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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. sado

    sado Shopkeep Stealer

    Man, chill out, Lireal admitted she was wrong, also she's saying that she's a girl, which doesn't give you any chances in the internet to win this debate :D (unless you say the same, girl fights are always exciting) Finally, I understand your anger, everyone has to live through that in these hard times for KAG community, when griefers are not less of a problem than random kicks, but I think all is really settled and you telling that the other side is wrong (when the other side told you it was wrong) won't help the situation to improve much. Why won't you just say "it's fine" and move along? After all, if we all behaved like that, this community would be a better place. Don't pay attention to people like Loki - some say he is stupid (I'd say he's just too quick-thinking and probably still young), and when you are telling bad things about someone of his crew, he won't stay silent (that's just his character). And about [HA] tag, it's used by all these so-called "beavers" as the tag of popular clan, so not much can be done with that. (Someone please implement clantag protection? NOW!?)

    Now, to feed the troll a bit. Sedgewick Beavers: man, I wonder if anyone saw you actually playing more than once in last weeks, when you were so busy kicking people randomly. Everyone feel free to show me I'm wrong, I'll be glad to eat my shoes when someone proves that. As a once-a-griefer, sorry, nobody's going to take your word for anything, and you need to have very solid proofs for everything. And don't expect anyone will believe even these proofs. Your words count as much as politician's words do.
  2. King

    King Guest


    Man, all okay! We have already agreed that we will not interfere with each other. ;-)
    So the theme is closed, it is possible to continue to use it for the designated purpose.

  3. Oh dear, Mr.sado I don't know quite what to think about that comment the fact that you think I actually give a flying fuck if she continues to votekick abuse? No infact I hope she goes unpunished as She is just helping ruin the player base :) so +1 to you Valkrie and as to me not being credible well NO SHIT you see but heres the thing, If you don't take my so called "proofs" then that just makes you delusional as fuck, the evidence I gave is solid 100% PROOF, now rather anything is done with it or not isn't my call, I just thought I would SHARE such special events to prove the dearly beloved HA clan and such other so called LEGIT players are grieving and abusing the system themselves, I can compare you to part of the JURY at the Casey Anthony case, The whole sane world knows the bitch did something yet wasn't even charged with jack or shit because of people like you :) just helping hide the real grievers as the judicial system of KAG is fucked anyways.
  4. Bene

    Bene Guest

    I don't know what to think about YourKing. I've seen you playing well and calling votes for people who really griefed. But in one game some days ago you began to order people arround and accuse them of "not beeing good slaves" because they didn't follow your "orders". After you tried to votekick them with reasons like "bad slave" several times someone called a vote on kicking you for abusing the vote system, which I happily joined with yes. Just treat people with a little respect and learn the rules of fair play and nobody will think you're stupid and/or trolling.
  5. King

    King Guest

    I called the slaves of my two teammates with whom I also play on Minecraft russian servers. It was a little roleplay, be sure! They had to bring my resources so I built a wall and moat, but they balked and I decided to "punish" one. If you remember, the dialogue was pretty funny. So don't worry about Alex. ;-)

    And thank you for your support! :)
  6. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    OK people. Real Talk. FACTS.

    1. Sedgewick is griefer and he is very bad for this etc etc.


    2. Sedgewick is not every single griefer in the game. He is probably more than one, but not all of them. Griefing is not an original concept and there are griefers in every game you play.

    3. There are legitimate players who grief in their spare time. For example I love LittleBigPlanet and have played it to death, unlocking like 90% of the unlocks (and trying damn hard at the other 10%) but sometimes I like to go online and run up ahead and slap people when they try to jump on the platform I'm on. I find it hilarious.

    4. Sedgewick is generally not a trustworthy person where it concerns this game BUT that doesn't mean his FACTS aren't real. Busting other griefers, especially those who are fairly established as legit players.

    I'm not saying I think Lireal is a griefer, but it is a basic fallacy to outright dismiss the possibility that he or she is, as well as anyone else. Critical thinking and open mindedness, people.

