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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Salted

    Salted Haxor

    1.- payk-meteor
    2.- speedhack
    3.- Gfrost
    4.- 22:30 GMT
  2. Mr_Henki

    Mr_Henki Shark Slayer

    Why wasn't fredtin banned?I saw him on the server today~!
  3. Mr_Henki

    Mr_Henki Shark Slayer

    1.=bro= Lime_999
    2. Cheating(shoots through the ground)
    3.CZ/SK Server 24/7
  4. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Banned people with enough evidences. Post me video whenever you can.
    Fulfen and Noburu like this.
  5. NinjaMaster

    NinjaMaster Shipwright

    I am been bander on 6 servers cus of him
  6. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Evidence like screenshots or logs are required,the game automatically creates a log but im not sure if its sufficient proof.
    And i don't really see what sort of abuse you are talking about.
  7. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    - Miaow dominance2 and david2404
    - both in the same team using speedhack
    - Action Unlimited 2
    - just now

    Attached Files:

  8. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Screenshot proves nothing. Fortunately enough we had there some guards who reported them (with proper proofs) and they got banned.
    Noburu likes this.
  9. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    What reason do I have to report people I dont know? The screenshot just proves I was in the game with them and I saw them using speedhack. Some people said they would come here to support my report. I guess they didnt come.
  10. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    - ​
    - speedhack
    - RadioInactive
    - some hours ago
  11. Trojan

    Trojan Shipwright

    1. What was the players name?
    2. What did the player do?
    stalemate game, he changed team and destroyed our bridge above spike trap(to lock us in base) then he destroyed all team structures.
    3. In what server?
    Action CTF (!) Unlimited Respawns (or similiar serv name)
    4. In what time?
    25-30mins ago
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
    Iscann4Griefers likes this.
  12. TooManyCats

    TooManyCats Arsonist

    1. Pulzifer
    2. Repeatedly destroyed specific, targeted areas in order to harass his own teammates again and again
    3. One of the /v/ ones; I didn't check the name of the exact one before entering
    4. About 12:45 PM CST, about 30 minutes ago
    5. Yes


    The first time I saw him grief, targeting and killing one teammate by destroying the tower they were working on. I grabbed the screenshot a split second too late for him using a laughing emote to show up in the screenshot.


    The second time. At first I didn't understand that he was griefing. "Alright, he's just harvesting stone in a painfully slow way; so he doesn't know he can get stone much faster by mining near our base, no big deal." After I watched 4+ teammates jump into that void he'd created and use that laughing emote again, that's when I realized, "Oh, he's griefing again." It certainly doesn't help that he was using that workshop exploit to delete bedrock through a glitch, ensuring teammates would die.


    Screenshot of him expanding the void, to expand on his griefing efforts in the last screenshot.


    After realizing teammates were starting to take the path I was making for them instead of dying to his grief void, he decided to grief my path instead, causing that collapse.


    After calling him out on it in public chat, he fled with his tail between his legs to avoid being banned. You have my word that I have absolutely 0% doubt whatsoever that this player is a griefer.
    Noburu likes this.
  13. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    [ST] triech
    Gold Griefer
    Midwest USA - Capture the flag
    5 minutes ago
    I called Neat but he stopped as soon as he got in.
    Bombed our shops, destroyed our bridges and collapsed our towers.
    screen-12-01-16-18-23-16.png screen-12-01-16-18-23-38.png screen-12-01-16-18-23-44.png screen-12-01-16-18-23-45.png screen-12-01-16-18-24-28.png
  14. Xiphosuran

    Xiphosuran Shopkeep Stealer

    1. Beton, xMaric, Midgardde, RichardSTF, Erificon
    Edit: Zennyization was squeezing in the following round as well, got a screenshot
    2. Squeezing multiple times in multiple rounds
    3.[EU] Gfrost Global Playground 24/7 yop (kag://
    4. 5:00-5:40 CST (and at/after time of posting)
    5. I only got screens of xMaric and Benton before the round ended, but Midgardde and RichardSTF and Erificon were squeezing.

    Attached Files:

  15. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    - "RK bobbyjonny" and "griefers"
    - bobbyjonny griefed our skybridge and griefers were using speedhack.
    - Action (!) Unlimited Respawns (or similiar serv name)
    - 1 hour ago

  16. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Done. I don't have time lately to do it. Sorry.
  17. talas

    talas Shipwright

    1. robingaanderse
    2. griefed only big tower we had by digging straight through it.
    3. Beo's CTF Server
    4. aproximately 18:10 (GMT+1) 17/01/20012
    5. Are you sure? yes, here is a chatlog excerpt:
    [267143] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> ROBING STOP!
    [267173] <robingaanderse> its coming a door
    [267336] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> NO!
    [267532] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> STOP!
    [267702] <robingaanderse> wait
    [267764] <robingaanderse> a door
    [267915] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> no door!
    [268004] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> door are here
    [268131] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> stop!
    [268144] <=furtive> wtf
    [268269] <pupujka> kick the griefer
    [268300] robingaanderse left the game
    [268394] <hero101> glifer
    [268572] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> he is fuckij gold you cant kick him
    [268878] <KorDe> same guy just tried to break my trap too
    [268934] New player joined the game
    [268960] Unnamed player is now known as sable
    [269130] <andrey> lager
    [269164] <X-rayCat> who was that?
    [269175] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> report robingaanderse on forum?
    [269418] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> robingaanderse
    [269435] hecate left the game
    [269482] <pupujka> grief and exit f this guy
    [269789] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> please report him
    [270421] <=furtive> srsly?
    [270588] <=furtive> how did you charge in half a second
    [270632] <KorDe> he just broke our entire fucking base.
    [270924] X-rayCat left the game
    [270563] Vote started: Next map?

    Reason: that idiot griefed our tower, we lost

    Casted by: CZ/SK MC_RetarT
    [271037] *Restarting Map*
    [271037] *Restarting Map*
  18. Zanman777

    Zanman777 Shopkeep Stealer

    1. What were the players' names?

    2. What did the players do?
    They were griefing their team, and were unkickable. Kept laughing about it. Then mike_hawk switched teams to grief the other team. You might want to do something about it, this is beyond indiscipline, it's chaos. And it's the second time those two have a complaint here.

    3. In what server?
    Can't remember.

    4. At what time?
    17:30-19:00 approx. Greenwich time

    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
    Yep. Here's the chatlog:


    Shad: I caught these guys myself too. So they're banned.
  19. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    Ok man we understand stop posting 100000 posts lol !

    EDIT: I know who is Mike-Hawk and I didn't knew he was a griefer that sad...
  20. Zanman777

    Zanman777 Shopkeep Stealer

    Sorry, Ilovelectro. Only saw your post after posting it all :P
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