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Saverous' Modding Guide for Newbies

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG Classic]' started by Saverous, Jun 5, 2012.


Which Mods have you attempted from this guide?

  1. Spawning Bisons

  2. Making Nukes

  3. Get Builders in Swordfight

  4. Get other classes into sandbox

  5. New shops in Zombie Survival

  6. Saverous! make another guide! i've done this already!

  1. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    Here I made a working crate for you all. (Ignore boulder_sprite for the factory, I wasn't sure if chest_sprite would work). You throw it, it rolls 1 tile. then it sits in place. I can make Crate kegs and lanterns if you guys want

    EDIT: This moves shops off their grid beaware if used in multiplayer.
    # Boulder config file
    # $ string
    # @ array
    # sprite
    $sprite_factory = boulder_sprite
    $sprite_texture = Entities/Items/Sprites/Crate.png
    s32_sprite_frame_width = 13
    s32_sprite_frame_height = 12
    $sprite_sound_death_hit =
    $sprite_sound_flesh_hit = Sounds/hit_wood.ogg
    $sprite_sound_die =
    $sprite_sound_spawn =
    $sprite_sound_gib = Sounds/destroy_ladder.ogg
    $sprite_sound_emit =
        $sprite_gibs_start = *start*
        $gib_type = static_particle
        $gib_file = Enities/Rooms/Sprites/RoomGibs.png
        u8_gib_count = 5                    #number of gibs
        u8_gib_style = 0                    #column
        u8_frame_width = 8;
        u8_frame_height = 8;
        @u8_gib_frame = 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7;    #row
        $gib_collide_sound = Sounds/rock_hit?.ogg
        f32_gib_mass = 2.5
        u8_gib_emit = 255                    #nothing
        f32_velocity = 4.0
        f32_offset_x = 0.0
        f32_offset_y = 0.0
        $gib_type = predefined
        $gib_style = stone
        u8_gib_count = 1                    #number of gibs
        @u8_gib_frame = 1; 2; 3;
        f32_velocity = 4.0
        f32_offset_x = 0.0
        f32_offset_y = 0.0
        $sprite_gibs_end = *end*
    f32_blood_multiplier = 3.0
    clr_blood_color = 255; 155; 95; 0
      $sprite_animation_start = *start*
      # roll
      $sprite_animation_roll_name = roll
      u16_sprite_animation_roll_time = 3
      u8_sprite_animation_roll_loop = 1
      @u16_sprite_animation_roll_frames = 0;
      $sprite_animation_end = *end*
    # ball
    $ball_factory = block_collider
    f32_ball_width = 13.0
    f32_ball_height = 12.0
    f32_ball_radius = 6.0
    f32_ball_max_upspeed = 5.0
    f32_ball_max_fallspeed = 8.0
    f32_ball_max_airspeed = 6.0
    f32_ball_max_groundspeed = 0.7
    f32_ball_max_actionspeed = 1.0
    f32_ball_gravity = 0.4
    f32_ball_ground_slide = 0.5
    f32_ball_wall_slide = 0.92
    f32_ball_ladder_slide = 0.5
    f32_ball_ground_bounce = 0.2
    f32_ball_wall_bounce = 0.2
    1_ball_opens_doors = 0
    1_ball_opens_bridges = 0
    f32_ball_hit_momentum = 0.11
    $ball_sound_bounce = Sounds/boulder_fall?.ogg
    $movement_factory =
    $weapon_factory =
    $brain_factory =
    $attachment_factory =
    # general
    $name = Crate
    f32_health = 2.0
    f32 gib_health = 0.0
    f32 kill_roll_speed = 0.0
    And heres the shop part
                      crateboulder; boulder; Entities/Items/CrateBoulder.cfg;
    Entities/Items/Sprites/Crate.png; d; 0; 16; I don't do a damn thing but sit!; w50;

    Heres your swordfight with builders and shops. Any other request?

    Attached Files:

  2. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    Thats good, you can experiment more on Rooms and Zombies after you get the grasps of the basics
    </br>--- merged: Jul 15, 2012 11:44 PM ---</br>
    Use this crate shop that i made for the crate sprite. And Mech, can you make it like a blocker, Something that blocks things. And if you could, make it stackable like in real life.

    Attached Files:

  3. DeadlyElectron

    DeadlyElectron Catapult Fodder

    I just wanted to note that the gm 'swordfight' and all others were moved into 'rules'.
  4. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    Everyone knows this by now...
  5. DeadlyElectron

    DeadlyElectron Catapult Fodder

    well. he may want to update it... :argh:
  6. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    errrrr what?
    They've been in the rules folder for over half a year, i don't know about before, but ever since i joined these forums they've been there.
  7. DeadlyElectron

    DeadlyElectron Catapult Fodder

    never mind. nobody gets it. he should update it.:argh:
  8. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    Update what?! Where should he update? Whats wrong with his locations? Not enough info from "he should update it"
  9. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    No need to update it....
  10. lazas1234

    lazas1234 Builder Stabber

    Just stacking and easier to climb buildings with it.

