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Nerf or remove spike dropping.

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Klokinator, Sep 17, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    > background

    it's like you dont even know how to play this game nerd

    maybe if the builder code wasnt so awful we could get it back ;^)
  2. It's funny why would you encourage a builder to waste all the stone on the map spikes aren't mean to be thrown at people, they are supposed to be placed on a wall. Oh 5 knights running at you? Make 5 small wooden walls spike drop run back and repeat the average knight will die
    Klokinator likes this.
  3. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer


    Make spikes like doors, if not attached to another block they will fall after a while.

    Please like and please lock this thread as this is the ultimate solution!

    Make Spikes inflict higher damage the higher it's dropped from
    SpideY likes this.
  5. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist


    Remove anything from the game that happens to kill me when I'm not paying attention!

    Honestly, if you're getting killed by spikes you're just not paying any attention whatsoever, or you aren't dodging effectively. They almost never kill me unless I'm not trying.
  6. that's not true because a builder can simply put the spike one block higher than you, Instakill is what I'm smelling
  7. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    That's assuming there's backwall, and you should be aware of the danger, change up your movement, jump, whatever, it only kills you if you sit directly below it, otherwise it does one damage.
  8. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    It's easy to defend a broken mechanic when you're the one who abuses it the most.

    Hey here's an idea! Let's bring back knight shield-flight! After all, it's not broken since you can clearly see the knights flying at the top of the screen and you can take some sort of action against them! Totally balanced fun for everyone!
    Rayne likes this.
  9. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    I barely use spikes, still a boulder guy.

    Edit: Easy to attack a mechanic when you get rekt by it a lot?
  10. SAcptm

    SAcptm Haxor Staff Alumni

    Builders are able to defend themselves again for the first time since classic, knight players cry foul. I agree the physical mechanics of the spike drop are pretty dumb and would totally benefit from a reworked collapse system but we all know that isn't going to happen. With this system, a builder is still going to get way way fewer kills than either of the other classes, all the while being far more vulnerable to attack since they cannot shield and cannot grapple. The idea of this making builders OP is simply laughable.

    In the meantime this is literally one combat option for a builder, and its limited by resource-dependency. The argument that it causes a waste of team resources is bullshit, people waste stone on an amazing variety of useless crap all the time because they are dumb and its they who are at fault. The spawn resources are enough for 1 spike drop to help prolong your life while you're doing important builderstuff.

    Collapse mechanics suck, but they aren't going to change. That's no reason to strip builders of one of the few defences they have, and one of the few incentives to get builders out there on the offense.
  11. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Builders don't NEED offense. That's what teammates are for. Builders build things, rush with knights/archers, and occasionally jump into battle with their pickaxe to distract enemy knights so their knights can take the enemy out. Giving the builder an instakill attack isn't even defense, it's offense.

    Did you miss the part where I said I played a match using spike drops and wiped the floor with everyone I saw? It's imbalanced, that's why I'm attacking it. Same for instant kill boulders. In fact, the only way I'd be fine with this mechanic existing as-is, is if knights were brought back to 1180 status and not nerfed to shit like they are now. What's the point of the main tank class if a spike dropped from anywhere between 1 and 100 tiles above them instakills them? What's the point when archers have more mobility, range, and better CQC? Dude, my main class is builder in the first place. I don't even main knight. I'm just tired of the game losing any and all fun factor and becoming ultimate stalemate-ville because people keep complaining. At least back in the 900 builds, games could end at a reasonable speed. Every match is 1-3 hours now because of broken mechanics like this one.

    But yeah sure, let's reduce it to "Lol klok got klokked himself and now he's butthurt" because really, the easiest laziest argument is always the correct one.
  12. Jepton

    Jepton Shipwright

    Honestly, I'd rather have spikes nerfed. Gibbing when falling a block is unbalanced, especially since a builder isn't meant for major combat. Perhaps fall-based damage would be nice.
  13. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    I haven't played many matches recently, but I have seen this a few times in videos and maybe 1-2 matches for myself. My biggest problem when seeing it is that it just seems SO counter-intuitive...one of the many features I have seen in the past that make me think "Why would this of all things exist? And why would it be seen as a good solution?". There just seems to be a point where something doesn't seem logical even in its own universe of logic, and then it makes less sense as a gameplay mechanic. I'm all for classes having new ways to fight, but this just doesn't seem like a good solution or addition.

    Oh I guess I also hate boulders, but eh, at least those make some sense.
  14. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    spike drops arent hard to be countered if it is a tower with the backwall dont just stand below the tower, if the builder is spamming backwall shove some arrows up his ass, and if the builder attempts to take over your base using spikes drops then its the other teams builders fault for being retarded
  15. kittycity

    kittycity Haxor

    First boulders now spikes.
    R.I.P Builder Class 2k14

    But seriously to dodge spikes an effective way i've seen is just full speed charge the backwall, but at the last second back off and the builder may drop a spike and then panic and drop more spikes with no concentration and then waste all his or her stone.

    Or the builder may not drop the spike and he'll wait for you to take the bait.
  16. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    I just dodged kittycity's spikes all game, and he's probably the best spike dropper I know. Honestly, he's really good but I can dodge them easily since I understand and pay attention.
  17. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Welp, I guess the builder deserves to be the second most resilient class, that also has the unique ability to mold the landscape around it, changing the course of a game... and also have an instant killing attack that takes a minimal amount of easily-obtained resources.

    Yup, fair and balanced. I'm sorry I ever brought it up.
  18. kittycity

    kittycity Haxor

    Can vouch: To dodge spikes you have to be human and sober.
    Anonymuse likes this.
  19. Malitha

    Malitha Shipwright
    1. SIEGE Clan - SIEGE

    An insta-kill which costs just 30 stone? Basically this can become a life-saver if you got a knight coming at you and you don't have time barricade yourself in. I feel this just makes the class unbalanced, Builders aren't meant to go on the offensive. Their the support class, Not the meele or the ranged. The "insta-kill" spike mechanic morphs their role into a more offensive role.
    dual_chiecken likes this.
  20. So if you can see a spike coming its balanced?

    How about infinite wall climbers?
    You can see them coming and they aren't balanced?

    The wall climb isn't apparently but builder can build and instakill as he pleases builders are not meant to be fighters at all they are deceptive and rely on knights to cover them, they aren't mean to cover knights and archers as the main tank class
    Jepton, Klokinator and Malitha like this.
Mods: Rainbows