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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    Name: Fluffykats
    What did he do: Grief many servers but always leave before someone can ban him

    server name: All the australian ones so far
    Time: This week

    evidence: see attachments for confession

    also anon on the OGC server busted him griefing too and can support this

    Attached Files:

    Anded and Noburu like this.
  2. DawnOfNights

    DawnOfNights Shopkeep Stealer

    name: KASPER123
    server name: Beo zombie test #2
    He deliberately joins red team to make other people crash and thus preventing them from joining the game
    Evidence: i have no pics since i got disconnected, but i do have this log:
    [15:24:03] Trying to connect...
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] New player joined the game
    [15:24:07] Unnamed player is now known as RUS DivineEvil
    [15:24:07] Unnamed player is now known as KASPER123
    [15:24:07] Unnamed player is now known as Jon Folsham
    [15:24:07] Unnamed player is now known as James George
    [15:24:07] Unnamed player is now known as Blacky
    [15:24:07] Unnamed player is now known as [QCE] serbal
    [15:24:07] Unnamed player is now known as Bro WanderMark
    [15:24:07] Unnamed player is now known as greyfox
    [15:24:07] Unnamed player is now known as emero
    [15:24:07] Unnamed player is now known as Captain_Strelok
    [15:24:07] Unnamed player is now known as CZ Dyrt
    [15:24:07] Unnamed player is now known as [PF] Minicraft123
    [15:24:08] Unnamed player is now known as DawnOfNights
    [15:24:10] <[QCE] serbal> and they restart
    [15:24:27] <Blacky> Pls die
    [15:24:29] <[QCE] serbal> and btw
    [15:24:32] <Captain_Strelok> Restart so hard
    [15:24:42] <[QCE] serbal> it kasper123 the one playing that made the server crsh
    [15:24:48] <DawnOfNights> just start a vote
    [15:24:51] <greyfox> how?
    [15:24:55] <Captain_Strelok> Kasper you dong
    [15:25:00] <[QCE] serbal> he gone to red team like a moroon
    [15:25:02] <[PF] Minicraft123> New Game?? Because 2players or 3 idont care are playing but 8 or 9 i dont know are waiting -_-
    [15:25:03] <Bro WanderMark> You can't, not unless you've been in the server for 3 min.
    [15:25:04] <greyfox> ah...
    [15:25:08] <Captain_Strelok> Stayed there, too....
    [15:25:13] <Bro WanderMark> Just need to wait until that.
    [15:25:14] <RUS DivineEvil> oh shit...
    [15:25:18] <Captain_Strelok> Oh hey, Tank-
    [15:25:18] <Bro WanderMark> 1-2 more min.
    [15:25:29] <Captain_Strelok> ZK is fucking retarded.
    [15:25:35] * Vote passed for: Next map?

    Reason: do you like cookies?

    Cast by: greyfox by 5 players
    [15:25:36] <[PF] Minicraft123> F12
    [15:25:38] Jon Folsham left the game
    [15:25:38] James George left the game
    [15:25:39] KASPER123 joined red team
    [15:25:39] <DawnOfNights> i <3 cookies
    [15:25:41] <Captain_Strelok> We fucking told ya!
    [15:25:48] <DawnOfNights> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu'
  3. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    Name: trogre777
    server:Australian Official Server
    what did he do: he was calling all Aussies very homophobic things and included comments about being incest
    evidence:well i only got this screen because the others decided not to save but im providing the logs too

    you can ask anyone else in the game and i hope this guy gets in alot of trouble as this was very demeaning

    Attached Files:

    Stevedog likes this.
  4. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: Kusiainen
    Misdeed: This scum was caught causing pandemonium on Goon Haven 32 | goonhaven.org Server at 2:03 pm GMT. Massively destructive, he caused destruction to three home base workshops, bug changed team bridges to enemy bridges over a spike pit and undermined a tower while deploying spikes.
    Server Name: Goon Haven 32 | goonhaven.org
    Time: 2:03 pm GMT on Friday April 6th 2012
    Evidence: Video 1 - http://youtu.be/vYeTKo1hcsc

    </br>--- merged: Apr 7, 2012 9:37 AM ---</br>
    Player's Name: [RUS] Pakal

    Misdeed: The russian peasant griefed on Qliver's CTF - 64 slots Server at 9:06 am GMT. He collapsed a home base tower, causing collateral damage as well to a second tower; deployed spikes; damaged a third tower.