    Even if you nail every flamboyant griefer (ie. just Sedgewick) you will not even make a DENT unless you look at the vast majority of sneaky griefers.

    edit: I guess you might not be the other king, not exactly an original name, especially given the game.
  7. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Can we get bans on forum accounts? I hate bigots... If that would be the right word for beavers....
  8. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Sedgewick are you american? Please tell me you are, cos my fat jokes could use some dusting off right about now :D
  9. Bene

    Bene Guest

    Ah, ok. I didn't see that. I can't follow every message in the game especially when it doesn't seem related to me and I'm concentrated on a battle (I find too much messages and smalltalk in a hard fight really anoying, because you miss the important stuff) But from the parts I read you looked like a really unkind person. So sorry. Keep in mind that some players don't want to take part in your roleplays and I think calling votes is in some way involving the rest of the players.
  10. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I never outright dismiss the possibility that someone is a griefer, but I am going to dismiss inconclusive evidence of a known griefer every day of the week. Reputation matters on the internet. It's harder to prove that someone who's a regular decent player is a griefer, unless the evidence is coming from someone else trustworthy, otherwise you're agreeing with griefers too readily. Lireal has already apologised for kicking King and admitted what she did was wrong, therefore the situation with King is explained. Whether it's sedgewick every time or not, the clones of him or his flunkies are always accusing people with internet cred and HA for some reason and have been proven false many a time, so to then readily accept any old screenshot or code is downright stupid. In order for sedgewick to get someone whos been around a while banned, i'd say he'd need video evidence, as you cannot doubt it one bit, or the support of other people who are already trustworthy.

    We are only calling everyone sedgewick because he started up a pattern and so do all the clones. Whether they are just copying him or not, the pattern is pretty darn obvious. It's the same thing every time. We also recognise the way he behaves in the chat, so it's highly likely that a lot of the people we've seen are actually sedgewick. Even if they're copying him the influence is from him mostly, so I would say that this influx has been 70% to do with sedgewick. Other people who have been kicked for griefing have been doing other things, such as destroying buildings with bombs or knocking out builder supports.

    Legitimate players who grief in their spare time, what do you propose to do about that? You need hard evidence. I agree you don't want to let people get away with it, but if you crackdown on people after only the basics of evidence you are alienating the community and basically telling them you don't trust them. If you get repeated hard evidence of a legit player griefing, then you can act.

    Finally, I apologise for accusing you of being Sedgewick, King. I will admit I acted rash by doing that, but it's clear to me from other people speaking about you that you are highly strung and perhaps a little cocky yourself. Even still, I played with you this morning, you were fine. I'm willing to call a truce. I'm asking, please, if the two of you, you and Loki, could cool it down, we don't need arguments like this. We're not going to be some internet tough clan. If you still think that King is sedgewick, you're free to believe that, but we're just going back and forth now, so it's pointless.
  11. King

    King Guest

    Whats wrong, Valkyrie? I thought we agreed on.

    Why have you walked past our trap, threw the bomb, and left the game?


    Official Euro Server.

    21:54 Moscow time - 8 min ago.
  12. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    Hey, I'm American and I weigh 105 :<
    EDIT: That's in POUNDS.
  13. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Shush beefburger inhaler! (or is it cheese burger? hhmmmmm)
  14. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    105 POUNDS. So here, let me put it into your terms.
    47.73 Kilograms.

    Now stop being such jerks :<
  15. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Silence you over sized rebellious colony!
    (saddly I could find no sland terms on americans from the UK :( )
  16. unwoundpath

    unwoundpath Arsonist

    I'm American too. (Europeans -_- :P )
  17. King

    King Guest

    It was very difficult to determine who is breaking our outposts and other buildings.

    Some knight resurrected and bombed our buildings, and fast go suicide (again and again).

    1. Nocturna

    2. Griefer - bombing the buildings and teammates.

    3. Official Euro Server.

    4. Last time: 22:33 Moscow time - 1 hour 20 min ago.

    5. Most likely he used a speedhack, because moved and bombed too quickly. So after 3 collapsed outposts for a moment I could see his nickname, but could not make a screenshot, because he instantly suicide again.

    In the beginning all tried to understand, who it does:


    Then for a second has seen its nickname, but hasn't had time to make a screenshot.

    But his exploits were perfectly visible through the menu.

    Each time when he bombed the next our bridge, a door or a building, its score decreased.


    Some have noticed it, and then he was kicked (but need ban):



    I don't speak with trolls anymore - don't waste your letters.
  18. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    King I pressed F by accident as I was moving, I then went onto our HA server because I assumed Loki would be on there.
  19. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    Loki got kicked off the Official Euro server by Soldat.

  20. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    I trhowed a bomb on my tower 2 once...Guess i am a griefer :o

    Server:[HA] Euro server
    Reason:droped a bomb on his tower! :O
    Punishment:Needs to listen Loki 72 hours about how every player is a griefer!
    HA1TERS request: bullet+head
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