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Player Retention

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tern, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I'm significantly more interested in achievements than levels, but not particularly excited for either of them. I'll bring up achievements with MM again, he's in charge of coding the steam integration stuff and was keen on it a while ago. It's not something you can just add magically though, theres steam API integration, achievement planning and script implementation for each one. Levels would be an even bigger job, and I think often encourages players to attempt to game the exp system rather than just play the game. I wouldn't want to tie unlocks to grind either.
  2. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    meh ok sounds goodish now the real question that i want answered steam trading cards?and if you guys ever feel like doing it is there a way to set it for like 2-3 hours per card?
  3. Ozminer

    Ozminer Bison Rider

    I think a good achievement would be like Kill Geti with a bomb or something like kill one of the kag team
    SirDangalang and Dargona1018 like this.
  4. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Or, even better, kill Arcrave with a shark. :ehh:
    And no, throwing Auburn's corpse at him doesn't count.
    Get it? Because he's a SHARK? Eh? Eh?
    Ozminer, SirDangalang and norill like this.
  5. ieatpieandlikepie

    ieatpieandlikepie Drill Rusher

    There should be a server where they spawn multiple sharks and Arcraves riding them and you have to survive multiple rounds and then if you survive 10 rounds you win a achievemtn
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 20, 2014, Original Post Date: Sep 20, 2014 ---

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  6. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    If pewdiepie plays KAG then there will be loads more players which is good for the developers. BUT if there is like 500.000 new KAG people then that will make it impossible to get into a server and the community will be less fun because I recognise a lot of peoples names and if there are 20 billion more server then I will barely play with the same good old people.
  7. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I think that we could go with something like Klokinator, correct me if I am wrong, said in another thread:
    Have a couple passworded servers (password found on the forums) for the oldfags (and the middleagedfags) while the newbies can run around, kicking each others teeth in (which is a very terrible use of a sword'n'shield).
  8. TeQaS

    TeQaS Haxor

    Kag must have ranked system.
    5Vs5 with randoms on ctf maps.
    (Not gather)
    Kabouter123 likes this.
  9. ieatpieandlikepie

    ieatpieandlikepie Drill Rusher

    I think we should just not invite pewdiepie
  10. Ozminer

    Ozminer Bison Rider

    pewd's would make the game messed up
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  11. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I think that we should look towards people on the Indie side.
    The more "niche" youtube channels. They would be easier to sway, and would get at least 20 people interested.
    Wouldn't be too much of a change, sure, but if they stay (the video might have a warning), then we have 20 more telling others about it.

    There is one that might be cool, but I don't know if it his genre. I'll ask him Monday, at his livestream.
  12. Ozminer

    Ozminer Bison Rider

    I would like to ask some youtubers too but not tobuscus and stuff
  13. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Re: AHHH THERED BE NO SERVERS - you realise like a lot of the servers are player hosted right? And that more players means more players willing to host means more servers?

    Re: asking youtubers/streamers - as I said we've already done this explicitly ourselves. A lot of people in a press capacity (including streamers, but also bloggers/journalists) are less willing to cover a game that's already "out"/released and has been out for a while without some big news item to talk about, for a wide variety of reasons. I think specific fan support/requests would be the only thing that could turn that around - us saying "hey cover this game, we made it" doesn't mean they will do it, especially for the big internet personalities.
  14. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    This is exactly what I say and nobody ever listens to me.

    That being said, we really do need newbie servers where only those with 50-100 or less hours can play, and are automatically joined when auto-joining a game.
    Brandon816 likes this.
  15. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    Well, things look bad. There are just too many servers and too few players to join them. Personally I am thinking to stop hosting kag servers and use my dedicated for some steam games. In my opinion it should not be allowed for kids to host servers from their home. But that's just me.
  16. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    Why wouldn't it be allowed? Your not the only one that wants to host a server, kids are totally allowed to have their own server.
  17. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I think that you might be looking at the wrong people, then.
    Sure, Tobuscus, Pewdiepie, Northerlion, all those people have a huge following, but if they won't wish to try the game, then you might wanna look somewhere else. As you said, there has been no big news to show, and thus the head honchoes aren't interested. There are a thousand other Youtubers that are into these kind of games, that have a decent following, and would like to share this game (if they like it, of course).

    I mean, Blitzkriegsler (best known for his Rimworld series, upon series, upon series) played it before. Right now, he has gotten a lot more people interested recently, and he may wish to revisit. Splattercat, the one that I spoke of before, is good friends with Blitz, and he may be able to get him to play. There are a lot of not-as-big-but-still-big Youtubers and Streamers, you just gotta look harder*.

    *Not trying to be a jerk, but getting attention from big-name people that people watch for entertainment isn't the best strategy. Youtubers that are much closer to their audience and fan-base has more influence on them, and thus having big-names aren't as important.
  18. youre getting off topic. the thread is not about getting new players, its about making them stay
    Tern and StarskyGianni like this.
  19. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I am just putting my two cents in about the Youtuber business. I think that Player Retention is something that needs to be done in a grander scheme, which would ultimately need more people. And if a famous, or at least well-known person says to wait it out, then the audience might also, and bring that advice with them to anybody they introduce to the game.
  20. ieatpieandlikepie

    ieatpieandlikepie Drill Rusher

    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 21, 2014, Original Post Date: Sep 21, 2014 ---
    You know, you can't make everyone stay anyway. Look at whale, taiga, etc once beta started. Not everyone likes the newer updates.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 21, 2014 ---
    nothing lasts forever
    Dargona1018 likes this.