    Server Name: Qliver's CTF - 64 slots Server

    Time: 9:06 am GMT on Saturday April 7th 2012

    Evidence: http://youtu.be/gCtDi72MnAQ
    </br>--- merged: Apr 7, 2012 10:50 AM ---</br>
    Player's Name: dash3k3

    Misdeed: That punk griefed on Qliver's CTF - 64 slots Server at 10:22 am GMT. He devastated our base by collapsing our secondary base fortification.

    Server Name: Qliver's CTF - 64 slots Server

    Time: 10:22 am GMT on Saturday April 7th 2012

    Evidence: Video 1 - http://youtu.be/PWf_RQP4-nc

    </br>--- merged: Apr 7, 2012 10:00 PM ---</br>
    Player's Name: Deva

    Misdeed: This delinquent griefed on [PL] Max-Play.pl [CTF] Server at 4:49 pm GMT. He stone walled the spawn point at the start of play.

    Server Name: [PL] Max-Play.pl [CTF]

    Time: 4:49 pm GMT on Saturday April 7th 2012

    Evidence: http://youtu.be/dGGZwL0NUME
    Noburu, Stevedog and Beef like this.
  5. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    Greifer: Kalashinikov

    [15:23:11] <Elizabeth Fogg> wtf
    [15:23:11] <kalashnikov> ajajajajajaja
    [15:23:11] <Ninja McChimp> O_O
    [15:23:16] kalashnikov left the game
    [15:23:17] <DarkNexio> WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [15:23:19] [DC] hunt100 left the game
    [15:23:21] <jonyfox> that was kaliskov
    [15:23:26] <CHARGE> MEN, F;<
    [15:23:28] <[?] Templar_Frost> ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [15:23:48] New player joined the game
    [15:23:48] DarkNexio left the game
    [15:23:49] Unnamed player is now known as [DC] hunt100
    [15:23:53] <[DC] hunt100> fail
    [15:23:56] <jonyfox> kalishkov joins all matches and ruins them, instant kick him
    [15:23:59] <CHARGE> new map?
    [15:24:05] New player joined the game
    [15:24:05] Unnamed player is now known as Benet Gerard
    [15:24:13] <[?] Templar_Frost> do you mean I have to wait, for another 2 yaers? Just because of some stupid grifer fag?
    [15:24:13] <Elizabeth Fogg> go away
    [15:24:25] <Elizabeth Fogg> lucast wtf are you doing?
    [15:24:39] <lucasrt> one waior workshop
    [15:24:44] <[?] Templar_Frost> *Kicks keyboard*
    [15:24:58] <Ninja McChimp> Fight 300 style it is, then
    [15:25:05] <Elizabeth Fogg> i needed that space for a tunnel
    [15:25:17] <Elizabeth Fogg> GIVE MRS FOG BACK
    [15:25:22] <[?] Templar_Frost> im gonna report him in thforums

    He griefed a large tower on top of us, killing half of our players in a zombie server. This is not his first time. At this time I have no pics or time, but just consult the players listed here and they will tell you the same.
    kalashnikov likes this.
  6. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: octoninja13

    Misdeed: Boy. The interwebs is just churning them out this weekend. Failed attempt to collapse base super tower thanks to anti-grief. Server was [FR] kag2d.fr Poseidon. The time was 6:23 pm GMT.

    Server Name: [FR] kag2d.fr Poseidon

    Time: 6:23 pm GMT on Sunday April 8th 2012

    Evidence: http://youtu.be/KEC9DHAeogM
  7. GrimWaltz

    GrimWaltz Shopkeep Stealer

    I have a question for the guards here. Is it better to just IRC you guys about this, or even after IRC, posting their names up on this epic wall of failures for further investigations and possibly invitation to your personal study room for severe spanking?

