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New Default Game Mode Proposal - "War"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Geti, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. unwoundpath

    unwoundpath Arsonist

    I think (if neats idea is implemented) we have to make a spectator thing where the dead people follow around the alive ones. Also a normal spectator "team" would be cool.
  2. Vania

    Vania Guest

    Could you make the tent give 250 wood and stone in the building phase?

    I'm glad the flag is gone, it was so anticlimactic.
  3. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    Also make sure that teamates cannot destroy their own spawn point because you can guess how that would turn out each game.
  4. poe

    poe Shopkeep Stealer

    I think it would be fun :) More like a deathmatch almost. Also reminds me of an RTS since you win by destroying everything!
  5. Nebuchadnezzar

    Nebuchadnezzar Shopkeep Stealer

    Even if one guy does set up a corner outpost, isn't that fair? The enemies of his should have control of the map anyways so it would just be a matter of time and I think it'll be fun to hunt those last few fuckers down :)
  6. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    just end the game five minutes after the hall (throne room?) gets damaged. If the survivors regroup at an outpost, push the enemy back and rebuild the room, the game can go on. But most of the time the winning team should be able to hold the ruins easily.
    Or just end the game after even one block of the room is destroyed - it's the players' fault, they should have built better defenses.
    Or put an NPC king in the castle :D
  7. Vania

    Vania Guest

    I agree about just ending the game when the tent is destroyed. Keep it simple.
  8. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Outposts might end up being able to be upgraded to tents for more resupply, however the Hall (which might later on be able to upgrade to a great hall and then perhaps a throne room, a la 'next age' in AoE) will likely be the respawn point of choice for forts and the outpost/tent for frontiers. Halls would be quite a bit tougher to break.

    I think artificial barriers to construction are a bad way of patching issues with it. Not being allowed to build below x height on the map is better enforced with map design.
    I also think making a whole extra base underneath your first one is a valid tactic. Youd have to expend quite a bit of time, energy and many resources on building it and as in an RTS your frontline would suffer for low lobourer count.

    Note that we're leaning more towards rooms as the method of 'advancing' a castle rather than more contraptions, as they're by and large more useful as frontline attackers. I think to see how this mode really works we'll need to let it stick around through the development of rock pots, stockpiles, and workshops at the very least.
  9. unwoundpath

    unwoundpath Arsonist

    Spotted a problem, A few knights could easily kill the red tent if there red, so make it so only blue can kill red structures, bomb or not.
  10. HLennartz

    HLennartz Guest

    I don't like the idea as proposed. If it became standard, I'd stick to CTF. My main reason is that it sounds like the game would become less free-form. Having a pre-built, default castlem for example: It takes the fun out of creating your own base defense solution.

    This sounds like it could be extremely tedious. Imagine if the survivors are Builders and tunnel, while blocking up behind them, into the bottom corners of the map.
  11. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    @unwoundpath: someone's suggested that above. It'll probably happen, though ideally you'd not be playing with idiots. Perhaps only the building's original creator can deconstruct the building - being able to do that is important for base migration.

    @HLannartz: The default 'castle' would be very small, ~7x5 tiles (around a 5x3 room). I doubt that's going to really hinder base creation, it just means you have a spawn point that looks like it's meant to be inside. If a team's ideal base defense solution' is a wooden room around their spawn point, they're fools.
    The potential tedium of someone running away + tunnelling has been discussed over the course of the thread, fwiw. Map design and slight alteration of the building mechanics, coupled with (lets say) a 1 minute "recover or die" timer would prevent that from getting boring whilst allowing a team to recover from the loss of a fort.

    If anything, I think this proposal encourages freeform design. You get to construct the things you need to protect, rather than those being static.
  12. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester


    Hence my idea of having a time limit for them to eventually just die without you having to kill them, until they build a new tent.
  13. willy

    willy Guest

    This "War" mode sounds good to me. Let's try it.
  14. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    I agree. Enough discussion, lets test.
  15. unwoundpath

    unwoundpath Arsonist

    In the test version?
  16. Sir_Hans

    Sir_Hans Guest

    Sounds good but you should make a poll after each game for 10 seconds where the players can choose the gamemode of the next game.

    And I'd add a simple gamemode where the team with e.g. 200 kills wins. There should also be a poll to vote for the amount of kills you need to win this gamemode.
  17. Nailo

    Nailo Guest

    The only real problem I have with this game mode proposal is the possibility that the remaining players, after their final spawn's destruction, would go into hiding, thus drawing out the game indefinitely.

    Edit: Therefore, I propose a countdown that starts after the final spawn's destruction. Either the enemy team constructs a new spawn, destroys the remainder of the would-be-winning-team and their spawns or dies. At the end of the countdown, if they did none of the above, the game would end. It could be a 5 minute "overtime" of sorts.
  18. DorkeyDear

    DorkeyDear Shipwright

    I like this idea. I dislike its name but can live with simply "War".

    I do agree there would be a problem with slugging the game along for the team without any spawns.

    Reminds me of SC2 :P On last spawn base destroyed, 15 seconds (probably longer) later reveal position. You are given 2 minutes to see if you can rebuild a base. (Ofc times will vary based on testing.)
    Being on the team searching for the team without spawns, I wouldn't have much fun just looking around. I would want them to be able to win fairly easily after that point (since they probably deserve to), but still give the losing team a chance to recover.
  19. Nailo

    Nailo Guest

    Wow you guys have already thought of everything. Hahaha I was thinking maybe I was clever for suggesting this, though I only just saw this thread.
  20. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Make a giant pixalized boss of Bruce Lee spawn if a stalemate occurs and everyone has to team up to kick his ass. He is able to 2HKO anything with his uppercuts and Karate Chops. He has fifty hearts and recharges at a rate of 2 hearts per second.