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CTF PlatformFlats

Discussion in 'Accepted Maps' started by ffsff, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. ffsff

    ffsff Haxor

    Map name: PlatformFlats
    Gamemode: CTF
    Symmetrical: Yes
    Special features:
    • A small lake in the middle featuring an island that will serve as support for a middle base
    • Small caves encourage tunneling
    • Bedrock prevents water from leaving the lake area while still allowing builders to tunnel underneath
    • 160 gold on each team's side, 320 gold in the middle

    Map name:


    Didgedy likes this.
  2. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    This map has been chosen for the March no.1 #mapcycle pitch.


    A water map that I consider worth a shot. The water area isn't too big, interesting valley and flag placement, and bedrock that keeps the gameplay above ground but not too aggressively.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 16, 2019, Original Post Date: Mar 4, 2019 ---
    Your map has been accepted! Thank you for your submission.