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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Thanks for reporting. Banned.
    Mqrius likes this.
  2. Mqrius

    Mqrius Robo Guard Cop Tester

    1. What was the players name?
      "JAJA solidsteff" and "konar". Interestingly, both are paid accounts.
    2. What did the player do?
      Griefing on purpose
    3. In what server?
      Beo's CTF Server
    4. In what time?
      00:50ish, GMT-2
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
      Here's the video: http://youtu.be/P4TIQ1Uh4sI
      konar: 0:15 - 0:28
      JAJA solidsteff: 1:03 - 1:35
    For the record, the reason I'm "spamming" so many reports all of a sudden: I started constantly running fraps in "loop buffer" mode when playing KAG. This means it constantly keeps the last 180 seconds of video in memory. This way I have the last 3 minutes of video if I see a griefer. If I hit a button, it saves it to a file and continues recording. It's a pretty good feature, only available in the full fraps version.
    </br>--- merged: Jun 27, 2012 12:04 AM ---</br>
    1. What was the players name?
    2. What did the player do?
      Griefing repeatedly on purpose
    3. In what server?
      Beo's CTF Server
    4. In what time?
      Multiple times
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
      I have one video that was a small grief. I warned him after that that I had a video and that he was an asshat and should stop it. Later he griefed again, so I'm reporting.
      1st: http://youtu.be/_OLRF9n6ZAg
      2nd: http://youtu.be/9rfPcx6Z7E8 (I haven't mouseovered him in this video, sadly. I know that was him doing it from memory. User 8x in chat also confirms it's him. Plus this is the second video anyway.)
    Downburst likes this.
  3. Mqrius

    Mqrius Robo Guard Cop Tester

    I don't know if he has been punished already, but just 10 minutes ago he (forest_jack) went at it again.
  4. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Gents, I know most of you are not intending to clog this thread with non-reports, but that's what you're doing. Here's my 2 cents:

    Anyone else posting something that's not a report will receive a hefty warning. Is that clear? Good.

    I've deleted the offending posts from this page, but I'm still watching!
  5. supermaster17

    supermaster17 Catapult Fodder

    1. What was the players name?-Sharkgary
    2. What did the player do?-speedhack
    3. In what server?-Aus offical server
    4. In what time?-1:30 i think i was not watching time:P
  6. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator


    //NB: he means JAJA solidsteff, konar and forest_jack. Not Sharkgary. No proof, no ban. ~fbb
    Mqrius likes this.
  7. supermaster17

    supermaster17 Catapult Fodder

    1. What was the players name?-dude23
    2. What did the player do?-speedhack and walk through walls
    3. In what server?-Aus offical server
    4. In what time?- was not watching again:D
  8. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    To be clear, I haven't banned those folks from supermaster17 reports. Reason is obvious - no proofs.
    PeterPan14 and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  9. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    -Name? Delta gabriel7080.He is premium.
    -What did the player do? Griefed the shit out of opposing team for like 3 rounds,then started using speedhack.
    -What server? Cant remember.Server was not premium though,10 slots.
    -Time : 12:30-13:00(+ 04)

    Proof :

    BTW,SharkGary used speedhack too,but he did not grief,nor attacked other team,just messed around.
    Its a shame that there are premium users like this one.
    PeterPan14 likes this.
  10. Vattic

    Vattic Shopkeep Stealer

    1. Name: CHRIS bayford4ever
    2. What did the player do? removing the support between two towers
    3. In what server? Not sure
    4. In what time? Just a few minutes ago.
    5. Are you sure? Yes. The screens aren't the best but you can see the particles from a recently destroyed block and he's the only one around it. We got rid of him fairly quickly. He also changed his name part way through but I forget from what.

      screen-12-06-27-16-04-25.png screen-12-06-27-16-04-27.png
    1. Name: gustavopvieira
    2. What did the player do? destroying own base
    3. In what server? Not sure
    4. In what time? Since my last report on here.
    5. Are you sure? Yes.

      screen-12-06-25-00-52-06.png screen-12-06-25-00-52-15.png screen-12-06-25-00-52-17.png
  11. Zanman777

    Zanman777 Shopkeep Stealer

    I don't know if what just happened to me was just a bad joke or a tremendously bad call by a mod.

