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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. LLC

    LLC Shipwright

    1. Soulipsist
    2.Griefing ( If my memory serves me correctly, he is not a new griefer)
    3[VirtuaTI.com.br] Global - 64 Slots!
    4. 1:25 AM-1:40AM, Nov 22

    [11432] <Swiftninja0> STOP IT UR GREIFING
    [11472] <Soulipsist> EyceAether: eyceaether
    [11546] <Tehzl> jw, what is a griefer?
    [11612] <Soulipsist> silentz666: is the griefer
  2. Ziven

    Ziven Shipwright

    1. Esculapio
    2. Griefing
    3. [FR]www.le-monde-azura.fr (
    4. 2011-11-22 20:53 (CET)
    Hrafnar likes this.
  3. 1.Tragen
    2.Grieffed our bridge full of builders
    3[VirtuaTI.com.br] Global - 64 Slots!
    4. 2011/11/22 7:46

    Stevedog likes this.

  4. I can support this, i was on the server at the time and saw him do it.
    Rambo likes this.
  5. 1: Team jaedizzle
    2: Glitched/Hacked
    3: [VirtuaTI.com.br] Global - 64 Slots!
    4: 23/11/11 @ 2:40pm
    5: he dug 1 by 1 holes as shown below. He was hidden, but my team knew who was doing it.

    Attached Files:

  6. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    1. c_prodegy
    2. Grieffer (Contruct Stone up to base and destroy for kill all)
    3. [VirtuaTI.com.br] Global - 64 Slots!
    4. Now : 10:20 GMT -4 (23/11/11 - DD-MM-YY)
    5. Video :

  7. Grendell100

    Grendell100 Haxor

    1. jordandu66
    2. spammer
    3. Heart Attack
    4. 5 minutes ago
    5. Yes. I am sure.

    Screen: http://2i.cz/a0deb69c4f (look at the chat)
  8. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    1: 4k/strack
    2: Switched teams to greif.
    3: Action CTF -Unlimited Respawns.
    4: About 5 min ago.
    5: No screens, but I got log. Scroll down at bottom.\, then look for his name being said. I had screen but they were inverted then corruped along with every other one of my non-greif-proof screens. D:

    Log: [110146] <4k/strack> yeah lets griefe
    [110209] <Jackal> Oh FUCK! That was the most intense thing ever.
    [110212] <arch ws> griefer, i said
    [110256] <bknifefight> yeah?
    [110258] <4k/strack> the other team
    [110447] New player joined the game
    [110466] Unnamed player is now known as zwhitez2
    [110722] <bknifefight> lol
    [111150] 4k/strack joined red team
    [111168] Liszek left the game
    [111172] IWillPokeYou joined blue team
    [111215] TRBR saymon left the game
    [111223] <Jackal> I was flying at warp speed from a middair bomb jump, and the thing crumbled right before I landed, so I smaked into a spikey wall. O.O
    [111229] <Elf Neiko> lol
    [111475] New player joined the game
    [111489] Unnamed player is now known as Razinao
    [111645] New player joined the game
    [111663] Unnamed player is now known as wizardd
    [112344] <Be Totom2> no
    [112395] wizardd left the game
    [112413] <Jackal> Err... bs.
    [112641] <Be Totom2> 4k/strack: stop
    [112844] <4k/strack> REVENGE
    [112902] <zwhitez2> grifer
    [112930] New player joined the game
    [112950] Unnamed player is now known as Paul_the_Peasant
    [113029] <Be Totom2> fuck you
    [113105] <MOLE sj67> I got screen!
    [113191] 4k/strack left the game
    [113213] <Corpse> Jackal: good
    [113306] <Paul_the_Peasant> hi all
    [113393] <Paul_the_Peasant> hi team
    [113407] <Jackal> Lol.
    [113416] New player joined the game
    [113435] Unnamed player is now known as 4k/strack
    [113440] <MOLE sj67> Paul!
    [113443] <Elf Neiko> TWT
    [113479] <zwhitez2> hi paul
    [113561] <MOLE sj67> Paul_the_Peasant: We just got greifed bad!
    [113845] 4k/strack joined blue team
    [113991] <Be Totom2> kick 4k/strack plz
    [114087] <Paul_the_Peasant> damn is the griefer still there?
    [114171] New player joined the game
    [114171] <4k/strack> KIC
    [114200] Unnamed player is now known as PL adamkad1
    [114205] <xXCreeperMasterXx> BYE
    [114333] <MOLE sj67> It's 4strack
    [114346] <4k/strack> KICK ZWHITEZ2
    [114510] <PL adamkad1> lol
    [114525] <4k/strack> he is griefer =)
    [114632] <MOLE sj67> I ahve screenshot and I'm about to but him on forums to be banned.
    [114633] <zwhitez2> i try to stop u noob
    [114766] <4k/strack> he griefed blue team
    [114797] <Be Totom2> no it's you
    [114846] <4k/strack> and joined red
    [114872] <Zuil> jackal, stand still damn it
    [114905] xXCreeperMasterXx left the game
    [115470] 4k/strack left the game

    Attached Files:

