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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Almost_Flying_Duck

    Almost_Flying_Duck Builder Stabber

    przemek11 was griefing on Inarcanum just a few minutes ago by removing bridges and shops. KAG arcanaum.PNG

    Some kimra and MACRU shit (if anyone has can speak up on my behalf since I didn't note when or what servers these were that would be great).
    kag goddammit kimra BEO ctf.PNG kag BEO ctf.PNG

    On Poseidon just a few days ago paul31 is back. kag paul31 posiedon.PNG

    And there was another match where it was unlimited lives and time, and blue sealed off red's base and abused them. Happened on 20,000 Tiles server and the blues players are the names of them.
    kag abuse 2.PNG kag abuse.PNG
  2. Slifer1890

    Slifer1890 Base Burner

    Today I entered a server everything was normal until two premium players started using a such hack Smile Yoshi and another called xyzmen so I decided to record the game. NOTE: From to see who is using Yoshi to ta hack because it is the only premium Red, and was the only premium xyzmen live in blue, also observe the time it took pro Yoshi grab the flag and score and the map was Big.

    What was the players name? Smile Yoshi and xyzman
    What did the player do? He is using speed hack
    In what server? HostedGameServers.com Germany
    In what time? 18:00 ~ 18:10 I do not know the exact time
    Are you sure? Download the file:http://www.mediafire.com/?kw8w9hzymkm8xzt

    Youtube: http://youtu.be/VXeIdGPXQGc (uploaded by FLAB - don't use shitty 3rd party download sites loaded with ads :()​
  3. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    uploaded it to youtube
    Beef likes this.
  4. Duke2die4

    Duke2die4 Arsonist

    name : raptor something
    do: he banned me from a server after he repetly took my tower down from the front line cus i had workshops in it and he said it made my tower 2 weak becuse i had shops in it (behind wall), then he said if i talk abowt it he bann me, and after talking abowt it whit him i said "do u want to stand here argue abowt that tower i built or can we play" and he said that was the last drop and banned me.
    proof: i have the game logg i guess.
    time: 2min ago

    dont know if its reportebel but i think it is power abuse he keept taking budlings down alot from players at the server.
  5. LucasTT

    LucasTT Haxor Tester

    1 - Zeta-beta
    2- Grieffed,blocking my exit
    3 - KAGBrasil.com
    4 - Few minutes ago
    5 - Proofs:

    Downburst saw,i called him,and he banned zeta just in the server,but i wanna a global ban.
  6. chickennugget22

    chickennugget22 Horde Gibber

    server:fens ctf
    what he did:swore at everone every time someone left the game or killed him he would yell cunt
  7. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: COOLK COOLKEEGAN

    Crime: Facilitated the collapse of team's skybridge. In video 1 we see this pitiful griefer surreptitiously stabbing away at a section of team bridge. In video 2 Keegan has collapsed a section of team bridges creating an opportunity for an enemy builder to strike. Griefer makes one final strike before being vote kicked (video 3).

    Server Name: Beo's CTF Server

    Time: 11:45 pm GMT on Saturday May 5th 2012

    Evidence: Video 1 - http://youtu.be/sPlQOxYV62E

    Player's Name: jos2861

    Incident: This fidgety fool is moving around the team outpost in a suspiciously sneaky and menacing manner (video 1). He goes on to collapse sections of the team bridge causing loss of life and outposts (video 2). This incident also resulted in the momentum of the game which had been in our favour from the start of the game to shift in favour of the enemy team. Without outposts to spawn defenders for the bridge the enemy team was able to quickly overrun our base.

    Server Name: Goon Haven 32 | goonhaven.org

    Time: 12:02 am GMT on Monday May 7th 2012

    Evidence: Video 1 - http://youtu.be/0JTZpP5gxLw
  8. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Player: Animosity
    Server: Dr. Frinks funhouse
    Time: post time
    Action: Speed hacking

    No proof to show, but I wanted to report him as it was obviously moving around at superspeed
  9. Name: LifeAway & skotman123
    Act: Speedhacking
    Server: [POWER] U.S, California CTF
    Time: 9:23pm in +8 GMT
    Proof: Well, no tangible evidence except my word, a clanmate (Symphony_Soldier) and the fact that even when hacking, those two did not win, LifeAway even announced he would begin hacking when killed multiple times by our (Red) Team.

