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Playing a local game on a wireless network

Discussion in 'General Help' started by ryguydavis, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. ryguydavis

    ryguydavis Guest

    I have been trying to set up a game with my fiancée on our private network. The computers are connected by a wireless connection, though I do not think they are completely aware of each other. Before I can even figure out any hardware/network issues, I need to know if KAG can be played without using a server.

    Can one person set up a game by choosing the <Start Game> --> <Generate Map> options and then waiting for people to join the game by choosing <Join Game> --> <Connect To...> ? Or is an actual server file (ie the Linux server download on the main page) required to play with more than one person?
  2. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    That's how you do it.
    However you need to type in the server IP address and port. Google how to do it, if you don't know.
  3. ryguydavis

    ryguydavis Guest

    Thanks, guess I'll brush up on my network knowledge then.