    The latter. For IRC, we'll come and kick them from the server. If you report here, it's a master server ban! - Beef
  8. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    I disagree on that.I've played with this guy for like 5-10 games,and I have never seen him griefing.

    I'll second that.This guy have bought on Rayne's server an enchanced Keg and accidently everything.
    After that he left and rejoined.Got banned anyway though.

    Also he started screaming that I was cheating when I've been discovering corspe-coins bug(infinite coins if you hold it and stab it),then he took one for himself,started hoarding coins,and started buying kegs to blow our base while continuously screaming that I should be banned.
    Noburu likes this.
  9. Hrodvitnir

    Hrodvitnir Blakkr Warg Donator
    1. Ethereal Legion- ETHER

    Maverick likes this.
  10. Ceiling_Cat

    Ceiling_Cat Shipwright

    1. Jeffrey770, currently sporting a [FoF] tag.
    2. Speedhacking and all other sorts of hacks. Claimed he couldn't be IP-range banned because 'I have 5 modems'. Please prove him wrong.
    3. (auss) muppKAG's slightly smaller server
    4. 12:40ish AM AEDT
    5. http://www.mediafire.com/?d3gybdc0c8qf6xc

    After this he speedhacked to our flag and started talking shit. Player is non-premium and server is non-dedicated.
  11. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    I don't want to make false accusation, but I've alse seen him, one or two time griefing, on beo's ctf, with an other one called "alexis", or something like that, they both wear the {RUS} tag. It was about one month, and I forget to report it.
  12. fishfinger73

    fishfinger73 Haxor

    I saw poopoopeeepee from the clan of Epic Guys speed hacking across the map. He kept denying it...
    Maverick likes this.
  13. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    although it doesnt matter since fenris got him try to get a screen next time
  14. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    1. What was the players name : klay 2000
    2. What did the player do : destroy intentionally and constantly skybridge on the red team.
    3. In what server : Rayne's day'n'night premium server.
    4. In what time : Today, Thursday, 12 April, around 3 AM.
    5. Are you sure : (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.) I'm definitively sure, sadly, I got no screenshot, and video, or anything.
  15. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    Name: trogre777
    server: (OGC)Australian Server
    what did he do: he was calling all Aussies very homophobic things and included comments about being incest AGAIN
    evidence:only logs this time :(


    Attached Files:

  16. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Player: NAEBATR
    Server: Cadastremse
    Action: Dropped a stone brigde over me, and then he tried to destroy what I was building.
    When: Right now.

    SS: screen-12-04-12-15-44-36.png screen-12-04-12-15-44-44.png
  17. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    JackKD and Ravenguard, take it to PM, please.

    No discussion here, posts were deleted.
    Noburu and JacKD like this.
  18. Almost_Flying_Duck

    Almost_Flying_Duck Builder Stabber

    Name: Dylandyl69
    Griefed on the Goonhaven server by simple destroying bridges and trapping a builder (the PF guy in the screenshot whom I accidently reported since their names overlapped)
    Date: Thursday, 4/12/12 at around 4:30
    kag greif.PNG

    Also I can vouch for trogre777 griefing (not sure if I was in the same match, but he did in one of the ones I was in).
  19. fishfinger73

    fishfinger73 Haxor

    I can support this. I saw that **** grief. :>:(:
  20. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: Hatsumei

    Misdeed: This blight speed hacked the game. Incident date: April 13th 2012 at 2:22 am GMT on Goon Haven 32 | goonhaven.org Server. Darted around the screen and was difficult to track. Reduced my health from three hearts to zero rapidly with builder's hammer. Destroyed stone blocks faster than they could be repaired (video 2). Collected flag (video 3) and disappeared into tunnel with it before anyone could react.

    Server Name: Goon Haven 32 | goonhaven.org

    Time: 2:22 am GMT on Friday April 13th 2012

    Evidence: Video 1 - http://youtu.be/SD-YDOX1jbQ
    link6155 likes this.
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