    On that note, it's all in the chatlogs, how does one upload such?
  10. Dark_Ham

    Dark_Ham Shipwright

    1. What was the players name? dodge999
    2. What did the player do? He accused me of stealing his bot in Zombie Survival and then proceeded to knock down our wall and let the zombies in to kill us.
    3. In what server? MMM Brains (Or Brainz)
    4. In what time? Around 3:22pm UK time
    5. Are you sure? Positive. Sadly Screenshot does not work at the moment. Hope they fix it
  11. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester


    They work.Try to upload them on kag forums.Should fix it.
  12. Dark_Ham

    Dark_Ham Shipwright

    Only problem is all the screenshots I took are black (including past ones) How will I know which one is the correct one?
    I'll give it a shot though.
    EDIT: Tried uploading to imjur but it just appeared black! >.<

    Attached Files:

  13. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Below your post there is upload a file button.Use it!
  14. Dark_Ham

    Dark_Ham Shipwright

    Did that! Can you see the file? All I can see is a white thumbnail. :S
  15. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

  16. Archalieus

    Archalieus Builder Stabber

    Name(s): GoPro Dakkuda, gopro littlekuda
    Act: Griefing
    Server: GoonHaven 32
    Time: 11:30 PM CST

    Sealed off the base and proceeded to spam bombs at foward spawn point. Both call out anyone to be "hackers/griefers".

    kagesha edit: please remember to use spoiler tags when posting screenshots or long logs.
  17. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I can vouch for that. DAKUDDA and littledakudda griefed on MOLE servers a few times.
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  18. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: Bllackhawk

    Crime: Collapsed three towers in our base one of which was caught on camera.

    Server Name: [PL] Max-Play.pl [CTF]

    Time: 7:47 pm GMT on Tuesday May 8th 2012

    Evidence: http://youtu.be/2GyljVYALMQ
    </br>--- merged: May 9, 2012 1:22 AM ---</br>
    Player's Name: aytrex

    Crime: Terrorists like this need to be destroyed. aytrex is one of those griefers who don't want to get caught. They have mastered the Art of the Grief to such a high degree that they can do it in plain sight without being detected. In video 1 aytrex uses the cover of his fellow team mates to entombed the flag tent. Unfortunately for him in order to continuously replace the stone blocks being removed above him his name tag is the only one moving up and down as he jumps to replace the stone blocks being removed.

    Not satisfied with that, aytrex decides to strike again. In video 2 he attempts to deploy ceiling spikes above the base spawn point and remove the team bridges that rendered them safe. They are, thankfully, removed quickly by an eagle-eyed team mate.

    But that would only lead to aytrex crafting the most diabolical of his schemes. This scheme was so ingenius, at first, I didn't realize what was happening in front of my eyes. It was only after the skyline started to become a bit too clear, when trees started mysteriously disappearing did I catch on. In video 3 aytrex had put down two bomb workshops where he had chopped down trees. That's when I caught on and got my camera out. He chops down a third tree and builds a workshop over it, effectively killing said tree. He then kills a fourth, replacing with one tile of a workshop. In the next minute he proceeds to systematically cover all access to stone behind our base, had he been trying to make a tunneler proof floor why did he leave two dirt tiles? Refer to the chat logs to read what a griefer sounds like when he's been caught red-handed. aytrex has now killed a fifth tree and replaced it with tiles. aytrex goes on to kill two more trees. And one last one. By this time, I had had enough and called him out, the following chat ensues:

