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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. unwoundpath

    unwoundpath Arsonist

    Got you covered loki.


    As you can see, (proof) hes on my team, and no base is being destroyed.
  2. King

    King Guest

    How many idiots on these servers?

    Someone saw who kicked me a minute ago?

    All I had to see it's "... GRIEFING HARRASMENT".

    How does it hurt - spend half an hour to build huge trap and get the kick (and my score was highest...).

    [EU] GamingCrew
  3. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Regardless of how legitimate he is flaming like that is unacceptable. Loki, have a 1 day ban from the forums to cool off. Shadlington, you're on a warning, that was practically trolling no matter how correct your statements were.

    In other news, NewBromptonFerret has been banned from the game.

    Also, this thread is for reports not discussion. Confirmation is welcome. If you want to have a discussion about griefers and best tactics to avoid them please create another thread; do be careful to avoid giving them encouragement.
  4. King

    King Guest

    Here it is - a famous bitch!

    Surprised that no one has banned him.

    1. Doomsday

    2. False accusation of griefing and votekick.

    3. Russian KAG Server [testing].

    4. Last time: 17:31 Moscow time - 30 min ago.

    5. The same scum kicked me from [EU] GamingCrew server about an hour ago. Yesterday saw a few times, as he falsely accused people and kicked them. Those who already knew him tried to kick him before he kicks only someone of normal people. But I see noone still reported him.

    Here some screenshots:


    As always, there was a couple of idiots.

  5. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    Kicked by MeFastPlease. My teammates were saying F11 but I still got kicked.


    This happened after I helped get Doomsday and kukluxgrief (You know, the people mentioned maybe 5 times who still aren't banned) kicked from the GamingCrew server. Leads me to believe this is one of them.
  6. King

    King Guest

    I support t0rchic!

    He was kicked by griefer which named MeFastPlease.

    After that griefer broke the skybridge, which we've been built.


    The good news - our little slut crap this time. ^^

  7. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    Went to the Russian Server or whatever it's called and Doomsday came a bit later. He stayed on the enemy team for 3 minutes (The required time before votekick) and griefed their spawn. He joined my team and tried to hide in the corner so I wouldn't see him starting a votekick. I type faster, so I got rid of em though. For a bit ^^;..
  8. King

    King Guest

    I don't know what it is - maybe a hacker, or maybe just using the in-game bug.

    He can jump on the bridge blocks the opposing team and walk through walls!

    I saw how he was doing it a few times.

    1. Adyzor

    2. Hacker?

    3. Don't remember... or mb [EU] GamingCrew.

    4. Last time: 14:37 Moscow time - 6 hours 15 min ago.

    5. Here screenshot:

  9. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    That screenshot doesn't prove anything. He could have been blocked in by a friendly builder, and laddered up there too. I just find it hard to believe he's a hacker, considering I played with him the other day and he didn't hack and seemed like a nice guy. But I will take your word for it if you're absolutely sure.
  10. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    I think he was lagging. Jumping on enemy bridges makes sense. I'd be a little more suspicious if he was walking across them.
  11. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    I can make a single jump off an enemy bridge almost every time.
  12. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I watched that guy jump up that entire wall of bridge bits with no trouble... I think he had a little speedhacking going on.
  13. FastEnd

    FastEnd Guest

    1. What was the players name?
    his name was Ziven (shown well on screenshot i made before he started to insult me and ban)
    2. What did the player do?
    he banned me without any serious reason. he started to insult me, then made a vote, typing reason as "VOTE ABUSER GRIEFER" something like that.
    3. In what server?
    one of the main server, im pretty sure it was an EU main server. im new player so i dont recognize them sometimes.
    4. In what time?
    20:05 PM Europe
    5. Are you sure?
    There is a screenshot i made:

    people please ban him. i heard from other players that this guy can be some false account. im new in this game so i dont know, but others say that he is Bevear or sth like that, coz he always make this kind of voting, typed with high-sensitive letters etc.
    guys please, im new. i plaed Soldat a lot, but i tried to play this game, and my first experience was this :///
    help me please...
  14. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    The problem is, you're a griefer. You tried to votekick me for nothing earlier. I made a post with evidence and have people to back me up.
    You're a liar.
    Nice try.

    EDIT: Right here

    And my post from earlier

  15. King

    King Guest

    I saw how it was - he repeatedly jumped on our bridge blocks and passed 2-3 times through the stone blocks.
    There are was no builders or other guys from red team around. Believe it or not - I said as I saw it at the moment.

    I think not.

    I tried to do the same with the enemy bridge-ladder some time ago - nothing happened.
    I tried to go through a similar wall with a ladder and the room behind it - no chance...

    Shadlington +1 for speedhack.
  16. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    There's screenshots. And your name in YOUR screenshot is MeFastPlease. Kthx. End of discussion.
  17. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    You've been beaten to the chase beavers, if we already have proof that you're a vote-kick abuser as mefastplease (we do since you tried and succeeded to kick torchic.) you can't claim that Ziven is vote-kick abusing. Give it up. We're wise to you.
  18. King

    King Guest


    Hi clown! Nice day for ban, yeah?

    This scum kicked the player [HA] Wargod Loki with the highest score in game (something around 4000+).

    Ban this asshole already from forum and from game. I'm tired to see how morons like you demolish a game.


    P.S. That man [HA] Wargod Loki built most of what you see on the left side of the screenshot.

    And on the right side of the screenshot you can see my work. I call it Great Trap or King's Evil Trap. ^^
  19. King

    King Guest

    1. Fordeka

    2. Griefer - broke a few of our walls, to help our enemies.

    3. Don't remember.

    4. Last time: 18:22 Moscow time - 5 hours 10 min ago.

    5. Here screenshot:


    Was kicked, but need ban:

  20. King

    King Guest

    1. garciat

    2. Griefer - bombs and broke the base.

    3. Don't remember.

    4. Last time: 19:04 Moscow time - 5 hours ago.

    5. He was kicked 3 times from one game and rejoin every 20 minutes.

    Here screenshot of his score - it's -1042:


    Was kicked, but need ban:

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