    There I was playing KAG, and this guy named deskull was holding a catapult while digging for a long time. I noticed he had 0 stone on his cata, and since I saw a lot of stone around, I went and loaded his cata while he was digging. I continued playing, and I noticed he wouldn't stop digging... The cata had 330 stone already and no one was using it. So I asked him:

    [B][16:16:13] <Zanman777> will you borrow the cata, pls?[/B]
    [B][16:16:26] <deskull> make your own[/B]
    [B][16:16:34] <Zanman777> i gave you 330 stone ffs[/B]
    [B][16:16:35] <deskull> i mined up the gold[/B]
    [16:16:42] New player joined the game
    [16:16:43] Unnamed player is now known as joselitomigu
    [16:16:49] <deskull> no
    [16:16:53] <Haladar> MOVE!
    [B][16:17:03] <Zanman777> fine[/B]
    Since I hate selfish smartasses on my team and the irony of the situation really pissed me off, I decided to trap him on the pit he was doing.
    [16:17:30] <Theoden> move
    [16:17:37] <Theoden> move omg
    [16:17:45] <Theoden> stupid archer
    [16:17:47] <[KAP] eman22> i g a died body
    [16:17:49] <Theoden> mocve
    [B][16:18:39] * Zanman777 * has been voted to be kicked by deskull (1/4)[/B]
    [16:18:45] New player joined the game
    [16:18:46] Unnamed player is now known as lord fero71
    [16:18:49] <Theoden> move
    [16:18:50] Megazord left the game
    [16:18:58] lord fero71 left the game
    [B][16:19:08] <deskull> zanman777 is a griefer! kick him[/B]
    [B][16:19:39] <deskull> zanman777 is a griefer! kick him[/B]
    [B][16:19:48] <Zanman777> oh shut up[/B]
    [B][16:19:50] <Zanman777> im not a griefer[/B]
    [16:19:51] <[KAP] eman22> die
    [16:20:06] <deskull> why you do this to me?
    [B][16:20:16] <Zanman777> next time, mind your attitude, asshole[/B]
    [16:20:24] Mqrius is now spectating
    [B][16:20:28] <deskull> zanman777 is a griefer! kick him[/B]
    [B][16:20:33] <Zanman777> ...[/B]
    [16:20:45] New player joined the game
    [16:20:46] Unnamed player is now known as MOLE thebonesauce
    [B][16:20:57] <deskull> i had full stone so you did not give me it[/B]
    [16:21:03] <Haladar> AHAH
    [B][16:21:24] <Zanman777> i gave your CATA 330 stone[/B]
    [16:21:28] <MOLE thebonesauce> shit
    [B][16:21:51] <deskull> well thats your falt[/B]
    [B][16:22:02] <Zanman777> then fuck yourself[/B]
    [16:22:12] <WildThunderStrike> lol
    [16:22:16] <[KAP] eman22> ,llol
    [B][16:22:19] <deskull> i mineed up the gold to build the stasion[/B]
    [B][16:22:29] <deskull> mined[/B]
    [B][16:22:43] <deskull> zanman777 is a griefer! kick him[/B]
    At this point, I passed him by, and he started to try to trap me. Started building a stonehouse around me, and collapsing stone ceilings over me to try to get me killed.
    [16:24:08] <[KAP] eman22> just trow stff
    [B][16:25:13] * deskull * has been voted to be kicked by Zanman777 (1/5)[/B]
    [16:25:19] New player joined the game
    [16:25:21] Unnamed player is now known as Schu98
    [16:25:25] joselitomigu left the game
    [16:25:38] New player joined the game
    [16:25:42] <Theoden> move
    [16:25:45] <Theoden> move awy
    [16:25:47] Unnamed player is now known as arnold
    [B][16:25:49] <Zanman777> deskull is griefing[/B]
    [B][16:25:50] * Zanman777 * has been voted to be kicked by Haladar (2/4)[/B]
    [B][16:25:51] <Zanman777> kick him[/B]
    [B][16:25:58] <deskull> zanman777 is a griefer! kick him[/B]
    [16:25:58] arnold left the game
    [B][16:25:59] <Zanman777> it wasnt me ffs[/B]
    [16:26:06] MOLE thebonesauce is now spectating
    [16:26:13] New player joined the game
    [16:26:14] Unnamed player is now known as [Pxl] gagafox
    [16:26:22] <Theoden> no this trap
    [B][16:26:26] <MOLE thebonesauce> it says it was you, Zanman[/B]
    [B][16:26:33] <Zanman777> ??[/B]
    [B][16:26:36] <deskull> zay man destroyed my building and tried to kill me[/B]
    [B][16:26:39] <Zanman777> What does?[/B]
    [16:26:40] <Darcurse> get that cata
    [B][16:26:43] <Zanman777> omg...[/B]
    [16:26:48] <Theoden> no this trap
    [B][16:26:49] <Zanman777> cant believe it[/B]
    [B][16:26:51] <MOLE thebonesauce> rcon, the logs we get for chat and collapses[/B]
