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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. hounds03

    hounds03 Catapult Fodder

  2. PigeonsPick

    PigeonsPick Shipwright

    Nice picture. You can obviously see that someone has greifed, but how can we be sure that it is him?
    Have you got a text log that we can have a look at?

    Also, it is good that you are doing this, but could you edit this post and use the correct report format?

    Pigeon's Pick
  3. hounds03

    hounds03 Catapult Fodder

    if you want more information and you are an ADMIN (not you pigeonspick) Please message me if you want more
  4. Tezar

    Tezar Builder Stabber

    Who: Ryukk
    What: griefing
    Where: quickjoined, don't know
    When: around 19PM
    Proof: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6221690/kag2d-Ryukk.avi

    In first part he blocked our base with stone and shortly after that he started destroying our bridge. Sorry for slow-mo video, apparently some mistake during recoding. Will try to do better next time.
  5. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester

  6. prostosuper

    prostosuper Haxor

    1. What was the players name?

    2. What did the player do?
    Griefing. Not, that he has premium account!

    3. In what server?
    Jaedizzle's House #7 NEW (48 CTF Dallas, TX)

    4. In what time?
    01:13 PM (+2 GMT)

    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
    Click for the bigger image:
  7. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    1. What was the players name?: dewbydo
    2. What did the player do?: Griefer
    3. In what server?: California
    4. In what time?: 1 hour ago
    5. Are you sure? Yeah! Video...

    User sendme a Mail :

    "If i get banned, which i doubt will happen, I'll just roll a new account. If i get IP banned, I'll change my IP or run through a proxy. Whyusomad?
    Also ditch the unibrow."

    Is a potential troll...
  8. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    Name: Redigit/Tommasop
    What did he do: Obvious multi-accounting
    Server: Evil Pumpkin's Box, right now, and everywhere else
    [119495] <[BoW] Freddex> aren't you that tommasop clone? :D
    [119693] <Redigit> no
    [119787] <Redigit> i am him
    [119924] <Redigit> and i am sry
    [120210] [FR] Edinos left the game
    [120388] <Redigit> ok
    [120395] <Jessetius> though i kick him
    [120569] <Jessetius> he didn't take damage
    [120716] <[BoW] Freddex> good, thanks for confession, I'll report you on the forums.
    [121033] <Redigit> shad kniws
    [121236] <Redigit> and he said i can keep
    [121424] * Can't spawn units depleted
    [121532] <Jessetius> haha :D
    [121733] <[BoW] Freddex> you're a bad liar, friend. :D
    [121961] <Redigit> rally
    [122071] <Redigit> really!
    [122716] <Redigit> i am not playin
    [123064] <[BoW] Freddex> y
  9. Why do you report it if Shad knows?
  10. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    I guessed that was a lie by tommasop. multi-accounting isn't permitted, or is it? But if I'm wrong on that case, excuse me. Don't want to wrongly insult anyone, but it seemed valid for me.
  11. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I know and we've come to an agreement that he won't do it again. All his alts are banned and its not a problem anymore.
    Hella and Redigit like this.
  12. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    1. What was the players name?: bunnyfling
    2. What did the player do?: Griefer
    3. In what server?: California
    4. In what time?: Now!
    5. Are you sure? Yeah! Video...

  13. Naime

    Naime Drill Rusher

  14. Sqquall

    Sqquall Shipwright

    Server: EU Global Frost
    User: xMyTrueStylex & senny
    What happened? Greifed the skybridge.

  15. Note: I did not report these people to flame Action (!) clan, i reported them for being abusive towards me.

    1. What was the players name?: [!]Potatomcwhiskey and Gamedo
    2. What did the player do?: Trolling, Abusing me.
    3. In what server? Jaedizzles House
    4. In what time? 35 minutes ago.
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)

    It starts when a dispute over a swastika that was built in our base:

    [29645] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> base complete now that we have our swazzy
    [29902] <AUSS Stevedog> remove it now
    [30143] <AUSS Stevedog> they are not allowed
    [30714] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> never been told by anyone with power they're not allowed

    He began after i said that people were Ragequitting, like i do every time a lot of people from the same team leave at the same time:

    [58463] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> stevedog
    [58676] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> you are one of the worst players i have ever seen
    [58768] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> shut the fuck up
    [59689] <AUSS Stevedog> im better than you
    [60129] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> lol want to bet?