    [20:22:53] <Zeigy> aytrex is griefing
    [20:22:57] New player joined the game
    [20:22:58] Unnamed player is now known as Dokre
    [20:22:59] <aytrex> wtf
    [20:23:03] <aytrex> i build inn
    [20:23:07] <Zeigy> please kick
    [20:23:15] <Fenris> shield up
    [20:23:16] <Piarre> He isn't griefing.
    [20:23:16] * Zeigy * has been voted to be kicked by aytrex (2/5)
    [20:23:19] * aytrex * has been voted to be kicked by Zeigy (1/5)
    [20:23:27] <Piarre> Zeigy you're an idiot.
    [20:23:30] Dust Particle left the game
    [20:23:39] New player joined the game
    [20:23:40] Unnamed player is now known as N0obster
    [20:23:43] <Zeigy> Piarre how many trees are ;left in our base count them.
    [20:23:44] <Fenris> sideways
    [20:23:55] <Piarre> Why don't you count?
    [20:24:02] <Zeigy> I did.
    [20:24:10] <Zeigy> We started out wiht hnine
    [20:24:10] ThisOneGuy left the game
    [20:24:21] <Zeigy> aytrex killed four so far and
    [20:24:22] <Kerinthozis> why the fuck
    [20:24:23] </v/Squibble> I hope you have wood for team doors
    [20:24:23] New player joined the game
    [20:24:24] Unnamed player is now known as calcifer23
    [20:24:34] <Zeigy> replaced them withh workshops
    [20:24:39] <Zeigy> to kill them
    [20:24:47] <Zeigy> and he covered all the stone
    [20:24:47] <[idk] BlueLucas> arrow workshop
    [20:24:48] <[idk] BlueLucas> :C
    [20:24:48] <Kerinthozis> guys ffs
    [20:24:52] Yackemflaber left the game
    [20:24:56] n00b ZIMM001 left the game
    [20:25:07] <DNStuff> they're udnerneath
    [20:25:32] <BlinkRaven> shi
    [20:26:11] <Zeigy> aytrex you can watch the video of you griefing later on the forums I'm going to report you
    [20:26:25] <aytrex> wtf bro
    [20:26:28] <aytrex> I didn't grief
    [20:26:29] Coff_Finn left the game
    [20:26:30] <aytrex> :|
    [20:26:30] Dokre left the game
    [20:26:39] <Zeigy> I'll leave that for the guards to decide.
    [20:26:40] <Piarre> I've been with Aytrex alot, he didn't grief lol
    [20:26:44] <BlinkRaven> lol
    [20:26:50] <ser xmol> builder!!!
    [20:26:54] Piarre left the game
    [20:28:15] <Zeigy> I have three videos one showing aytrex seting up the stone at the start that blocked the tent, a second showing him setting spikes in our base and the thrid showing him killing the trees and blocking the stone. So shove that up your ass
    [20:28:37] <aytrex> if I was trying to purposefully grief
    [20:28:39] canwin99 left the game
    [20:28:43] calcifer23 left the game
    [20:28:44] <aytrex> Wouldn't I still be trying?
    [20:28:52] <aytrex> Maybe I pressed the wrong button with the spikes
    [20:28:56] New player joined the game
    [20:28:56] Unnamed player is now known as robbie01
    [20:29:02] <aytrex> Maybe I set the stone so they wouldn't dig through it
    [20:29:18] New player joined the game
    [20:29:19] Unnamed player is now known as saito
    [20:29:21] saito joined red team
    [20:29:21] <TheBe Moonboy67> Axtrex, i'm with you
    [20:29:27] <aytrex> Maybe I killed the trees to make workshops
    [20:29:32] <TheBe Moonboy67> YEAH!
    [20:29:34] <aytrex> So shove your videos up your ass
    [20:29:39] <TheBe Moonboy67> GOD PEOPLE DO THAT ALL THE TIME
    [20:29:45] <aytrex> And quick being an arrogant prick
    [20:29:59] <TheBe Moonboy67> OOO
    [20:30:06] <Zeigy> watch the video later buddy, scum like you dont belong in this community
    [20:30:23] <DNStuff> boo, i blocked that tunnel under our base for a reason
    [20:30:24] <ser xmol> arrow work shop?
    [20:30:49] <DNStuff> and now you see why
    [20:30:57] <DNStuff> blue uner our base as boo made a tunnel for them
    [20:30:58] <aytrex> I'm sorry but who are you to tell me that I can and can't play a game?
    [20:31:02] <DNStuff> clever guy
    [20:31:12] <aytrex> If you're so worked up about the fact that I tried to help the team
    [20:31:15] <aytrex> Then you can leave
    [20:31:26] <Fenris> got em
    [20:31:30] <sendokami> cheater
    [20:31:38] <ser xmol> booo
    [20:32:12] New player joined the game
    [20:32:13] Unnamed player is now known as remyyung
    [20:32:13] <TheBe Moonboy67> I SACRIFICED
    [20:32:19] <Zeigy> aytrex the videos will be up in the next 20 minutes. see u on the forums
    [20:32:33] <ser xmol> don't open tunnel!!!
    [20:32:34] <aytrex> Cool

    Server Name: Beo's CTF Server

    Time: 12:13 am GMT on Wednesday May 9th 2012

    Evidence: Video 1 - http://youtu.be/N2ZZF3EV3-A
    kagesha edit: please remember to use spoiler tags when posting screenshots or long logs.
  19. JsF

    JsF Shopkeep Stealer

    1. [SKY] drdaniel
    2. Changed teams and destroyed red teams bridge, then changed back to blue.
    3. Goon heaven
    4. Around 8:30 am (GMT+1)
    5. Screenshot (attached) of him admiting it, then quitting after seeing he couldn't change back to blue team.
    Is a gold account, but such accions make me wonder if he actually paid for the game knowing that it can perma ban the account...

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  20. Garreth

    Garreth Catapult Fodder

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