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Removing bombs

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by yellowwhy1, Sep 30, 2014.


should bombs be removed?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Not sure

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Mods: Rainbows
  1. So you think builders will be more dependent on other classes if knights don't have bombs?
    Now literally they can boulder everyone without the consequences.

    @Galen @Gurin lock pls

    Honestly this suggestion was not thought through at all and I think everyone agrees that it's an awful idea

    Really stop fucking trying to take a shit on the knight class. Its somewhat okay now in a way I can live with......
    neil58 likes this.
  2. yellowwhy1

    yellowwhy1 Catapult Fodder

    It's a real idea and just becouse you don't agree with it does not mean its spam troll or not thought through.
  3. Literally your saying bombs are overpowered just because a knight can use them?

    If you look at anything in the game bombs are the least of your problems.

    You have no idea what your talking about.

    Elaborate just because a knight can bomb jump across the map (which they really can't and will get stomped in the process)

    This in no way what so ever would ever work. And if you just tell me this?
    Archers - special arrows
    Builders - Drills
    Knights - Bombs

    They aren't really balanced as it is (another conversation) and this will ruin everything because a suicide bomber is flat out crazy
    RadioActive and BlueLuigi like this.
  4. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I am sorry, yellowhy, but because you had a shit idea doesn't mean that others can't hate on it.
    Your thing about "say something good about this or leave" is pretty much saying "I don't want anyone hating my idea" which means that everyone will.

    And with Suicide Bombing . . . . . . . .
    Have you seen a bomb in the game?
    Have you seen it being used?
    Have you seen what it does?
    The answer to all of these would obviously be no, seeing how oblivious you are to the game.

    As ked said, the bombs have been in since 2011 , probably even back in ALPHA testing. They definitely are useful, or else they would be thrown out. They are semi-balanced, or else the Devs would remove it (for exception, see: Shotgun) .
    I know that you main Builder (or at least I would think, as the only time I have seen you, you were builder, and you went to apply for Builder Main in Lk), so just wanting a nerf to everything else is idiotic.

    Just something quick about the poll.
    Keeping them in-game = 23 Votes, AKA everyone that even wanted to come in (but pretty much no one would, seeing as it's another shit suggestion, like another class, or giving archers jetpacks, or taking away shields) .

    Removing them = 4 Votes, AKA those 4 people in the corner of the forums, butthurt about everything.
    Or maybe just some trolls here.
    Pharphis likes this.
  5. yellowwhy1

    yellowwhy1 Catapult Fodder

    I said don't be rude... I just asked people to be civil...
  6. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I don't see how anybody here is being uncivil. Being uncivil would be something like, oh, I don't know, trolling, flaming, etc. I don't see any of that here, but at the same time, kaizokuroof apparently wiped up the floor with the mop of shame, so . .
  7. Horse_That_Goes_Ni

    Horse_That_Goes_Ni Your favorite Persian Staff Alumni Donator

    The title of this thread was so idiotic that I was too lazy to read any of the comments (except crimsons lol) and I just voted no because I think we all know that bombs are never going to be removed. Removing bombs from knight would be like McDonald's not selling their french fries anymore but still selling the ketchup that goes with it..78787878
    dual_chiecken likes this.
  8. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    He's just giving his opinion, unless your going to leave something helpful to this discussion, post
    "Can a mod delete this shit post thread", Your just wasting your time.
    yellowwhy1 likes this.
  9. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Shit ide, shit reason. How about you propose something that will balance against bombs and be fun instead of removing one of the very few things left that's fun in the game.

    Also, as fucking always, anything that you can'remove, test removing it on a server, if people join your server, and it outnumbers, and people can test your idea, then it may gain traction. By not testing things you propose to remove you make light of the entire reason for the game to be moddable.

    P.S.: Any mod removing short responses calling ideas like this shit, are shit mods, for forcing someone to respond to threads that have been done a million times, if you can make the change yourself, do so, this has never changed. Don't ask other people to guinea pig your fucking idea if you can't stand up behind it enough to do it yourself.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 30, 2014, Original Post Date: Sep 30, 2014 ---
    If you fart in my face expect an answer in kind, not for me to respond with a discourse on why you shouldn't do what you do, that is a courtesy we can extend in kind, it's not a replacement for using your brain before you post.
    RadioActive, Gurin and 101i like this.
  10. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    I don't see how the hell removing bombs will help this game grow. Bombs is basically the main item used by knights, it helps them do many things while in combat. If it would be removed, balance wouldn't be a word in KAG anymore, the only word would be "Archer".

    Yes, maybe you get killed multiple times by them, @yellowwhy1 . But don't fucking 'complain' about things you know wont be removed. I know you may be young and all, but use common sense

    Bad thread is bad, locking. I know Geti wont remove the item. If any problems hit me up with a pm, thanks..
Mods: Rainbows
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