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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Everyone reported over the last few pages has been banned.

    Just fwiw I do the art -> MM doesn't have to do that much in relation to the graphics update. He's currently working on anti-lag and gold servers.

    As I've said before there isn't much we can do code-side. Griefing is abuse of mechanics that are otherwise completely legitimate. We can't "block" it without nerfing your ability to play the game.
    We can remove the vote kick from menu and explain tab-kick more thoroughly easily enough and hopefully that'll happen over the next few releases.

    Server owners should have moderators (ever played in a moderated server? I did with vig and it was basically as simple as "x is griefing bro, kick?" and he was gone.) to curb the problem as it stands. set your rcon password to something other than your regular password and pass it around to legitimate players via email. It makes the game a lot less frustrating.
  2. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    Again, the problem is, most people who are unaffected don't care. The server owners don't give rcon to anyone because
    A: They don't trust anyone
    B: They're too lazy to
    C: They're never on or
    D: Again, they don't care

    I've played one moderated server, but it doesn't make a difference in a votekick grief, because I'm the first target 95% of the time and usually one person gets votekicked before the mods do anything (because griefers use multiple names.)

    I am however glad to hear that votekick may be removed and TAB kicking will be better explained, because people hit F12 as soon as they see the message, while for TAB kicking they have to think about it a little more.
  3. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Ask the admins to beef up the percent of votes you need to get kicked. 33% is way too low
  4. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester



    another griefer trying topple our base

    played and banned on GamingCrew
  5. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    is toms2000 a griefer there too?
  6. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    mmm jehowa called him out and i saw his score deplete fast, so i kicked him just to be safe. don't have any screenshots of him in the act though. if anyone can confirm toms2000 that would be helpful.
  7. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    Next few releases? Hopefully? I was absolutely sure this and temporary kick immunity for gold members will happen THIS release. What are graphics and combat system updates for when half (or more) of your most active (=gold) members cannot play? I don't think you realise the scale of this. The forum didn't get spammed with reports completely only because we're loosing interest. Just look at the empty severs. And the solution you suggested in that post is useless, as was stated by Torchic, sorry.
  8. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    conanBarbarian is Beavers. I just got voted off by him for the first time, same reasons as before "GRIEFER BAD HARASSMENT". This also means I can go eat dinner. Seeya.
  9. King

    King Guest

    Hi and good night!

    1. conanBarbarian

    2. False accusation of griefing and votekick.

    3. Official Euro Server.

    4. Last time: 23:15 Moscow time - 45 min ago.

    5. This bitch is running from one server to another and falsely accusing the players to kick them out of the game. As a rule, many players are automatically and immediately press F12 - they are not interested in whether a player has violated something or not. Thus because of this filth today I was kicked 3 times. As a reason of kick always points: "BASE GRIEFING HARRASMENT!!!".

    On this screenshot, he is trying to kick me the 2nd time in a row (1st time did not work - some people stood up for me). But 2nd time was found a couple of idiots who clicked F12, and then I was kicked from the server.


    And here he is with his friend destroys the base.

    People are asking him to stop, but he continues.

    His score going fast in a minus.

  10. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    @King/Neat: cheers for the reports, he's banned. Reports formatted like King's above are excellent because they function as evidence.

    I don't think realise how entitled you sound in that post.

    Gold servers are on their way and if there are griefers in there then as soon as the report comes in they'll be permabanned. I doubt any griefer is going to spend $45 a day just to piss people off. That's the whole point of gold servers. I'm talking to Michal about removing the votekick this build now. Kick immunity for gold members will happen this build or next.

    Server owners can turn off votekick quite effectively by raising the kick % to 100. That coupled with rcon moderation means no-one gets kick-spammed and griefers get removed quickly. I fail to see how that's useless. If all server owners "don't care" then host your own server and make it more attractive to play on for all the people targeted by griefers - heck, give them all rcon and then they can't be kicked. You'll be a hero.
    Seriously though, Furai's a pretty good host, throw an email or post gC's way.

    I didn't see empty servers yesterday, I saw a minimum of 40 people playing from 5 till 12 PM.
  11. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Next time i'll post in the desired format. Thanks for banning him though.
  12. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Yeah no worries, it's just nice to have screenshots so I don't have to take you guy's word for it.
  13. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    Looking back, my post might look like an emotional ragepost. It isn't, I'm not an impulsive person at all. Just wanted to state something in a strong manner. If you're running an open alpha/beta and even selling it already then make the game playable first, then update with fancy stuff.. That's just common sense, no need for entitlement to state that. And I don't think I'm speaking on my behalf only.

    Raising the votekick to 100% wasn't suggested yet and sounds good to me if combined with active moderation.
  14. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    That's all well and good but fwiw there's a difference between stating something in a strong manner and implying someone doesn't know what's best for their project and accusing them of neglect.

    We haven't just been working on graphics this build, we've been working on the game as a whole. The graphical overhaul is simply the most visible thing, lag management and bugfixes are there too. As I said I've told Michal that votekick needs to be removed and I'll bring it up next time we chat - I can't do much code-wise though as I don't have access to the source.
  15. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    That's a bit of an overinterpretation, even if one doesn't know my rather calm nature. All I wanted was to throughly point some things out, to bring proper amount of attention to the issue. I'm not tense about this, you shouldn't be too. Couldn't help that it came out a bit ironic, since this whole situation is ironic.
  16. Thorn

    Thorn Guest

    StoneColdSteveAustin was abusing votekick today. We were on blue team, and he tried to get [HA]Snow kicked, thankfully people were smart enough to hit F11. Immediately after, StoneColdSteveAustin switched teams in order to avoid retaliation. It took a few minutes of relaying the problem to red team and warning them to kick him ASAP but it was too late and he had already griefed their base. Red team eventually kicked him though.

    The server was either EU Gaming Crew or Dethchikin's, can't remember, either way he was switching between both servers and abusing votekick and griefing on both.

    Time: 5:40 AM-ish, greenwich mean time.


    He is likely a Sedgewick alt, as he gloats in the same fashion.

    Two other points I'd like to mention. Snow seemed to be a target all day today. An impostor, named Sno0w (with an extra zero for an O and no clan tag) was griefing bases using catapults. I am a personal friend of the real Snow, and I could tell it wasn't him and kept an eye on this guy. Once he started griefing we kicked him promptly using the tab boxes, but not before people had thought the real Snow had been smashing castles and bridges. Unfortunately I don't have a screenshot of this. Seems griefers are now targeting people's reputations as well.

    The other disturbing trend among the griefing crowd is that they like to switch teams, hereby rendering the griefed team temporarily powerless to do anything about it. I highly recommend this changes in the next build somehow... It seems to be their new way to evade justice.
  17. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    It's because he's an [HA]. All us [HA]'s seem to be targets of griefers (presumably because they're jealous that they can't get in.)
  18. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    It has something more to do with the attitude of one of your leaders, most likely.
  19. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    *cough* Loki *cough*
  20. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    StoneColdSteveAustin and sno0w are banned. Goddamn this needs a more intuitive interface.
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