    • I am a fairly decent roleplayer
    • And it has come to my attention that most of the KAG servers are down (well not down,but never played on) so most of the KAG players will be getting on your server, which would require more admins to patrol the servers to look out for griefers or spammers
    • And even though on most accounts, I don't bother with applying for admin on any servers or any game, I found that this one awesome server to be an exception
    • And I am usually a pretty nice guy to all the people on the server (usually)
    • And if I am chosen for admin, I feel like I could contribute ALOT
    Some side notes about me being an admin *if I do get it* is that....
    • I also cannot patrol the servers day and night for greifers or spammers as an admin (Im only human)
    With all of that said, I sincerely hope that I am chosen to become an admin
    P.S. Sorry for any spelling errors that your find in this application
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2016
  5. rynardt_sieberhagen

    rynardt_sieberhagen Builder Stabber


    Quite a good roleplayer, *reference: MASTER!!! FEAST* erm.. where was I, oh yes, a good roleplayer and friendly, polite and kind +1
  6. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    Was recently playing with kaggit, really nice guy and seems very mature.
  7. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    So what do I do now? I'm happy to wait but, is there something else I can do?
  8. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

  9. PalladiumGirl

    PalladiumGirl Catapult Fodder

    Hello, my name is Max Mertens (or King Max Mertens for you)
    You certainly doesn't know me, I've only been playing for this long, but here are a few reasons why I could become and admin.
    1. I am polite, efficient, calm, respectablle in every regard
    2. I am a decent roleplayer
    3. My age is 18:migrant:

    4. I play a lot. Like, much more then you would expect. I stay on the server for hours even if no one is there.
    5. I always dreamed of bringing justice, punishing those who are unworthy for their sins. And yet, I am not merciless, and I shall warn people before taking actions, unless griefing and destruction continues. And restore peace, balance, and all destroyed structures as well.
    6. You might not see a lot of +1 after these application, but y'know... its gonna stay here, right? For later times, maybe.
    7. I always dreamed of being a guardian angel who helps other people and carries them through the sky onto their destiny!!!eeek!
    8. I really care for this server and I want it to be perfect in every way and I shall work hard on improving it as much as possible. Being an admin will make it much more effective.
    9. Im not gonna abuse power, thats just stupid. This just leads to annoyment of other players, and then being kicked from server forever. Why would I do that?

    Unfortunately, I don't have any screenshots yet, but they will come soon. Im playing on Steam, so saving a shot will be in a matter of pushing a button.
    I also accused bbpolkagal of griefing once, but then it turned out thats how you're supposed to play undead... ::(:
  10. Durveniir

    Durveniir Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Hello all, Jon Snow (Durveniir) , application for admin here.

    Age: 17
    Name: Durveniir, Jon Snow


    I have been active in this particular server for a year, or so, and I know how complex it is to be an admin. To get things straight: Admins are not here to only ban griefers or so, but to contribute equally and watching over new and experienced players alike, preventing them from arguments and irreasonal abusement. My main reason to become an admin here is because, in many cases, people start wars, or grief, or even steal from eachother when they know no admins are around. Mostly, it happens when there are rarely to no admins there, and it pisses people off. Calling a friend- admin rarely helps, as they are either offline at the time, or busy with work and can't answer.

    Activity in Server:

    I am constantly active from day 1, as this game proves to be addictive in many ways. Either as a player or a background operation, Kag is often open on my dekstop. My steam gameplay is 360 hours. I am often on steam, even when gone or asleep, or busy, so if i get a message I often to always check.

    Since I joined KAG, the first server I joined ( after the training Save the Princess course) was Aphelions. Almost immediately after I join, I choose a unique roleplay character, to satisfy the server and player needs. Example:
    -Azog, and evil orc from the farlands, hungry for war and gold (orcs)
    - Jon Snow, a noble warrior of a Northern Castle, come to be the prophet of destroying the evil forces of an undead warlock (humans)
    - Nicholaus, an old elven wizard, who excells in diplomacy and alliance bonds. (elves)
    - Finally, the cursed reanimations of Jon Snow, cursed to guard Noom, and destroy all life in the realm. (undead)
    Aside from these colourful characters, I also try to be polite outside and inside of roleplay reasons.

    About me: Outside from outdoor activites, such as swimming, boxing and fitness, my hobbies are reading literature and playing video games.
    KAG became a side interest of mine. I think this should fit this current category, as most people know that I am an outgoing and generous person.

    I have been reported and banned 2 times, 2 of them permamently, because of roleplay reasons. Aside from waging wars and dragon armour addiction, I have been unbanned after posting a ban appeal.
    Since I have been unbanned, I have been playing normally, and followed, reread the rules of the server. Pinxviin can confirm.

    I have been speaking with King George (Gentleman) and Aphelion, and I think they both can put trust in me. I have donated and became a sponsor, which is mainly information to insure the reader that I care about this server, with the hopes of updates and so on.

    Now, I am going to give you an example of what I would do, If I was an admin.
    JUSJURANDUM ( WAR OF PIGS) is a player of this server. I had encounters with him atleast 3 times, 3 of which he griefed, spammed and acted bizzare. Under Player_Reports, you can find my post of him being reported, by me. If I was an admin, I would report him immedeately to other admins, for them to come and see his actions. If there would be none online, I will simply freeze him, and let him explain himself, while being recorded. I will then ban him permamently, if his explanation is unsatisfactory, as you can see in the report thread, his actions do not deserve a lighter ban. He then will (if he knows that this website even exists) post a ban appeal, and I , or other admins will see him either fit or unfit to be able to again join the server.

