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old/new archer abilities

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Landoo2, Sep 1, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Well, I want the damage gradient of .5[Low]-1[Multi/Low-Mid]-1.5[Hi-Mid-2[Full].
  2. MartysNaklo

    MartysNaklo Haxor

    To be honest I wish they reverted the archer to what it was before the updates, I liked the old beta archer and actually I liked the alpha archer even more. I know any dev hates to hear about "revert" but it doesn't have to be completely removed.

    The grappling hook is an amazing thingy for the new cooperative mod, I'd keep it there, but I hate it in competitive. As archer, it's just way too unresponsive, unreliable and I just don't have the nerves to quickly find the angle so the grappling hook hits what I want it to hit, most of the time it hits elsewhere or doesn't reach it at all, I'd rather keep finding angles to arrows where it is more rewarding and less frustrating. As builder the hook pretty much makes towers useless, I know overhangs but yeah.... can't be bothered. As knight, escaping sure might help them but most of the time they're just hanging from above shooting at me, pissing me off. If you really need to keep them in competitive, then I'd do it as a purchasable/craft-able upgrade.

    And about legolas shot, I just don't like it for some reason, when I heard about it first time I expected a shotgun like single shot (he did that once too, with arrows), after the first update I was just not using it myself, sticking to classic charged shots thinking about it as a situational tool. But now those are useless, and I'm forced to use the legolas shot only and it just doesn't feel right. I'd love to have the normal charge speed and two-heart-damaging shots, possibly keeping the legolas shot but having each arrow deal one heart of damage, as suggested. Keep the archer at two hearts, whatever, but let him hurt for two hearts as well, so shooting someone feels rewarding again, I'd even like the old arching back.

    I feel all these moves from the devs are against camping and tower-bitching, but that's what the game was about, building forts and defending them, and now they're trying to change it. I was okay with "annoying" archers in this game as long as they died easily once I got close to them. Giving them escape mechanism and forcing them into close fight just doesn't feel right. Tower-bitching is what feels right, the feeling when you finally get that archer far there with a perfectly aimed shot, taking the trajectory and other aspects into consideration, and I never minded tower-bitching archers as a knight either, that's what they do, and what I'm gonna do once I get to them.
Mods: Rainbows