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Rules. Stick to em!

Discussion in 'Groups' started by Reudh, Sep 3, 2012.

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  1. Your writing can be any format, any genre you like.

    Graphic content is allowed at the discretion of the moderators, though of course the final say is held by the true mods (FBB, Kouji, etc). Keep it at max MA15+.

    • Violence is acceptable, so long as you don't linger overlong on it. Bear in mind you're submitting to an audience here, and not everyone has iron stomachs. (I'm fine, personally, but keep others in mind.)
    • Gore is also acceptable. Same with violent pieces; keep in mind your audience and the fact that the KAG forum DOES have youngsters about who may find this thread. If you feel it is too violent/sexual/gory to be displayed here, send it in a PM to Fuzzy, Tiruin or I.
    • Sexual content is acceptable, so long as it's very light and is not the main focus of the piece. We don't want people writing erotica or pornography.
    • Judgement on the above rules is left to the moderators. They reserve the right to kick you out of the group (after due warning, of course) and delete a piece if they feel it is too graphic.

    The mentors will reserve the right to refuse to critique a piece if it is far too lurid in its writing with regard to the aforementioned.

    DO NOT FLAME others, no matter what the content of their writing is. If it is something you don't agree with / dislike / hate, just DO NOT COMMENT on it. Leave it to the other mentors to comment on.

    Stick to these rules, and we'll all be happy.

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