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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. MikeTyson

    MikeTyson Guest

    Its called reading the forum and website before I wanted to try the game out moron, is that not allowed in your little world? I don't like griefing and that's why I was reading this section to know about things that go on before i went ahead and downloaded the game.. yea does that make sense to you retard? I don't care what you are tired of maybe if you weren't such a gun jumper people wouldn't be getting angry with you derp? and Fine ill go ahead and be beavers just because you can't get it out of your small mind that not everyone is beavers apparently so yea im beavers for you buddy, now can you please grow the fuck up a little bit? I def wont be playing this game anymore as well as I will tell my buddies in other gaming organizations on quakenet etc not to even bother as well as all the coders who make games I know, thansk for ruining a game I thought would have potential.
  2. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Can we get Loki a ban on the forums for at least a day? I don't like saying this but he's acting up, I'd rather believe Hater over Loki because Hater doesn't get d/c'ed all the time and isn't always complaining. No offence Loki but it's true.
  3. MikeTyson

    MikeTyson Guest

    I agree maybe a few days or a week ban for Loki to let this guy chill out what a spazzoid.
  4. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    i smell kind of fraud.

    w/e ban me one day so were done, gone use nothing else then the clan and texture section.
    aswell i'll delete my posts, i dont wanna disturb anyone anymore.

    @ Xcalibur : sorry for the report, it rly looked odd and kind of like a hack, unknown bugs ffs :x

    @ Haiter : dont drive crazy man, as u've readed now aswell it was an odd bug which looked like a hack for me and wolf-man aswell.

    So cya ingame guys.
  5. MikeTyson

    MikeTyson Guest

    caught him here as well [​IMG]
  6. MikeTyson

    MikeTyson Guest


    thanks for the screen shot sir rimski
  7. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    Already talking in irc to admins, this is a fake or someone hacked my account Wargod Loki..... beavers harasment finds his highest point -.-
  8. Sir Remski

    Sir Remski Guest

    I just found out that Loki has been hacked, the reason was that the Loki ingame was typing at the exact same time the real Loki was typing in the IRC which proves that it wasn't Loki griefing.
  9. Hey all, My account has been hacked for the last 1 month after I singed my letter saying I stopped grieving I would like cleared of all charges and accusations thank you for your support all.
  10. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    Is it bad that I want to believe him? I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt ._.
  11. Nebuchadnezzar

    Nebuchadnezzar Shopkeep Stealer

    Yeah no, last time he acted normal and innocent just to votekick people without suspicion. I say we just ban him and whatever accounts we can get that are his it's all we can do :l
  12. Sir Remski

    Sir Remski Guest

    -_- It hasn't been a month since you posted that letter thing...
  13. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    Maybe he means about a month? Although I'm starting to feel that post was sarcasm
  14. Corleone

    Corleone Guest

    he did that without even one word. just came on server, join to team, then start to grief everything...
    i know that enemy's flag was on top of this tower, but he didnt even ask about the flag. moreover, noone in game complain that flag was there. so im not sure why he did that at all...
  15. Sir Remski

    Sir Remski Guest

    Great, now someone else's been hacked...
  16. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    LOL GUYS! theres a hacking wave incoming! i suggest all change theyr password to a SICK password noone ever will can unlock!

    so far these people seemed to be hacked :

    (Stays under edit : ... )

    [HA] Wargod Loki (me)
    [HA] t0rchic
    [HA] Valkyrie (forum Lyreal)
    [HA] unwoundpath
    [gC] Furai ..... (wow furai gets hacked.... wow wow wow.... this should show you guys the problem size...)
  17. Thorn

    Thorn Guest

    Furai would never do this... Ugh things look bleak for the community right now. >.<
  18. Sir Remski

    Sir Remski Guest

    I think Poe's been hacked too... There is no forum post.

    Even I thought Poe couldn't get hacked but it seems so to me... I think he was. Such an idiot telling people it wasn't a scam.
  19. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    That is a scam. Poe would never spell Jeopardy like that.

    Sir remski, this is what he's trying to do. Coming from trusted accounts everywhere.
  20. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    unless it is Poe's evil twin brother P0e who has come to screw us all
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