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Pony fan club!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Rainbows, Aug 29, 2011.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    nope, saw it in a website somewhere. thought i'd share.
  2. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    Once again, my black heart is warmed.
    BeasterDenBeast likes this.
  3. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Anybody have any good ideas for this thing? I'm having trouble making it related to...ancient ponies and bronze age architecture. Should I add teeth to the lower jaw bone? Also does anyone know how to shade in metallic objects?


    Note: Do not worry yourselves my friends. This picture is related to ponies (Well in a FIM Fiction story anyways...)
    BeasterDenBeast likes this.
  4. The detail is amazing Im_a_Turtle. I can't really fault it, hahaha. I'm not really sure how the addition of teeth would look because they would have to be metallic or something but what I do know is that right now, its really good.
  5. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    Fun Fact, Does anybody know about the Fallout Equestria fan-fic? I'ts not your average 2 page My Little Pony fan fiction, it's the 6th longest Novel in the English language. Crazy right?

    Anyway i'm downloading it now, I hear its really good.

    EDIT* It's 2034 pages long. Up your ass Harry Potter.
  6. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Well first, is it good? Because i dont want to grow a gray beard reading through the story for nothing.
  7. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber


    It's good, 55 pages in, I could tell that the author knows what he/she is doing. But be warned, Fallout Equestria is brutal. VERY brutal. for example:

    “Dammit, I hate when they pull that stealthy shit. It’s a flying fucking radio; it’s not supposed to sneak up on ponies.”

    It took Cagey a breath to recognize that crossing the bridge had become a bloody affair. Glowering back at us, his posture threatening, he started to say... something. I suspect he was warning us to stay put, but I’ll never know. His head exploded, showering me with gore.

    I stood there, eyes wide, shaking with shock. Blood, warm and sticky, ran down my forehead and into my left eye, oozed into my coat and mane.

    Child Sexual Abuse:
    Near the open window, a filly too young to even have her cutie mark lay on a mattress stained with so much blood it was nearly black. She had been brutalized and raped repeatedly, and her flank was covered in small burns where her cutie mark would have eventually appeared.

    And that's from the first three chapters alone.
    Take my advice, don't read this if you have a soft heart for ponies.
  8. I think I just teared up. Although, despite that, I'm going to look for a download link. Mostly because it seems well written. I can't really fault the guy's imagery.

    Edit: I think I found one. There goes my weekend.

    Edit 2: The introduction and prologue are deceptively sweet.
  9. Adinxs

    Adinxs Bison Rider

    If it is as brutal as you say it is, then that makes it the polar opposite of the show right?
  10. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    Fallout: Equestria is just about one of the best fics Ive read. But dear god is it long.... The (very dark) humor fits with the post apocalyptic setting. And there are plenty of references to the games hidden in there, some subtle and some not so much.

    I followed the thing from quite early on, and I felt alittle empty when it finished.
    Templar_Frost likes this.
  11. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    What's the best about Fallout Equestria, is the references to the Old World through audio playdisks. Just like the Fallout game it self. And I deeply enjoy piecing together the story-line behind the great pony war throughout the book. I'm up to Chapter 5 now.

    You know that filly that was in the last spoiler? Yeah, her name was Sweet Apple.

    Sweet fucking Apple.

    I think I'm gonna need a crying towel.
  12. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer


    I somehow knew the voice actor for twilight sparkle sounded familiar.
  13. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    Thanks for ruining the really nice Fallout Equestria topic I had going there.:>:(:
    BeasterDenBeast likes this.
  14. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    Hey bronies.

    I once hated your kind.

    But now we are at piece. Two friends of mine are bronies (well one is an otaku who also like ponies lol).

    So youdon't need to watch your back.
    Chinizz likes this.
  15. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    How many chapters is the Fallout Equestria story?
  16. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    45 Chapters
    2034 Pages
    600,000 Words

    Read it, I'm up to chapter 12 and it's the best damn thing I've ever read in my life..
  17. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    The book(s) would sell like butter.... if the author was allowed to print and sell it that is. Bet parents would buy the book for some nightime reading for their kids, only to find out its not that kind of a book. (Someone did print a book of the first 20 chapters or so for their own use if I remember correctly.)
    Templar_Frost likes this.
  18. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    Oh yes, If you make a fan-fic or spin off to a book, movie, TV show, or video game, and you get copyright approval from the developer or author, you can reproduce, and/or sell it at your own leisure. The only problem is, My Little Pony is for kids. Fallout Equestria, not so much...
  19. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    To be fair, Kkat could easily rewrite the book into his/her own creation by simply make everyone humans, change some names here and there... make it into a fantasy-post-apocalyptic story.... would work (I would still read it no doubt.)... But then again...without the strong contrast it draws from the source material it wouldnt be as enthralling. The virtues of friendship become oh so much more valuable in a world where everything have gone wrong. Where being able to place even just alittle trust in someone would be Invaluable.

    (I am really overthinking this arent I?)
    Templar_Frost likes this.
  20. AWWWW HECK YEAH!!!!!!
    In the Humble Bundle top contributors, Notch and the HumbleBrony Bundle people were fighting continually donating money in search of the top spot. Last night, Notch was winning but in an epic turn of events.......BRONIES CAME OUT ON TOP! ScreenHunter_17 Jun. 15 16.22.jpg
Mods: BlueLuigi