@Aphelion3371 You forgot me. Also, it's really annoying that you are allied with someone but if they declare war we are still allied with them although they are not. If a diplomacy gets changed it should change for both (and both teams should be able to vote).
That must be a bug. Usually if you declare war against someone you are allied to they will receive the same status you declared against them. Fixed your adminship
I know you said your not taking applications. But with the average of 1 admin on at any given time and with the addition of server two your in need of more admins. One admin can't manage the server on his own. And very rarely is there 2 or more admins on. And when there is it's normally not for very long. Most of the time I spend on the server It's without any administrators. I suppose this is an application then.. I know I said I don't like being admin. But In reality I get nervous when applying for things. It often reminds me of competitions. You put your cards out there and, In my experience I'm never too good at competitions. Not to say I haven't been admin on a few servers. But those were a while ago. And I have forgotten their names. To be honest your server made me come back to kag. I grew tired of kag. It had no meaning. Overpowered weapons. Building defenses hardly makes a difference in this version. But when I saw Kag finally had a roleplay server I had to join. And I loved it. I used to be a strong roleplayer on Karps. But with my new Pc, and switching from laptop to desktop, My roleplaying skills have... Dulled slightly. Mainly due to how I'm so used to typing on my old keyboard that I keep Producing Typos and then having to re-typing the sentence. (I keep looking at the monitor and typing like I did on my laptop.. Explanation for the typos right there..) I never abused any privileges I had. Whether It be from freezing, To banning. I haven't been admin on kag beta (As I am always going to call it, sadly) but Maybe this can be a learning experience? My application Isn't as.. Impressive as.. a lot of peoples. But mine is honest. ( And really. I cannot lie. I get a mini panic attack when Lying In real life.) - If this is denied please () just never bring it up again.. I'm not joking when I say I get nervous when applying for things.. #Thumbs up for google chrome Spelling-checker. Revealing typos that I never notice.
Hovered over that app for 10 minutes deciding whether or not to press post.... Just said to myself.. #yolo
Hi aphelion! Ive been playing on your Roleplay #1 server for a while and i love the mod! Though we have had no time to get to know each other, i simply want to be admin to keep the players in line. you see, just today, i had built a nice goblin tower to house our war effort against the dwaves, and a human came alongs and claimed its was his tower and he switched teams after building it, and greifed it! its times like these all the players wish there was an admin on. I play on your server ALOT, and i interact with the players even with admin priveliges. I have had admin on 2 other servers, so i have experience with the ins and outs of the job. I hop you consider adding me to your fine staff! jakemusser13
Hey aphelion, even though you have a bunch of admins the most I see at a time are two and alot of times there are none. I am starting to get annoyed with all the unpunished Random killers and griefers... it would be nice if you made me admin, because (you can ask anyone) I play your server almost all day
He said he played on the server.... Steam people need to make a new account to browse the forums, which isn't premium.
technically i am, i got the game off steam, so i had to make an entirely new account to browse the forums. that's why it looks like i'm not gold. i paid my $9.99
Hey Aphelion, so lately I have been seeing lots of random killing in alliance and/or nuetral. They use boulders to kill allies and when you're just going around to see the map often you get attacked by a random killer. I think if I was admin I could help with the situation. Thank you.