    [101805] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> BREAK THE R
    [101921] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> Im blue at heart!
    [102698] <AUSS Stevedog> RED, kick potatomcwhiskey
    [103172] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> lol Red, Kick Stevedog
    [103606] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> he's bad at the game and ruins fun for us on our servers all the time
    [103626] <AUSS Stevedog> cant
    [103968] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> like i give a fuck :)

    He then continued after i tried to get red to kick a griefer, which the griefer switched teams and laughed:

    [110457] <8x> kick jegesdi
    [110556] <AUSS Stevedog> KICK JEGDSHI
    [110566] <SDFS> KICK
    [111260] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> Stevedog is a known griefer
    [111384] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> plz report him on the forums
    [113085] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> stevedog murdered my father over a bagel
    [113234] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> he is a cold blooded killer
    [113250] <AUSS Stevedog> somone report jegesdi and potatomcwhiskey

    Then he tries to claim that he did nothing wrong and blamed me for all this:

    [114127] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> what did I do stevedog? You're just angry because I think you're really bad at KAG
    [114548] <AUSS Stevedog> you keep giving me shit
    [114592] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> which i also think is a fairly justified
    [114867] <[!] potatomcwhiskey> first time I've ever given you shit really (as you can see from before, this is a lie)

    Then Gamedo jumps in, copying Mcwhiskey:

    [115154] <gamedo> stevedog is bad
    [117089] <AUSS Stevedog> im not bad at kag
    [117524] <gamedo> stevedog is very bad

    Personally, i want Potatomcwhiskey and Blueluigi given some sort of ban, and any other Action (!) member that has been giving shit to other people as well as myself, especially noobs; this does not include Rayne or Noburu.

    Attached Files:

    trelawney likes this.
  16. starsoccer9

    starsoccer9 Bison Rider

    1. What was the players name? baks
    2. What did the player do?he griefed and so i stopped him so he killed the bridge under me and i fell into spikes
    3. In what server?BEO CTF
    4. In what time?1:05
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
    Starsoccer9:STOP GREIFING
    Baks:im not
    Starsoccer9:what are you doing
    never anwsered but continued to make a hole thru my tower.
    so i fixed it before he couldthen he gave me the middle finger and destoryed the bridge i was standing on
    If you need more proof Daniyo a moderator on BEO CTF server was in the game when it happened.
  17. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Keep discussions out of this thread and please do not post in this thread unless you are REPORTING someone WITH PROOF.
  18. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    Nice, you did a great job of making yourself look like a stellar individual.

    Heres my rebuttal.

    That exchange did happen, I was genuinely ignorant of the policy on swaztikas and I'm sorry.

    However I only built one swazzy and didn't try to stop them removing it.

    There is more to it but its not really relevant for this part.

    Notice how he left out the part where he was cussing me out. Selective Log posting. Basically, he's just reporting me because he's mad that I think he's a bad player. He gets his team killed all the time, ruins bomb jumps by lighting up beside you and is all around an asshat. That is my rebuttal.

    I'm also uploading the logs.

    Not once did I verbally assault him, I told him calmly and clearly what I thought of him and he responded with visceral vulgarity and under handed tactic of trying to get me banned.

    Attached Files:

    Boxpipe, Maverick, Wolffkran and 4 others like this.
  19. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    Keep discussion out of this thread, both users warned - Just cut it out let us handle it. Stevedog please upload the full chatlog into your original report.
    sj67 and Noburu like this.
  20. starsoccer9

    starsoccer9 Bison Rider

    temp.png temp_2.png
    1. What was the players name?God] Cakeballs12345
    2. What did the player do?he walled of the spawn and kept rebuilding it and the game before he greifed
    3. In what server?I am preety sure it is BEO Ctf
    4. In what time? 4:00 eastern

    1. What was the players name?Tylerthecreator
    2. What did the player do?he greifed
    3. In what server?BEO Ctf
    4. In what time? 4:05 eastern

    1.him and dendrinte
    2.griefed a tower
    3. BEO CTF

    1. prozack
    2.griefed a tower half our team was on
    3.BEO CTF
    4. 4:40

    lol thanks moderator for making them all one post

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