    Hrafnar likes this.
  9. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    1. IgniiL (Premium User!!!)
    2. SpeedHack
    3. Soviet Russia
    4. 23.11.2011 20:13 (Moskow Time)
    5. log
    some screens with this MoFo very fast moving!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    and look here http://kagforum.com/index.php?threads/report-ignill-use-of-speed-hack.2254/
  10. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    1. Gertads
    2. Destroying allied structures.
    3. Action! CTF - Unlimited Respawns!
    4. 4:27 EST
    5. http://imgur.com/a/AaUkd#0

    [452450] New player joined the game
    [452482] Unnamed player is now known as Leatra
    [455279] <WOLF Maverick> damn that archer
    [455399] gator left the game
    [455420] frosty left the game
    [455700] Cold Coolder left the game
    [456046] Gertads joined red team
    [456165] <Gertads> o sheer asrcher
    [457165] New player joined the game
    [457183] Unnamed player is now known as Tekagi
    [457390] <Gertads> Yes
    [457877] Tekagi joined blue team
    [459355] New player joined the game
    [459366] Unnamed player is now known as King_Smash
    [461323] <LeChameau> votekick gertalis
    [461690] <Gertads> I AM BLUE TEAM JAJAJAJA
    [462066] King_Smash left the game
    [462617] <MOLE Jackard> Gertads: gertads grief everyone kick
    [462954] Mts3211 left the game
    [463113] <MOLE Jackard> he is breaking all walls and doors kick quick
    [463119] <Gertads> I AM BLUE TEAM
    [463148] <THE B Vifam> don't make me pulls the toys out
    [464418] <Joekirk> Hit tab and check the box next to Gertads guys.
    [464832] <Joekirk> For fuck's sake you people are idiots.
    [464895] New player joined the game
    [464906] Unnamed player is now known as tooche
    [465142] LeChameau joined blue team
    [465304] <Gertads> HOW TO CHANGE TEAM??¡¡
    [465730] <WOLF Maverick> fail?
    [465806] <WOLF Maverick> backspace
    [466124] <THE B Vifam> Okay, that was stupid
    [466192] Uldai left the game
    [466217] New player joined the game
    [466239] Kitty-Chan joined red team
    [466250] Unnamed player is now known as Uldai
    [466386] <Joekirk> How is 3/4 of the people that play this game have no fucking idea how to kick someone?
    [466949] <Kitty-Chan> Uldai: I'm red now?
    [467022] Abenr joined blue team
    [467275] <Gertads> I AM BLUE TEAM
    [467283] New player joined the game
    [467330] Unnamed player is now known as adnes
    [467629] <Gertads> RED TEAM NO BLUE TEAM
    [467681] New player joined the game
    [467694] Unnamed player is now known as Utahrapter3
    [467758] <WOLF Maverick> go aj
    [468209] Uldai left the game
    [468221] <Kitty-Chan> why am I red I was blue....
    [468413] <AJ> gg
    [468484] <Gertads> Kitty-Chan: HOW TO CHANGE TEAM??¡¡
    [468524] <THE B Vifam> I HELD THEM OFF
    [468753] <WOLF Maverick> gg
    [468920] Utahrapter3 left the game
    [469020] <THE B Vifam> THANK ME
    [469117] <Gertads> THANKS FOR ME
    [469495] adnes left the game
    [469542] <THE B Vifam> I kind of hate this map
    [469655] <THE B Vifam> Don't know why
    [469697] <Joekirk> Actually thanks to the fucktarded Gertads whom broke our doors and the dumbfuck team that wouldn't kick him, it was a victory.
    [469704] <WOLF Maverick> AJ:
    [469966] Gertads left the game
    [470077] New player joined the game
    [470108] Unnamed player is now known as adnes
    [470229] New player joined the game
    [470238] Unnamed player is now known as Utahrapter3
    [470338] THE B Vifam left the game
    [470812] <AJ> gtg
    [470874] AJ left the game
    [470984] Joekirk left the game
    [471856] <WOLF Maverick> wow
    [474763] <Utahrapter3> ohai
  11. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    I can support that.
  12. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    Most of the time KAG guard do nothing sad but true..They kick him and then..nothing..He came back after
  13. 1.Minibaq (was with panda)
    2.I dont know if this is grieffing but he destroyed part of the bridge for no reason
    3[VirtuaTI.com.br] Global - 64 Slots!
    4. 2011/11/23 7:1o
  14. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I make a post about malpa190 last friday. He griefed again a couple hours ago. Sadly, i lost my screenshot this time, but why arent those guys banned?
    IloveElectro, Stevedog and Rambo like this.
  15. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Someone who actually knows official policy will have to confirm/correct this, but my understanding was that people banned for a first offense were only banned for a couple of days (3 I think?) and that it's for further offenses that bigger bans are applied.
  16. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Last friday is the key term.
    Only consistent, heavy cases with repeat offenses, and hacking, are perma-banned.
    Feel free to report them again, and they're one step closer to never using that account again. :)
  17. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    I can understand that policy for premium griefers - they have something to lose. But won't the rest simply spam accounts?

    That is why all of these griefers have a name followed by a string of numbers, is it not?
    Foxodi likes this.
  18. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester

    Player: WGGX Wolfsky (with premium account)
    Using speed hack. His lag is ±33ms.

  19. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

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