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Requiring Assistance - Stronger Classes

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG Classic]' started by Kovett, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. MurCon

    MurCon Catapult Fodder

    Steps to have more classes but only available to certain people:

    - Download this seclev mod jackitch made, and then extract it to your security folder
    - Open up the "normal.cfg" file, and add the following to "features =": no_class_SuperKnight, no_class_SuperArcher, no_class_SuperBuilder
    - Then, you want to restrict the default classes in the rank you want to use superknight in, for example; open up the admin.cfg and add the following lines to the "features =": no_class_Knight, no_class_Archer, no_class_Builder
    - Add yourself to the "Users =" line and then save and restart server.
    - Success, you should have two different classes of each main class with different HP.

    Works with teams as well, check the different features you can add to the seclev's.

    On another note, if you are unsure why it says "no_class_SuperKnight" the name is assigned by the superknight.cfg in the rules folder:

    name = SuperKnight # < -- Change this to choose the name of the class
    tool = Knight # < -- Dont change this
    emblem = GUI/knight_icon.png

    Edit: I think in order for this to work successfully you can't host the server on your own computer due to when you login, you login through the direct connect box which gives you instant admin powers to everything. Thus being, you will have access to both Knight and SuperKnight rendering the seclev useless. Not sure if this is your case, but try getting a friend to test this for you if you are hosting on your own computer.
    VanHuek likes this.