    [16:26:58] <shit jordan2404> i know we can squash more oppl
    [B][16:27:02] <MOLE thebonesauce> it says you caused the collapse in question[/B]
    [B][16:27:08] <Zanman777> you must be joking...[/B]
    [B][16:27:17] <MOLE thebonesauce> lol, yes, I'm totally kidding[/B]
    [B][16:27:33] <MOLE thebonesauce> so what's up? why did you collapse something and try to kill a teammate?[/B]
    [B][16:27:45] <Zanman777> I didnt try to collapse anything[/B]
    [B][16:27:50] <MOLE thebonesauce> but you did.[/B]
    [B][16:27:53] <Zanman777> deskull is being a smartass[/B]
    [B][16:27:59] <Zanman777> He has a cata hanging around[/B]
    [B][16:28:04] <Zanman777> and i gave 330 to his cata[/B]
    [B][16:28:06] <deskull> zay man destroyed my building and tried to kill me[/B]
    [B][16:28:11] <MOLE thebonesauce> you collapsed something Zanman.[/B]
    [B][16:28:15] <Zanman777> he wouldnt even lend the thing[/B]
    [16:28:17] <[KAP] eman22> llol
    [B][16:28:18] <deskull> because i had a cata[/B]
    [B][16:28:18] <MOLE thebonesauce> the logs aren't going to lie[/B]
    [B][16:28:25] <Zanman777> what about deskull?[/B]
    [B][16:28:31] <MOLE thebonesauce> so just because he had a catapult you knocked something of his down?[/B]
    [B][16:28:31] <Zanman777> Check your fucking logs for deskull[/B]
    [B][16:28:36] <Zanman777> if they are so great[/B]
    [B][16:28:50] <Zanman777> fucking unban me already[/B]
    [16:28:50] <[KAP] eman22> haha
    [16:28:51] New player joined the game
    [16:28:51] Unnamed player is now known as Brett
    [B][16:28:53] <MOLE thebonesauce> so let me get this straight[/B]
    [B][16:28:58] <MOLE thebonesauce> you gave 330 stone[/B]
    [B][16:29:09] <MOLE thebonesauce> and just because he wouldn't give you the catapult, you griefed?[/B]
    [16:29:09] Schu98 left the game
    [B][16:29:14] <Zanman777> No.[/B]
    [B][16:29:18] <MOLE thebonesauce> that's what you just said[/B]
    [B][16:29:24] <MOLE thebonesauce> "he wouldn't even lend it"[/B]
    [B][16:29:31] <Zanman777> Then i trapped him on the cavern he was digging[/B]
    [16:29:31] New player joined the game
    [16:29:32] Unnamed player is now known as William
    [B][16:29:37] <Zanman777> and went away[/B]
    [B][16:29:44] <deskull> twice[/B]
    [B][16:29:44] <MOLE thebonesauce> that's just as bad as griefing, dude[/B]
    [B][16:29:49] <Zanman777> NExt time he saw me, he tried to trap me as well[/B]
    [16:29:51] Mqrius has joined the Red Team
    [B][16:29:56] <Zanman777> and started trying to collapse things over me[/B]
    [16:30:03] <Brett> lol
    [16:30:08] <Brett> ---->
    [B][16:30:09] <deskull> not the collaps[/B]
    [16:30:10] max maxermax left the game
    [16:30:10] samuel152 left the game
    [B][16:30:12] <MOLE thebonesauce> well, rcon doesn't say anything about him, just you.[/B]
    [16:30:23] Mqrius left the game
    [B][16:30:42] <deskull> i tryed to fix it, the building from be ing weird[/B]
    [B][16:30:45] <Zanman777> He collapsed more shit that i did[/B]
    [B][16:30:50] <Zanman777> stop shitting around, mole[/B]
    [B][16:30:53] <Zanman777> you're lying[/B]
    [B][16:30:57] <Zanman777> end it already[/B]
    [B][16:30:59] <MOLE thebonesauce> excuse me?[/B]
    [B][16:31:04] <Zanman777> you're excused[/B]
    [16:31:04] <[KAP] eman22> what
    [B][16:31:04] <MOLE thebonesauce> you're calling me a LIAR now?[/B]
    [B][16:31:09] <Zanman777> yes, i am[/B]
    [16:31:10] <[KAP] eman22> nvm
    [B][16:31:16] <Zanman777> if that rcon registers every collapse[/B]
    [B][16:31:22] <Zanman777> there HAS to be deskull's logs[/B]
    [B][16:31:27] <MOLE thebonesauce> you know what, fuck you Zanman, I was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, but if you're gonna be a cunt about it[/B]
    [B][16:31:30] <MOLE thebonesauce> you need a time out[/B]
    [B][16:31:31] <Zanman777> i saw him collapse stuff myself[/B]
    [16:31:40] New player joined the game
    [16:31:41] Unnamed player is now known as undeadude
    </br>--- merged: Jun 27, 2012 3:53 PM ---</br>
    I just wanna say this. Thebonesauce: I guarantee you deskull was who was trying to kill me with stone blocks. I didn't collapse any building of his.

