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Mount and Blade Series

Discussion in 'Other games' started by Templar_Frost, May 24, 2012.


What's your favorite M&B game?

  1. Original

  2. Warband

  3. Fire and Sword

  4. Napoleonic Wars

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Karlford_of_Acre

    Karlford_of_Acre Catapult Fodder

    If you have Warband, download cRPG from c-rpg.net ... The mod is purely multiplayer and it is awesome. Comes with 120 player servers in both Battle and Siege modes. Characters gain gold and experience so that they level up their abilities just like in single player and gold can be spent to buy a huge selection of armor, weapons, horses, even smoke bombs. There's a large online community as well that participates in clans and a game mode called "Strategus" which is basically single player map of Calradia, except you recruit villagers and stuff and take over cities and towns... but when you go into multiplayer battles with it, you need to recruit real life players to join your side! This mod is awesome and would HIGHLY recommend it to anyone with Mount and Blade: Warband who wants an amazing multiplayer experience.
    xChapx likes this.
  2. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    I have just got fire and sword AND IT IS FUUUUNNNNN I love powering up a sword stroke while I'm on horseback and just viciously murdering the helpless looters I have now got 23 troops plus my guy who is quite alright except I have to get him a weapon to fire from horseback. p.s. can you shoot a pistol while riding a horse?
  3. BoiiW

    BoiiW Shark Slayer

    Napoleonic wars is super fun as well :)
    xChapx likes this.
  4. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    Well I had to buy a code from a store because aside from kag my dad doesnt let me buy anything over the internet.P.s. My guy got captured so I am leaving him alone.
  5. Awesomec

    Awesomec Shark Slayer

    I played Mount and blade, mount and blade : warband, mount and blade : napoleonic wars, and mount and blade with fire and sword.
    At any given time I was in at least 2 warband clans, 1 napoleonic regiment, and a with fire and sword clan. I love those games that much. I can safely say that I can probably best anyone in this thread in hand to hand combat and am not that bad with a bow. I learned to chamber, feint, block, couch, and headshot over my career. I've taken a break from the games, but if you would like to play a couple rounds my steam is "Case/Awesomec".
  6. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    HEY case one on one I am pretty nifty with ma horse and saber. P.s. I am so gonna get good at killing people with ma bow and arrows on horseback.
  7. ArpiG

    ArpiG Shopkeep Stealer

    Try playing with the Persistent World mod.With this mod you can do almost anything from mining to being an assasin.There are money bags that you can drop when buying,you can farm,fish,cut trees,mine,craft,and so on....
    </br>--- merged: Jul 22, 2012 12:54 PM ---</br>
    wow,I heard about cRPG but I didn't know that it's that fun!Can't wait to play the 'Strategus' Game mode :D
    FlamingDragon96 likes this.
  8. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist


    Are you sure you're talking about Mount and blade?
  9. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    Oh how I love the Persistent World mod, but then they all migrated to the Napoleonic version. Sadly for me I don't have it.
  10. ArpiG

    ArpiG Shopkeep Stealer

    Yes I am.It's a mod for Mount & Blade Warband. :D
    </br>--- merged: Jul 23, 2012 6:23 AM ---</br>
    :( :( You were able to buy it when the offer on Steam was.I think it was 2 Euros.
  11. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    I was buying tons of games so when that offer came up I was out of money...
  12. ArpiG

    ArpiG Shopkeep Stealer

    ): ....not good.... :(
  13. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    I found a server like persistent world but running on heavily modded native
    xChapx likes this.
  14. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    I hope the new Mount and Blade that's in the works, has a persistent multiplayer overworld, because I believe that'd attract a whole slew of new players.
  15. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    It'd have to have a huge map
    and it would be fun because you could be a bandit or a castle lord or city lord.
  16. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    It doesn't have to be huge, if players are allowed to host their own servers. (I'm taking you are currently meaning an MMO-styled map with only 1 or 2 servers)
  17. LightTab2

    LightTab2 Drill Rusher
    1. Zen Laboratories

    Mount & Blade...
    I play: Original, Warband(with mods and normal), Fire & Sword (My best :>).
  18. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    Warband > Fire & Sword
    CheeseMeister, xChapx and Awesomec like this.
  19. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    Was there any doubt?
  20. Razzey

    Razzey Builder Stabber

    I don't know but..umm, Warband is reaaaly fun but I enjoyed With Fire & Sword more, just because of the new things you are able to do in towns and everything. New quest, new opportunities, etc. Yes, those guns were op but only 1 thing doesn't make a game worse that the others.
Mods: BlueLuigi