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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. XCalibur54

    XCalibur54 Guest

    I just found out who it really is. Someone I know in real life who hates me overheard me talking about KAG to one of my friends. He is faking my IP and trying to ruin my fun or perhaps something worse. I emailed him just now, and have yet to receive a reply.

    Sedgewick, you're off the hook this time. . .

    EDIT: He replied to my email. It was in the same bad-grammar nonsense that his post was in, but he admitted to faking my IP. He also threatened to post my IP here publicly unless I "admit" that I harassed him.
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Took you some time to come up with that made up story. *clap clap* Bravo!
    EDIT: Tell me the truth and I'll reconsider banning only your fake account.
  3. XCalibur54

    XCalibur54 Guest

    If by " fake account", you mean apollo, then by all means, please ban it. Concerning the "story", do you need to see the actual email for proof? After all, why would I create a multi to try to get myself banned? Do you think I'm crazy?
  4. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    So tell me the way how he did fake your IP. I'm still not believing you.
  5. XCalibur54

    XCalibur54 Guest

    I have no idea how to fake an IP. I assume he used some sort of program or something. I do, however, know how he got it. A couple months ago I played against him in Hearts of Iron 2 (a computer game), which requires that the user put in the host's IP to join a server. So I told it to him. Big mistake.
  6. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Furai, cool it! Jesus.. only your third day and you're already harassing a member of the community >>
  7. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    Yeah, give him a break.. Just keep an eye on him. ;) Never heard of ip faking either, so just ban the 2nd account and if another one shows up again, ban him altogether. That's what I think, though I wouldn't go as far as saying you're harrasing him.
  8. XCalibur54

    XCalibur54 Guest

    Yes, just do that. I don't mind someone keeping and eye on me, because I don't do anything wrong in KAG (I just thought of poe's avatar :))
  9. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Multi-accounting is a bannable offence and Xcalibur's story sounds bogus.
    Would you know how to fake someone's ip? Do you think someone he claims is illegible would be able to? What would even be the point?
  10. XCalibur54

    XCalibur54 Guest

    He can write just fine, he wanted me to think it wasn't him who "reported" me.

    EDIT: I did a google search and found how he would have faked my IP: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110212162541AAE7w24
  11. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    XCalubur54, your fake account (made obviously by you but you have no guts to admit it) will be banned. Your main account from now on will be watched.

    For the record - to fake one's IP he either had to hack database of our forum (which is highly unlikely because it's SECURE). Other way would be to have physical access to XCalibur54's connection, like VPN, wifi (neighbour using your connection) or anything similar.
  12. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    Love you guys.
    Also, saw a player named [duke] duke nukem12.
    Not sure if it's another one of beavers', or someone just likes the name duke.
  13. Beef

    Beef Guest

    Everyone else seemed to have just quit and not bother posting here, but

    [6290] Unnamed player is now known as [vip] vipunko
    [20515] <[solis] manded> help
    [20592] <[solis] manded> outpost
    [20751] <[solis] manded> shitty warrior
    [20857] <[solis] manded> killed it
    [20922] <[solis] manded> from us
    [21365] <[solis] ryoluke> a warrior griefed our outpost
    [22025] <[solis] ryoluke> from our team
    [22650] <[solis] manded> admin
    [22666] <[solis] ryoluke> omfg
    [22729] <[solis] manded> ban
    [22805] <[solis] manded> the fucking
    [22858] <[solis] manded> warriorr
    [22867] <Smokingspoon> really? : (
    [22972] <[solis] manded> its the warrrior
    [23231] <Beef> There's more than one warrior
    [23333] <Beef> What was their name?
    [23439] [solis] ryoluke left the game
    [23449] <Makeer> lol
    [23483] [solis] manded left the game
    [23831] <Beef> Hmmm
    [24045] <Smokingspoon> this suck : (
    [25353] <Beef> Who took out the main blue castle?
    [25487] <Beef> Was it one of the two solis guys?
    [26928] <Beef> [vip]. was it you?
    [27553] <Beef> I see
    [27596] <Beef> It was
    [27934] <Beef> Well, screencaped and taking to the forums.

    And here we are. A knight bombing his own place. I tried to get debris flying as well to show it was this guy doing it multiple times. What I didn't get; Them a minute before doing something as a builder to destroy tiles. It involved putting down catapult parts to break apart tiles. Didn't get a good look at it.


    I didn't think to get their name in it, so I'll understand if you don't just take it on my word or anything. Also I missed the actual demolition of the castle itself, and just saw what I posted about above, so it's possible he was a legit player in a non talkative mood and with... unorthodox build techniques. He could have just been leveling the aftermath from the griefer to start over but eh, he didn't reply so posting about it here. Better safe than sorry.
  14. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Unfortunately not enough evidences to ban them...
  15. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    Beef, was the [vip] you mentioned oppai? He was on the 10v10 server last night spamming the bomb glitch and blowing up things, threatened to ban him and he quit doing it.
  16. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    Need [loki] edmuscles banned. It's another beaver that's been going after HA and SK members. He joined a server, immediately destroyed our base, and started screaming I did it. I got a votekick up right as he did it. My screenshots are messed up, but HA Overlord and Fal were both present when it happened. Can also just look at SK clan forums, they're reporting votekicks from him, too.
  17. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    "omegaism" smashed defenses and covered the general area with spikes. Thankfully the spikes helped us a bit.
    Got three screenshots of him in action instead of stopping him.



    The collapse

    Anyways yeah, Fallere was there too.
  18. Sir Remski

    Sir Remski Guest

    1. alek
    2. Speedhacking
    3. Dwatring's 10v10 Lounge
    4. About 10 mins ago.
  19. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    1. [loki]EdsMuscles
    2. Vote-kick Abuse, trolling
    3. Official euro server and Dwatring's 10v10 Lounge
    4. About 40 mins ago.

    He called the vote-kick in official euro server, in about 1 second I was kicked, didn't think to get a screenshot of the actual vote box in time, because of the speed I was kicked. The reason was something like "Griefing! exploiting the bomb bug exploit!!! kick him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


    I joined 10v10 lounge after since it had some players in. He then joined the 10v10 lounge to gloat, so we vote-kicked him back.

    Open the images in new tabs to see the text better.

    The reason the first screenshot doesn't show me as disconnected was because I used pg up to get the screenshot of me being kicked from the 10v10 lounge. Since I didn't think that a screenshot of me having been passed to leave the game was enough evidence at the time, only when he came in to gloat about it did I think there was enough evidence to report him.
  20. Sir Remski

    Sir Remski Guest

    I thought there was no votekick in the 10v10 lounge. I've also seen him grief on a server somewhere, he quickly stopped as he noticed I saw him.
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