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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    How is that possible? Is it a griefer under garciats forum name or something?
  2. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I'm not saying I think it's him but we can't forget the possibility that some legit players grief in their spare time.
  3. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I know. I'm not saying it's not possible... But still. It seems fishy to me.
  4. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    1. What was the players name? Ninetailors
    2. What did the player do? Votekicks players for "griefing"
    3. In what server? EU gaming and korea
    4. In what time? Last night/today
    5. Are you sure? (any screenshots/logs as proof)

    I don't have screen caps at the moment. Last night I was playing on the korea server while it was small, building a castle. He logged on, started yelling at all the builders for not going to the front lines (we weren't being rushed or anything), then ran up to me and had me votekicked for griefing on the spot. I had been working for half an hour on the tower.
    A few minutes ago he logged in to the EU gaming server, and votekicked Ducky for griefing. I've played with Ducky enough to know that she doesn't do that.
  5. King

    King Guest

    1. [HA] Valkyrie

    2. False accusation of griefing and votekick + griefing.

    3. Official Euro Server.

    4. Last time: 00:31 Moscow time - 30 min ago.

    5. As usual, I was building its huge trap. One more person helped me by bringing resources. But here came a scum named [HA] Valkyrie and began to break the bridge over the trap. In addition, he constantly said that we don't allow he to be engaged in building. Half an hour he just stood there and broke the bridge on our trap, again and again, and we repaired it. And constantly repeating that we prevent he from playing! His score was around 0, kills 0. My score was around 500. In the end, this moron kicked me.

    Here screenshot:

  6. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    What on earth is going on? This is insane, first Adyzor then Garciat now my own clanmate! Sorry but this is too much of a coincedence. YourKing, either you're abusing votekick or beavers or someone is now hacking peoples accounts.

    You don't check out. His score cannot have been 0 after so much destruction of his own teams drawbridges.
  7. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    Seconding this accusation. He was on EU gaming, votekicking [HA] members and admitting to being sedgewick.
  8. King

    King Guest

    Fall, here's what happens.

    What to do - there are screenshots, an admin will judge.

    You don't read.

    Ok, for half an hour playing his score reached 46. You happy?

    He not only broke my bridge, but also at times put the stone blocks, so that enemies could jump over my trap. So your teammate is a natural bastard and gonna get ban.


    And a huge request - stop whining and protect Sedgewick's from your team.

    You asking what on earth is going on? But i asking why the fuck I can't easy play even an hour?

    Why should I spend half an hour or an hour to build my masterpieces and at any time to catch the kick from some moron?

    No need to protect these people and wonder. During the years of playing MMOs, I think it is easy to see that people from the guild or team, who live in different parts of the world - it's ordinary people, not golden. They are easy to do what they want.

    Draw conclusions.
  9. unwoundpath

    unwoundpath Arsonist

    Hope you don't mind me asking, but why did you edit the chat out of that picture?
  10. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    1. What was the players name? Crimzon13
    2. What did the player do? Stood on top of our own teams mountain and kept dropping stones onto team. Once the other team made it to our base, he made tunnels under all our traps and and destroyed our spikes so they could walk right to our flag.
    3. In what server? EU Gaming
    4. In what time? 3:20pm Pacific
    5. Are you sure? (any screenshots/logs as proof) [​IMG]
    Forgot to put my mouse over his name (menu was broken, see http://kagforum.com/viewtopic.php?pid=8736#p8736), but that was him on the bottom left digging a tunnel for them.
  11. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Bolded parts are my responses.

    I have drawn conclusions. They're against you! Someone else agrees with me, whereas no-one else agrees with you. The only time someone has agreed with you was about kicking beavers clones. If you are a beaver clone too then it makes perfect sense why you should have so much evidence on them, just have two games going on at once. Trying to boost your credibility by making an account, playing legitimately for a bit, banning some of your own clones(if you are beavers)... Then going straight ahead to try and accuse players that have been playing for a while and are not known griefers. It's extremely suspicious, especially when the only posts you have made on this forum have been in this forum section. The evidence stacks against you, not against the three people I am trying to protect.
  12. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I don't know what's going on here (especially as I was present at the report against Adyzor and it looked suspicious to me too) but YourKing also falsely called a kickvote against SonOfBeer the other day too (I specifically remember because I ended up kicking the wrong person by mistake :x - see http://kagforum.com/viewtopic.php?id=727 for details).

