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running a dedicated server, roommates can't join

Discussion in 'General Help' started by bilbs, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. bilbs

    bilbs Guest

    I'm thinking it's an IP conflict of some kind, I remember having problems like this running a Counter-Strike server.
    Anyone know a way around it?

    Other people have been connecting through the server browser
    and I've been connecting through the default IP
    but roommates can't connect.
  2. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Might be. Have everyone check their local IP's and see if they are the same.
  3. bilbs

    bilbs Guest

    Well our local IPs (on the router) aren't the same. But I'm guessing its our outgoing IPs (sorry don't know technical terms, just have a general understanding) that are the same. Which is something certain ISPs do.

    Does anyone know a fix?

    Two people on a single modem/router not able to join the same server.
  4. Fructdw

    Fructdw Shopkeep Stealer

    Maybe try Hamachi or Tunngle?
  5. bilbs

    bilbs Guest

    using hamachi to connect to the server or running the server through hamachi?