    I am sincerely sorry for the long post, as I had much to say, it is inevitable.

    ''Night gathers, and now my watch begins.
    It shall not end until my death.
    I shall take no wife,
    hold no lands,
    father no children.
    I shall wear no crowns and win no glory.
    I shall live and die at my post.
    I am the sword in the darkness.
    I am the watcher on the walls.
    I am the shield that guards the realms of men.
    I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch,

    for this night and all the nights to come."

  11. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    There is no need to ask for another admin to come and watch his action, because when you are asking for an admin he is causing more damage then needed. You should deal with him right away while recording, and if someone does ask about him and why you banned him you have your video proof right there with you.

    Even though he's been banned before, I believe in change. It has looked like you have changed as you have been following the rules more. Don't prove me wrong. +1
  12. PalladiumGirl

    PalladiumGirl Catapult Fodder

    you da man
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
  13. rynardt_sieberhagen

    rynardt_sieberhagen Builder Stabber

    we've had quite some rough times... yeah, but I believed you have changed, I must say, I have more faith in you than in myself, good luck Jon, +1
  14. MilkCookies104

    MilkCookies104 Catapult Fodder

    Heya everyone! I just joined but I've been on Aphelions server for quite a while. You might have seen me, actually. I usually am known as Dwarf King Matt, Elf Queen Alice, and Lost Alchemist.

    Staff Experience: Anyways, I've been staff on many other servers including a server called iLoveBacons on Starbound, Pokebot on Terraria, and I know how to host my own server if needed. I'm pretty experienced with the rcon console and can do basic things such as spawning and kicking and all that good stuff.

    Role-Playing/Social Skills: I've rp'ed on the server for a long time, and my total RP time in any game is through the damn roof. Meaning: I'm an amazing roleplayer, I know how to communicate with others, and I feel calm doing it and adapt to certain situations well. And I have grammar, which every good roleplayer needs.Plus, I have a sense of humor which is always good. [By the way, you might not see my sense of humor in this app since Eragon gave me a few tips how to make it a bit more readable to others.] It allows you to fit in with the community.

    Proof that you want to Help the Server: It says on the application guide that you should post screenshots of people doing something wrong and honestly, I haven't seen much wrong on the server other than just a few random wars and whatnot. I'm going to sound like a major pet peeve that the person who wrote that application guide said but I honestly do want to catch RK'ers and shit rp'ers. However instead of just banning the shitty rp'ers, I'll instead help by giving em' some helpful RP tips. And overall just help RP'ers if they need something. In fact, only reason I don't have any screenshots at all is because I never really thought about needing them. This server is basically as perfect as you can get for any RP server I've seen in any game I've seen.

    Overall Opinion About Self from Others: If you asked the other people on those servers what they think of me, they'd probably describe me as a sort of "gentle giant". I guess that's a good term to use. Since I never really get downright aggressive with anybody. I might get a bit frustrated at times but you'll never see me get really aggrivated. And usually when I do get aggrivated, you can tell simply by how I'm speaking calmer than normally. For example: If I go, "Listen FredMay [Name taken from the guide to making proper admin apps.] you need to stop. I can tell right now that you are pissing everyone else off and it needs to stop. Now." I have a sort of "relief staff" kind of style to being a staff member. I'll take action when I need to, and I'll keep the community calm if I need to. And more importantly, I can gel with the community like I'm their friend, not just some mod watching the chat.

    Extra/Miscellaneous: Anyways, I know I joined literally today forum-wise and people are going to be a bit shifty around me, but give me a chance and I think you'll be impressed. Anyways, thanks for reading my long application. Please give me some tips about making my application better, by the way.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015
  15. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Just a tip, Add paragraphs (spaces between major points to your work). Everynownandagain (Spelling ftw), I read through the apps and I see these. Structure is improtant in admin applications, using dot points, paragraphs, spoilers, titles, NOT using random caps in the middle of sentence. Alot of those things help you wanting to read an app. I look at that and say, I'm not bothering with it, it's too much of an eye soar. (sorry for any spelling issues, my brain is dead).
  16. Shifteh_Clickeh

    Shifteh_Clickeh Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Hello, Aphelion I'd like to apply for the position of admin, I have been an admin on 2 classic servers both of which have been shut down, I know how to freeze people kick people ban people and I will usually warn people first and if they continue to break rules ban them for a set amount of time or permanent if necessary.

    I usually play on your Roleplay server in the morning from 12-3:00 but on a school day maybe 7:00pm to 8:00pm depending if I have a lot of homework. I do not abuse my powers and I would like to stop griefing permanently as it is disruptive and affects the majority of the server. If you added me to your list of admins I could catch countless griefers and RK'ers and will always keep the server in peace.

    I don't usually play on the new KAG but your server is an exception, when admins are online it is organized and I will not see much destruction from griefers but I may sometimes if the admin has gone AFK. I play competitive games in real life and on my computer. As a sport I play Badminton for my school and I am always respectful to my opponents whether I win or lose and will always try my best even If I am losing.

    Thanks for reading my application.
  17. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Much better, there's some spelling errors, but nothing to be worked up over.
  18. LazarusTheGreat

    LazarusTheGreat Haxor Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Please Eragon just read the application for what it is
  19. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    I am reading the applications for what they are, I was just pointing out that there were some spelling errors, but he shouldn't be worried much about them.
  20. WuppieF

    WuppieF Shipwright

    I would like to remove my application because a couple of things: This year I get like mad amounts of homework and It is already hard for me to keep up with school also tons of tests as well as some other personal reasons.

    [EDIT] I'm Opening my application again because I got more time and stuffs! :thumbs_up:
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015