    I got the impression playing with King/YourKing that he is a legit player who is waaaaaaaaaay too quick to jump to the conclusion that someone is a griefer/cheater.
  13. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    I was just annoyed because I was trying to correct the problem, yes I understand we had an argument but I admit I'm in the wrong, I don't think King is a legit player to be honest, he may help the team but he does idle quite alot making me suspicious but then he goes back to building...

    After re-reading Loki's and King's posts I would like to confirm that I am a female not a male, if you want proof you can eff off.
  14. King

    King Guest

    You happy? This chat has helped you?


    My english is ok, but its not my main language. I can communicate and understand what people say. And people are also understand me. And it not only language which I own except the native. But how much languages you know? You want to talk about it?

    Other players have also bombed the enemy base. But only he somehow minus score. It is not small, but minus 1000.

    But make no excuses for me - the admin will come and do as he sees fit.

    I explained the problem - I started to build a trap, and half hour in a row this guy kept me finish it, and then kicked me.

    Who is he to spend my time and nerves? Such behavior should be cut off on a root.

    I must write a half-hour video for you? I don't think so.

    My posts are in this section of the forum because some people don't allow to me to play. And it afflicts me...

    I'm always amused by people who consider themselves an authority, just because of the hundreds of messages in dozens of sections of the forum. It's so funny.

    That's all that was required! The rest it was possible not to write all.

    On the rest of your nonsense is not even going to answer.

    The impression that you either silly, or just the troll, or teenager mb.

    Don't remember him. Some screenshots? I votekick only the bad people who or prevent me, or destroy buildings, or help the players from the opposing team. In general, I hate to waste time on these damned reports. But I have no choice, because I can not get pleasure from the game, when my efforts becomes zero, because of another joker or troll.

    I think you know better than me that people on the other side of the monitor are capable of any.

    In MMOs like World of Warcraft, players in guilds sometimes betray each other, or even steal from each other. And shat on players outside the guild - a common occurrence. All MMOs are the same. All the people there are the same. Just anonymous players from the Internet. And I do not care what you made friends with anonymous. Nobody has the right to spoil the game for people. You either were born yesterday, or very naive, just think of your comrades in the game as a innocent lambs.

    I play KAG the 2nd month, 1st time see you in game. Half hour you stand near my trap (which I created from scratch) and breaks it. The question arises. You can see how two people build a trap. Why do you prevent them? Why are you standing for half an hour and broke our bridge? You lacked the space on a giant map? What the hell do you do in the game? I have only one suggestion - a griefer. Waiting for the admin and his solution.

    On it I will finish, good night!

    P.S. Sorry, if not all of what I have said to you is clear. My English is not so good as I would like. ;-)
  15. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    Oh, hey, I'm in that chat.
    Anyways, this is most likely not sedge. His other sock puppet accounts rarely respond to posts, let alone going into this much detail. He also would have insulted someone by now, but King is more just sarcastic than directly insulting. I agree with Shadlington that king is legit, but is a bit on the votekick-happy side.
  16. unwoundpath

    unwoundpath Arsonist

    Geez man, I was just asking if there was a reason.
  17. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    All I have to say is, please, please, please don't call me a griefer, you call me a griefer and I will kick you every map I get on, I am legit player I have played since build 30, I'm not going to become a sedgewick but you on the otherhand... Well I don't even need to begin you've just proved that you're a trolling piece of crap. An admin wont ban me as I play legit unlike some people I can mention. I stand there for half an hour? I'd just got on the map, I don't idle ever unless it's for a few seconds to change my music.

    P.S. Everything's clear you have a hatred for a legit player. I am going to go calm down now byee.
  18. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Sorry for the double post but:

    Name: Soldat
    Reason: Abusing Votekick
    Time: 02:32am GMT
    Map: Official Euro Server
    Evidence: Sorry I got really angry and just quit.
  19. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Hey I remember this King guy. Way in the first month or so. He was a dick ordering people around like he thinks he's the boss. And there were griefing complaints against him back then.
  20. Soldat

    Soldat Guest

    WOW..... are you SERIOUS? really? yea i don't think so you know damn well the only reason you WERE voted kicked was because PEOPLE WANTED YOU GONE.. they saw what you were doing I was fortunate enough to be the first one to cast it before you destroyed our base jerk.... so yea why don't you masquerade under your good player ego and boost your fake allegiance to a non griefing clan some more, PATHETIC loser get a life.

    Name : [HA] Valykrie
    MAP: OES
    Evidence: I will try and find the logs asap.
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