    If the Rcon logged me as the author of the collapses, something is SERIOUSLY wrong, dude. I mean it.

    I just wished my PC was powerful enough to record my games, I'd have some really wild footage to show you guys by now, including this disgrace...
    You wouldn't even give me time to explain, and write explanations, you cut me off saying "you did it, it's here on Rcon"...

    If you just decided to be a smartass and you were bluffing... In that case, piss the fuck off. It wasn't the slightest funny.
  12. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Form now on I only accept videos as good enough evidence. (Screens and logs can still be added to report but video is a must.)

    Also, put chatlogs in code brackets or/and in spoiler.
  13. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    We tried to kick this Zanman in a round yesterday with no success. I saw him griefing. No videos or images though.
  14. Mqrius

    Mqrius Robo Guard Cop Tester

    1. What was the players name?
    2. What did the player do?
      Griefing on purposeHe repeatedly placed spikes in a dark part of our spawn, killing lots of teammates.
    3. In what server?
      Beo's CTF Server
    4. In what time?
      9:10ish, GMT-2
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
      Here's the video: http://youtu.be/dQwySiA1jIk
      Here is him leaving after I mentioned I had him on video:
  15. karpol

    karpol Shopkeep Stealer

    1)This player is khairr.
    2)He is using clantag of [LoG] (It's transformed to [LoD]. He aren't in this clan. I told to him about changing clan tag. All time he lefts from server.
    3)Photo uploaded.

    Attached Files:

    • ban.gif
      File size:
      88.1 KB
  16. Mqrius

    Mqrius Robo Guard Cop Tester

    1. What was the players name?
    2. What did the player do?
      Repeatedly griefing intentionally
    3. In what server?
      The Original Damn Small Server
    4. In what time?
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
      Here's him putting random spikes everywhere: http://youtu.be/wRylR11iCrc
      Here's him destroying most of our base: http://youtu.be/k14la3EjM2o
      Here's him putting random spikes everywhere again in the next game: http://youtu.be/L1zddar0cQk
  17. superpokes

    superpokes Bison Rider

    What was the players name?
    mario COCHON or just COCHON. I'm not sure if that was a clantag

    What did the player do?

    In what server?
    Beo's CTF Server

    In what time?
    Around 00:00 GMT +1 (or +2, i dont know, freaking time changes on spain :<)

    Are you sure?
    I think this is enough
  18. Mqrius

    Mqrius Robo Guard Cop Tester

    1. What was the players name?
    2. What did the player do?
    3. In what server?
      Beo's CTF server
    4. In what time?
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
      http://youtu.be/Pj232dOYkdk It's hard to see but there's a few frames in which you can see his name.
  19. Mqrius

    Mqrius Robo Guard Cop Tester

    1. What was the players name?
    2. What did the player do?
    3. In what server?
      Beo's CTF server I think…
    4. In what time?
      Don't remember
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
      I thought I didn't catch this griefing instance on camera, but it turns out I did -- partially.
      At the very start of the video you can see him in the top right of the screen, trying to make the tower collapse, with kallvall saving the day. He is marked for votekick by redsparrow. Then he goes and builds normally for a bit (??? Pretending not to be a griefer I guess), and then at 1:30 you see kallvall starting to type the words "tropo;o is greifing", and a few seconds later you hear the tower collapsing, and see it disappear from the minimap. After this he is marked by a second player and thus kicked.

      PS: The guy talking in the background is the google keynotes I was listening to on my second monitor :)
  20. HERaLD

    HERaLD Shark Slayer

    Player: DarkBlazerX
    What he did: Building, collapsing a swastika.
    What server: No idea...
    When: 5.15 PM South Aus time, about 15 minutes ago.

    Also, could I be informed if actions are taken against him please?
    Ruleral and JacKD like this.
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