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Rules Question

Discussion in 'Help' started by Mazzarx, May 9, 2017.

Mods: makmoud98, Mazey
  1. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    1. sounds pretty serious, we'd like to hear more about it with actual logs if true
    2. you'll have to specify what you mean by "became threatening"
    3. I'm pretty sure asking you to not be a meanie isn't "threatening"...it's part of admins job to discourage flaming
    4. I'm not sure what you mean by that but admins can't edit the terrain or "undo" kegs or anything
    5. that has nothing to do with their position as admin
    6. being randomly frozen is another thing we'd take seriously if you were to bring up a specific incident

    I still find it kind of unclear what you're after here. Like people have said, spectators don't have any more information than you do playing on a team. You even go into spectator mode every time you die. You can't see tunnelers on the map, but you can see their tunnels. If a spectator is trying to give one team the edge, the intent is a little mean I guess, but I would just leave something like that to a votekick.

    As for the head thing, whether it gives any advantage at all is debatable, and if it does, it's a very slight advantage anyway. But as you can see, that's not why they use that head, it's just for fun, and they seem willing to change it if you really insist.

    Hope that addresses your concerns. We're not like "the man" trying to "keep you down" or whatever, we're just trying to explain why we don't see this as a big deal - except for admin abuse, we do want to hear about specific examples of that on the official servers thread.
    Vamist and an_obamanation like this.
  2. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    You repeatedly claimed "he [has no head ingame], for an advantage because [he is an admin]"

    "most" was probably a large stretch, sorry.
    But you made it look obvious that having a "tester" (quoted) not knowing about a specific game mechanic is apparently "concerning".

    Yes, it is a mod. But it's integrated into one of the most popular servers (blood&glory, at least in EU) and there are super cancerous water tile heads that distracts you completely (do note I'm quite hostile to the mod because of players' heads).
    I've played a few times with makmoud (a few, because of timezones I guess) and his (lack of) head never really annoyed me. Guess we're not all looking at the same character elements, also I don't have the hq2x smooth shader on. You also may edit the Heads.png file by yourself and copy paste the regular head in the mean time (will get broken on updates unless you add it to autoignore).

    You need less than a few seconds for a single person to notice. I've always been doing this and never had issues with that. Also, the guy that spammed indications did it for both teams.

    You're welcome. No one here appreciates your attitude here for bashing admins and threatening to spam the forums.

    Feel free to include your screenshots with full logs (retrievable from the Logs folder) for every or your points.
    Define "similar" and "threatening". Taking up someone's tag and name is a problem if the targeted person cares about it or not, whether they're an admin or not. If it is a player they do not know it's perfectly acceptable to deny it.

    As I said already, admins have no more power than player expect admin tools (kicking, muting, banning). Official server admins doesn't have access to RCON so they certainly cannot do that. What do you mean?

    He was joking.

    You generally don't get randomly frozen, generally accidentally or because you're doing something suspicious. Overriding your buildings is a non-issue unless they griefed them.

    This thread is just better left closed or splitted in another one.
    Vamist and an_obamanation like this.

  3. From what I see its pretty clear what position the player is in, I think if you're trying to kill a player generally you're going to focus on the movement of their sword not tiny pixel changes in the face. The longer you play the more you can predict what the player is doing in particular distances from an enemy. I don't think a missing head is much of a concealer since a glaring sword is a much larger giveaway. Sound cues also give movement away, but applause to Mak for being open-minded on changing the head.

    As for spotting changes in the map, you don't necessarily need to stare at the map to see slight changes, it only takes a couple of seconds to break and for that tunnel to be effective then it needs to be constant. If the tunnel just moves a little bit once every minute or so then its not going to be a threat because the game would probably have ended by the time it reaches the other side, the map would have to span out to be a large game where the terrain will deteriorate (assuming the map isn't designed poorly) due to all of the explosives going off which would expose the tunnel anyways. (unless someone has gone through ridiculous efforts to dig the tunnel on the bottom of the map in which case, its just on your team to recognize the problem).

    So to answer your question, I don't think its against the rules, but when a player dies in a match they have a respawn time where they can view the entire map for a certain amount of time just like a spectator; they both have the same exact view, the spectator view is just constant.

    Hopefully I'm not being super redundant in my post or in reiterating someone else's. Hope this helped!
    an_obamanation and makmoud98 like this.
  4. Darruin

    Darruin Bison Rider Staff Alumni

    @Geti Oh yeah that game. He was just typing stuff in chat about what people were doing... Sure if it was a competitive match it'd be annoying but on the officials I don't really do much unless someone's absolutely griefing, abusive, disruptive etc. So yeah didn't think it mattered much, plus people are always welcome to start vote-kicks.
    Solaris likes this.
  5. I do that. Am I autistic?
  6. asger75

    asger75 Haxor

    the minimap thing is kinda obvious though, if you see a big line going under your base, pretty safe to say there's a tunneler
    epsilon likes this.
  7. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    If I'm not mistaken, wasn't there an update which defused kegs when a player is frozen while holding a lit keg? I think admins can also reset the current catapult/ballista charge when freezing someone who's charging a shot. They definitely can't edit the terrain, though.
  8. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    in which case it was certainly not an official server admin and his opinion about non-official servers is as relevant as modded servers (so according to himself irrelevant)
  9. Mazzarx

    Mazzarx Catapult Fodder

    Yeah this must be it.
    I also never said anything about the terrain.

    It must of been keg lighting with a bind to freeze and unfreeze at the same time or so, giving the effect.
    Also, Asu's comments are consistently inherently aggressive, saying that i surely must of men't non-official and therefore doesnt matter, but now that i can assure you it was on an official server, he'll say it doesnt matter anyways, in which case his entire post above me serves absolutely no purpose other than to go against anything i say.

    "Wasnt official, doesn't matter"
    It was official server
    Expecting: "Was official, doesn't matter", from you next.

    Again pretty sure i got screenshots of players complaining about it.

    I've also got multiple admins berating me in-game, asking me for my forum name and finding any excuse to kick me without warning, after making this thread.
    E.g. I didnt move for ~20s at my computer, got kicked, when i rejoined and asked why i was kicked, the response i got was "Are you Mazzarx from the forums?". Again, got logs and screenshots of this too.

    The next game i played, i took out an enemy structure outside of our base, which was giving the enemy an advantage, the entire game our side was not able to get close enough to it, eventually me and a knight (admin) got to it, i was about to block the enemy doors, let the knight through and take out the enemy tower (admin watching me do it, but says he wasnt paying attention, despite standing infront of the tower, not moving), after it falls down, i get frozen, told not to grief and remain frozen. Eventually this admin also says "Are you mazzarx from the forums?", to which another admin chimes in and says "IS HE THAT BLOODY CUNT?" or something along those lines.

    Got 3 admins now intentionally on a man-hunt for me because of this thread and yet people will still defend these actions. How odd is it, that when i get kicked and frozen, and ask why, i get confronted with a question asking about my forum username, it has no relevance other than being a man-hunt.
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  10. Could you please provide the logs and screenshots?
    an_obamanation likes this.
  11. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    you say you have screenshots and logs, why hold them back? Post them all! It would help your case a lot!
    Asu likes this.
  12. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Until you post the proof, none of your accusations can be acknowledged.
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  13. Just to clarify, are you saying that you collapsed an enemy tower and got frozen for griefing? To be frozen for that doesn't make any sense.
    Or do you mean that you collapsed your team's tower which was giving an advantage to the enemy team?

    Also I'm sorry if you've been singled out in-game, I hope you can prove your case and have something done about it, because that's not cool.
Mods: makmoud98, Mazey