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Pokemon General

Discussion in 'Other games' started by MechaTrickster, Jan 16, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. i really really hope victini is gone. its ridiculous how its most reliable counter (snorlax) can even get 2hko'd with focus blast (or psychic lol)
    not to mention this shit with mixed sets, v-create, great speed, great bulk etc etc
  2. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Well yeah that's true unless you go full spdef and banded even 2HKOs offensive lax with V Create. But otoh Nidoking can 2HKO Snorlax with Focus Blast as well. In fact, its Focus Blast actually does more and it has a superior typing able to check Heracross, resist (rather than weak to) rocks, absorb Toxic Spikes and Volt Switch, and it is neither Pursuit weak nor takes Life Orb recoil thanks to Sheer Force. Hell, it can even set up hazards. Chandelure, currently the number one used poke in UU (iirc) can just about 2HKO most lax with Specs Hp Fighting as well as cripple it with Will O or Flame Orb or even double down with Sub Split.

    The real danger with Victini is the ease with which it can go either physical or special or mixed which makes it extremely difficult to counter. Also U-Turn which is broken as hell on the right team.

    TBH I'm kind of on the fence about Victini. I do see a lot of the arguments against it but I feel like once you know what set it is it's very counterable unlike say, Mienshao which is a threat even if you know what it is right away. Victini also does not straight up win games unlike Kingdra or again, Mienshao.

    Anyways anyone who's interested should really try to meet the reqs to vote. With the right team I definitely think both Kouji and Ej could probably do it and maybe some of the rest of you too. Even if you don't make it it's fun to be a part of the whole process.
  3. im trying but my shit play from previous suspect test lowered my deviation enough to prevent me from skyrocketing to ~1900 after first games

    stuck in ~1400 now, lol
  4. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Restart lol. iirc the reqs are 2025 Glicko2, so not your ACRE which shows up after every match but the other score that comes up when you /rank.

    edit: im clearing these reqs easily but deviation is taking so long to go down :(
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2013
  5. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

  6. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    Mega Mewtwo X is Psychic/Fighting
    Also Garchomp. Look at those fucking teeth growing from his chest.
  7. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester


    I've been sort of but not really dipping into showdown again to meet reqs and I played this really good match vs the youtuber and moderator CoolStoryBrobat. I have a really long, analytic commentary here if anyone wants to sit through it.
    Mazey likes this.
  8. [​IMG]
    Galabranth likes this.
  9. Psychic/Fighting.
    Plus the stubs along his hands and legs look like weird veins. Reminds me of this.

    sinnertie and Ej like this.
  10. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Mega Mewtwo Y has the Buu head tail thing though.
    Galabranth likes this.
  11. miniu

    miniu Haxor

  12. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I'm sorry but that's disgusting and you should feel bad lol. Your team actually look relatively solid though so I'll give you props for that.

    Also, finally got suspect test reqs. I recorded the last hour of me playing to get them with commentary, I dunno if anyone wants to see that though.

  13. i only want to kill myself, peaked 1980 glicko on friday i think, since then ive been only falling down

    welp new account time, wish me luck
  14. How do you even lift with showdown? I have horrible stats but I refuse to make a new account just yet. Sigh.
  15. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    it's easy game :3
  16. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Well don't worry about your stats unless you're specifically trying to reach something. Anyways first of all you need a good team. That won't win you games on its own but like, you need to have the tools to get the job done.
  17. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

  18. Have you guys encountered irritating teams on showdown? Lets say SubToxic Gliscor or BatonPass Espeon. Man they're tough. Not to mention dragon sweepers. *cough Kyurem *cough. I started with a sun based team with Drought as one of my team member's ability. Its fun, but them dragon sweepers always get me.
  19. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    I invented a tactic, but I can't match Pokes. Could somebody do that for me? There is my plan:
    1. 'Plant' Stealth Rock.
    2. 'Plant' Toxic Spikes.
    3. 'Plant' 3x Spikes.
    4. Baton Pass x3/x4 Speed to Pokemon that has high attack, speed and can learn Dragon Tail (also give it Choice Scarf).
    5. Dragon Tail spam.
    I tried on LC with Onix, Venipede, Cacnea, Pineco, Buizel and Aron but it didn't work.
  20. maybe because fucking phazing moves have fucking -6 priority
Mods: BlueLuigi