    I think we should give it to mole for the mole server
  11. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    How is 50w a crate easier then just placing ladders?
  12. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Because you can pick them back up and reuse them, even as an archer or knight, and I'm sure people will,come up with more creative uses, like steps across water, or shields against arrows, or whatnot. That's the wonder of KAG--the only limit is the imagination of the players!
  13. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    So if we make the crates somewhat like ladders and yet can float, then we completely create a new item?
  14. Areo

    Areo much doge so swag wow
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Wow , Thanks Saverous , This KIND OF makes up for the kitty Slaughtering.
  15. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Sounds fun to do, does this work with Mac?
  16. Doc22

    Doc22 Builder Stabber

    Hello, I have tried adding bison to my server. I used the skeleton cfg file and only changed the name and some things like climb_walls= 0 and $name= bison and the cfg is called bison.cfg. I have successfully spawned them and they move towards you aggressively but they cant damage you. Here is the cfg:

    # Skeleton config file
    # $ string
    # @ array

    # sprite

    $sprite_factory = zombie_sprite

    $sprite_texture = Entities/Actors/Sprites/Bison.png
    s32_sprite_frame_width = 32
    s32_sprite_frame_height = 32
    $sprite_sound_death_hit =
    $sprite_sound_flesh_hit = Entities/Actors/Sounds/ZombieHit.ogg
    $sprite_sound_die = Sounds/Splat.ogg
    $sprite_sound_spawn =
    $sprite_sound_gib = Sounds/Splat.ogg
    $sprite_sound_emit =

    $sprite_gibs_start = *start*

    #head or ribcage
    $gib_type = static_particle
    $gib_file = Entities/Actors/Sprites/ZombieGibs.png
    u8_gib_count = 1
    u8_gib_style = 0
    u8_frame_width = 8;
    u8_frame_height = 8;
    @u8_gib_frame = 0; 1;
    $gib_collide_sound = Sounds/flesh_hit.wav
    f32_gib_mass = 1.5
    u8_gib_emit = 255
    f32_velocity = 8.0
    f32_offset_x = 0.0
    f32_offset_y = -5.0

    $gib_type = predefined
    $gib_style = bone
    u8_gib_count = 1 #number of gibs
    @u8_gib_frame = 1; 2; 3;
    f32_velocity = 5.0
    f32_offset_x = 0.0
    f32_offset_y = 0.0

    $gib_type = predefined
    $gib_style = bone
    u8_gib_count = 5
    @u8_gib_frame = 4; 5; 6; 7;
    f32_velocity = 10.0
    f32_offset_x = 0.0
    f32_offset_y = 0.0

    $sprite_gibs_end = *end*

    f32_blood_multiplier = 8.0
    clr_blood_color = 255; 200; 0; 0

    $sprite_animation_start = *start*

    # stand
    $sprite_animation_stand_name = stand
    u16_sprite_animation_stand_time = 4
    u8_sprite_animation_stand_loop = 1
    @u16_sprite_animation_stand_frames = 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 4;

    # walk
    $sprite_animation_walk_name = walk
    u16_sprite_animation_walk_time = 5
    u8_sprite_animation_walk_loop = 1
    @u16_sprite_animation_walk_frames = 0; 1; 0; 5;

    # attack
    $sprite_animation_attack_name = attack
    u16_sprite_animation_attack_time = 3
    u8_sprite_animation_attack_loop = 1
    @u16_sprite_animation_attack_frames = 9; 10; 11; 8;

    # dead - should always gib
    $sprite_animation_dead_name = dead
    u16_sprite_animation_dead_time = 4
    u8_sprite_animation_dead_loop = 0
    @u16_sprite_animation_dead_frames = 2; 3;

    # revive
    $sprite_animation_revive_name = revive
    u16_sprite_animation_revive_time = 4
    u8_sprite_animation_revive_loop = 0
    @u16_sprite_animation_revive_frames = 7; 6;

    # climb
    $sprite_animation_climb_name = climb
    u16_sprite_animation_climb_time = 4
    u8_sprite_animation_climb_loop = 1
    @u16_sprite_animation_climb_frames = 8; 9; 10; 11;

    $sprite_animation_end = *end*

    u16_attack_hit_frame = 6
    $sprite_sound_attack =
    $sprite_sound_spot = Entities/Actors/Sounds/SkeletonSayDuh.ogg
    $sprite_bloodsquirt_file =
    $sprite_bloodsmall_file =

