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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Tritonis

    Tritonis Shipwright

    1. What was the players name? TROLO Q__, DrMortifer, nogada
    2. What did the player do? These players hacked to increase their health pools.
    3. In what server? I'm not sure. I don't remember.
    4. In what time? 10:38 EST, 2-20-2012
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)


    They're free accounts, so they're probably just throw aways.. still just annoys me.
  2. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Are you sure that's not just a server with these settings? (you can increase the heart amount of certain classes)
  3. lovelove

    lovelove Catapult Fodder

  4. MrJinkies

    MrJinkies Horde Gibber

    • Please Keep all Conversation out of this thread
  5. lovelove

    lovelove Catapult Fodder

  6. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    This is SO funny, i came here to report someone, guess who?

    User: admin lovelove the guy reporting people above!

    Server: Prestige world

    Actions: first he destroys the defenses i built in a game even after i told him not to do it (several people tried the same but were intelligent enough to understand and go the way around) seem that after that he got mad and started destroying workshops as i built them in the next game, collapsing structure above me (3 times), and blocking my way.

    Time: minutes ago

    Proof: some shots and log

    screen-12-02-21-20-57-34.png screen-12-02-21-20-57-47.png screen-12-02-21-20-57-48.png screen-12-02-21-20-57-50.png screen-12-02-21-20-58-27.png screen-12-02-21-20-58-29.png screen-12-02-21-20-58-30.png screen-12-02-21-20-58-31.png screen-12-02-21-20-58-33.png screen-12-02-21-20-58-34.png screen-12-02-21-20-58-38.png screen-12-02-21-20-59-01.png screen-12-02-21-20-59-03.png screen-12-02-21-20-19-09.png screen-12-02-21-20-20-17.png screen-12-02-21-20-20-20.png


    So i got autobalanced to blue and guess what? lovelove changes too and keeps griefing ¬¬

    Attached Files:

  7. lovelove

    lovelove Catapult Fodder

  8. Titmau5

    Titmau5 Bison Rider Staff Alumni

    1. What was the players name? Ivan.Spivan (Not a premium member)
    2. What did the player do? As shown in the picture, this person was enclosing a fellow team mate underground. Also, during build time, he formed a stone box around the spawn tent...which prevented everyone on our team to build before the round started....he eventually stopped and then our whole team was slaughtered.(there was another player helping him I didn't catch his name because he was vote kicked)...he did this for 2 games before a guard came in and kicked him. Unfortunately I forgot to paste the picture I took of him enclosing us in paint before I took the one shown. :/
    3. In what server? Jaedizzle's house #7
    4. In what time? About 8:30pm EST
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.) Yes, I'm sure. grieferalertjpg.jpg
  9. lovelove

    lovelove Catapult Fodder

    1. What was the players name? JackD
    2. What did the player do?
    greifing : blocked red door and destroy our building, and destroy my building for his shop without any asking, abusing his premium account
    3. In what server?
    prestige worldwide
    4. In what time?
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
    JacKD likes this.
  10. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Please disconsider all lovelove reports. Not only JacKD is one of the best players I ever played with, I also played with lovelove yesterday and he keep flaming other players and asking for vote kicks (he spammed the chat with "kick MOLE UnnamedPlayer teleported hacker or call a guard for ban" for half of the game. He also tried to flame and kick Divreus and drzewo (after he told him to stop whining and play), keep trying to stone drop things on head of his teammates. When we just ignored him he trowed our OP at enemy trap. I ussually don't report non-premium griefers (since they can easily be kicked) but faking reports is a more serious offense.

    Some screenshots.
    Dropping stone on Divreus head
    Giving the OP to the enemy screen-12-02-21-23-19-02.png screen-12-02-21-23-19-03.png screen-12-02-21-23-19-04.png screen-12-02-21-23-19-11.png screen-12-02-21-23-19-13.png
    And part of the chatlog of that game (full chatlog is on file).

