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Recruitment Moderator Applications

Discussion in 'Groups' started by king-george, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Similarly to the US situation, there is no Aus admins on this server at the moment. This means aus time zones which are usually midnight etc for the EU have no admins on, which for a server, is not the best.

    I recommend Astro1234 considering he is in the aus, has the skills to be admin, has admin experience and dedicates a lot of time to the server, by playing on it. He also provides a lot of skills if he became admin.
  2. reddigex

    reddigex Builder Stabber

    Okay so let me get this straight I won't recieve US admin ship until I can get better grammer ,that doesn't make so much since because I just moved here 3 years ago.... I am pretty active its just I can't build without being greifed on ,just like moxy foxy said get a US admin or let me or him/her have it so we can actually play also everytime I have had to ban a player I was easily able to communicate with him and inform him/her why he/she was banned and where they can go to file a ban appeal so I don't get why I am being disproved. Thank you
  3. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    To be fair his english is probably better than Barsoap's half the time ::P:
  4. reddigex

    reddigex Builder Stabber

    I absolutely can't stand playing on this server its so riddled with greif I can't even roleplay without being attacked and being the victim of terrorism either I need admin or just get more admins to actually filter out the greifers
  5. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Damnit, Bint :o
    Reddigex, lets be honest, u rage even moar easily then me :C
  6. reddigex

    reddigex Builder Stabber

    oh really? remember when you raged and abused everything on Adam's server?
  7. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Oy, ur raging already xD
    And where is your grammar gone>
    Actually, you started to rage me m8, and lets be honest, u reached dat goal.
    Actually, you lost the admin status too
    Forgot to mention this too?^
  8. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    +1 not watching we'r full on EU admins, this is the godmin^
  9. Bint

    Bint Haxor

  10. JaytleBee

    JaytleBee Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn


    I don't see how having lots of EU admins would hurt the server
  11. king-george

    king-george Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Fine, +1. Welcome to the club!
  12. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

  13. MoxyFoxy

    MoxyFoxy Shipwright
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn

    That was speedy:huh?::teabag::bison:
    oh and also hai and welcome
  14. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    i was told i had to re-post

    Well on steam i have around 750+ hours on steam, And because steam think I've un-installed kag, I have to run kag from its file, Meaning hours do not add on steam time, but a Estimate is around 1000+ hours now.
    I have been a admin on a lot of servers, From Brownies sandbox, Ikos ctf, Moar class's (All of bunnie and Pirate-robs server's <3) Offical Fun CTF And I'm also a admin on Official server's (here is the link to where i got accepted ( https://forum.thd.vg/threads/accepted-vamist.24167/ ))

    My admin has only been removed once, Because me and Pyke was messing around on Ikos ctf, With the /rcon commands, (teheh) but then we gained it back a week later
    Like so, i'm still a admin on most servers.

    So, I know how to handle Most situations now, Well I say most because I have been throught a lot, But i guess their is a little bit more i could learn, But i'm still able to get the Matter resolved.
    My ingame name is Vamist
    I'm 15
    going onto 16 in march, And i'm Currently going into my GSCE exams, My main topic is Photoshop (Photography)

    i'm working on this at home,
    so i guess i could make stuff for sandbox or something when i'm done with that

  15. king-george

    king-george Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

  16. JaytleBee

    JaytleBee Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn

  17. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

  18. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    ty love you too <3
  19. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    fml, someone else knows the great secrit of redacting :x
  20. Atreides6262

    Atreides6262 Bison Rider

    just f**king +10000000 from me :D @Vamist i would love to have you in this team!

    Oh, wait, is he already in? welp, LOL xD