    # ball

    $ball_factory = zombie_ball

    f32_ball_width = 16.0
    f32_ball_height = 16.0
    f32_ball_radius = 6.0
    f32_ball_max_upspeed = 3.0
    f32_ball_max_fallspeed = 6.0
    f32_ball_max_airspeed = 2.0
    f32_ball_max_groundspeed = 1.1
    f32_ball_max_actionspeed = 1.0
    f32_ball_gravity = 0.4
    f32_ball_ground_slide = 0.75
    f32_ball_wall_slide = 0.79
    f32_ball_ladder_slide = 0.21
    f32_ball_ground_bounce = 0.0
    f32_ball_wall_bounce = -0.5
    1_ball_opens_doors = 1
    1_ball_opens_bridges = 1
    f32_ball_hit_momentum = 0.1
    # zombie
    1_ball_climb_walls = 0
    1_ball_climb_ceiling = 1
    1_ball_collides_with_team = 0

    # movement

    $movement_factory = zombie_movement

    f32_movement_airacc = 0.1
    f32_movement_groundacc = 0.5
    f32_movement_actionacc = 0.01
    f32_movement_ladderacc = 0.5
    f32_movement_jumpacc1 = 0.95
    f32_movement_jumpacc2 = 0.35
    f32_movement_jumpactiondec = 0.69
    f32_movement_groundslide = 0.5
    u16_movement_jump2start = 3

    # weapon

    $weapon_factory = zombie_bite

    f32_attack_power = 0.5 # hearts
    f32_attack_radius = 1.2 # percentage of actor radius
    u8_hitter_type = 10
    @u8_destructible_blocks = 128; 143; # pairs of ranges x-y ; 0 - all destructible
    196; 203;

    # 0 - destroy always; 1 - destroy when stuck; 2 - destroy when angry
    u8_destruction_style = 1
    u8_destruction_power = 1

    # brain

    $brain_factory = zombie_brain

    u8_visible_distance_tiles = 22
    u8_attack_init_distance_tiles = 4
    u16_stuck_tolerance = 100 # the lower he value the faster it acknowledges being stuck; 30 = second
    u8_path_search_style = 0
    u8_anger_tolerance = 5

    $attachment_factory =

    # general

    $name = bison
    f32_health = 1.5
    f32 gib_health = 0.0
    f32 heal_amount = 0.0
    f32_stun_health = -10.0
    Can you tell me what is wrong?
  17. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I don't understand how to add more classes to sandbox? I got the tent in but not the classes .. HELP!?
  18. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    At the top of the gamemod, it will say something like
    teams= XXXXX
    you put what ever teams in IE:

    Then in the team1.cfg file in whatever file,
    edit the classes
    </br>--- merged: Jul 24, 2012 6:26 AM ---</br>

    You probably change too much of the actions. Sometimes, attack movements are exclusive to a mob
  19. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    1. Change $sprite_factory = zombie_sprite to $sprite_factory = zombieknight_sprite (Don't worry it'll still be a bison.)
    2. Then scroll down to u16_attack_hit_frame = 6 and change it to 7.
    3. Also I noticed your bisons ball width and height are too small. Change that to f32_ball_width = 24.0 32_ball_height = 24.032_ball_radius = 12.0
    It should work now.
  20. Doc22

    Doc22 Builder Stabber

    I tried this and they still do not attack. I Spawned them the same way zombies are spawned and I can make them spawn in a zombie map automatically but they do not attack. Here is ZombieDirector.cfg:
    # Zombie Director config file
    # $ string
    # @ array

    # sprite

    $sprite_factory =
    $ball_factory =
    $movement_factory =
    $weapon_factory =

    # brain

    $brain_factory = director_brain

    u8_visible_distance_tiles = 0
    u8_attack_init_distance_tiles = 0
    u16_stuck_tolerance = 0
    u8_path_search_style = 1

    $attachment_factory =

    # general

    $name = director
    f32_health = 0.25
    f32 gib_health = 0.0

    s32_difficulty = 20 # starting difficulty
    s32_difficulty_increase_per_day = 40
    s32_difficulty_increase_boss = 25
    s32_difficulty_on_breach_dungeon = 17
    s32_max_zombies_spawned = 10000
    # time = 0 - midnight - 255 midnight (default 39-213)
    u8_zombie_time_start = 10
    u8_zombie_time_end = 213
    @$_entitys = Entities/Actors/Zombie.cfg, 2;
    Entities/Actors/Bison.cfg, 10;
    Entities/Actors/Skeleton.cfg, 1;
    Entities/Actors/Wraith.cfg, 15;
    Entities/Actors/ZombieKnight.cfg, 40;
    Entities/Actors/Greg.cfg, 26;
    I did the changes you said and it looks the same just it has bigger physical area. The problem i am having is getting it to attack! Can someone show me their cfg for how they made a bison/zombie arm/zombie chicken work?

    Also, They move towards you just like skeletons and zombies, but they cant damage you.