    Trying to get me kicked (This just changed my mind about gold not be able to be kicked. I'm glad I'm premium so I can't just be spam kicked by trolls.)
    He also spam to kick rafinhacalmon (a BR player from merc clan. Not a griefer. He got kicked)
    [88646] <Grief lovelove> unnamedplayer teleported kick ban him, call a gaurd for ban
    [88727] <kripis0> pf
    [88989] <Suico> KD OF 23 11
    [89115] <zhouc8823> Follow me
    [89171] <Suico> LIKE A BOSS
    [89182] ErraticFollower left the game
    [89343] <Suico> PLAYED LIKE 5 MIN
    [89423] <Suico> LOOOOL
    [89987] <Grief lovelove> stupid
    [90107] <Radan> Hell.
    [90129] <MOLE UnnamedPlayer> lovelove: if you think i'm a hacker, please go to IRC and digit "guard to call a guard
    [90542] <UVU DAKUDDA> love stop whining
    [90646] <MOLE UnnamedPlayer> In mean time, we all would appreciate if you stop spamming the chat
    [91502] <Dream-Sniper> THEY ARE GETTING IN THE TUNNLE
    [91693] <Grief lovelove> unnamedplayer teleported kick ban him, call a gaurd for ban
    [123576] <MOLE Divreus> lovelove just griefed, guys.
    [123876] <MOLE UnnamedPlayer> I know I vote kicked him
    [124095] <Grief lovelove> look me
    [124261] <Grief lovelove> i'm grifing? kick liar
    [124577] <MOLE Divreus> You collapsed the top and crushed me.
    [124595] <WAR DIEGO_456> kick im
    [124827] <MOLE UnnamedPlayer> 1st: you collapsed stuff on the head of your teamates
    [124895] <Grief lovelove> not me faggot
    [124993] G3 yagotbutts left the game
    [125096] <domino5501> that was my bomb
    [125127] <MOLE Divreus> You were the only one there.
    [125242] <domino5501> that knocked i
    [125250] <MOLE UnnamedPlayer> 2st: You can't vote kick gold members, feel free to call a guars
    [125449] <MOLE UnnamedPlayer> 3st:
    [125941] <domino5501> guys he didnt do it i dropped the stone on red with a bomb
    [126181] <MOLE UnnamedPlayer> 3st: You keepi flaming and spamming the chat like a 9 year old boy
    [126222] me262jet left the game
    [126440] <MOLE UnnamedPlayer> and trying to kill me
    [126514] <RiordanIX> we had one
    [126702] <RiordanIX> some asshole blew it up.
    [126886] <{Dark Batdeloos> dafuq
    [126896] <domino5501> who the hell is griefing?
    [126908] New player joined the game
    [126933] Unnamed player is now known as Pampita
    [127153] <domino5501> for reals
    [127158] <Grief lovelove> from now
    [127289] kostkon left the game
    [127886] <SAME> wtf
    [128348] <domino5501> why is lovelove...
    [128542] <domino5501> oh
    [129001] New player joined the game
    [129019] Unnamed player is now known as Mimzy
    [129339] Mimzy joined red team
    [129432] New player joined the game
    [129439] Unnamed player is now known as Solomon-Grundy
    [130294] Solomon-Grundy left the game
    [130419] New player joined the game
    [130427] Unnamed player is now known as eaglescream0
    [130478] Mimzy left the game
    [130695] eaglescream0 joined red team
    [130806] New player joined the game
    [130815] Unnamed player is now known as lestat
    [131154] <RiordanIX> bomb workshop
    [131321] <{Dark Batdeloos> thanks
    [131431] <bilbo77> who the fuck build our shit base
    [131461] <Grief lovelove> stop same
    [131920] bilbo77 left the game
    [132047] <MOLE UnnamedPlayer> Can you stop moving the OP lovelove
    [132158] <MOLE UnnamedPlayer> ?
    [132239] New player joined the game
    [132246] Unnamed player is now known as bilbo77
    [132271] New player joined the game
    [132279] Unnamed player is now known as zorkzane12345
    [132447] <4k/commanderkeen> MOVEEE
    [132564] <4k/commanderkeen> CANT BUY
    [132937] <4k/commanderkeen> VOTE KICK PAMPITA
    [133109] <4k/commanderkeen> AFK
    [133419] New player joined the game
    [133434] Unnamed player is now known as faine262
    [133533]  * Grief lovelove marked by 5 players to leave the game
    [133539] Grief lovelove left the game

    Attached Files:

    Birdman159, Noburu and JacKD like this.
  11. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Thanks UnnamedPlayer :)

    What I REAAAAALLY like about lovelove's video is that it shows him building the SAME collapsable structure he used to kill me several times on top of the workshop I was working on (and yes I did destroy the one in this video) and then shows how he continued destroying the workshop I was trying to build :) Thanks for the video, dumbass.
    nitecrawler3 and UnnamedPlayer like this.
  12. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

  13. Emurus

    Emurus Catapult Fodder

    1. What was the players name? xlo
    2. What did the player do? Had more hearts than MAX.
    3. In what server? Sorry, I fotget...4. In what time? Aout 5:30 EST
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)

    I have seen this before... Is it really a problem or just a glitch?
  14. The-CrabSpy

    The-CrabSpy Shipwright

    I have seen this happen before. Everyone seemed to have extra hearts on a server I was playing on, I mean everyone, people even said it showed I had extra hearts, guess its a glitch.
  15. Emurus

    Emurus Catapult Fodder

    Okay, then just disregard my post.
    Maybe that's why sometimes people think they have zero health... Maybe the server owner gave them more hearts...
  16. Baratheon

    Baratheon Shipwright

    1. What was the players name? Joshuared
    2. What did the player do? using bombs to destroy our workshops.
    3. In what server? [FR] Pordesign serveur #1
    4. In what time? 19:37 gmt- 0
    5. Are you sure? grief report.png
  17. meastnt

    meastnt Shipwright

    1. What was the players name? |LT|lolsalad542 and |LT|taxiplz
    2. What did the player do? Destroying towers, shops and spawn defense, then switch team and did the same thing in red team's ...
    3. In what server ? Twenty Thousand Tiles
    4. In what time ? 23h46 (Gmt+1)
    5. Are you sure ?
    I took Screens, this is the chat ones :
    Note that they were premium members, and can't be kicked for that, so they just destroyed all our things and we couldn't do anything, then they say that this report will only ban them on some server.
    Can't we do something more repressive ?
  18. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    I thought I saw lolsalad griefing earlier on two separate occasions, but couldn't be sure, so didn't ban him.

    Guess this confirms it. Throwing my vote in for his ban.
    Noburu likes this.
  19. Baratheon

    Baratheon Shipwright

    1. What was the players name? Taketori
    2. What did the player do? grief a tower causing it to fall on blue team, claimed to remove it. Unsure on it considering it was in production.
    3. In what server? www.kag2d.fr Poseidon
    4. In what time? 00:23 GMT - 0
    5. Are you sure?

    Today really isn't my day. <_>
    taketori #1.png taketori #4.png taketori #5.png taketori #6.png taketori#2.png taketori#3.png taketori#6.png
  20. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Guys if you are posting more than one screenshot please use spoiler tags like this:

    It helps a lot with readability.
    Birdman159 and Baratheon like this.
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