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Seeming error in code for alpha(you missed a spot i think)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by miniswrider, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. miniswrider

    miniswrider Bison Rider

    upload_2014-1-3_11-26-19.png this Explains itself, but dont ask why i use windows....its a driver error. But it'spossible file is corrupted it only gets errors like this after etended use, and my computer gets hybernated every time it crashes, but sometimes i have to force quit.
  2. RikTelner

    RikTelner Arsonist

    Call me an idiot. But error itself gives you already enough information.
    There has to be too many ", = or ; in file.
    Your KAG copy automatically updates this file in case
    when you change something in Settings in KAG (at run-time).

    I don't know how to directly solve that, but you can manually edit your
    file while it works and meets your needs. When it will go wrong again,
    just copy-paste this file back.

    @btw - Microsoft Windows XP is unsafe (100%).
    miniswrider likes this.
  3. miniswrider

    miniswrider Bison Rider

    i know it is but my shitty laptop has a driver i cant seem to be able to get on linux of any available form.... its slow anyway...
  4. RikTelner

    RikTelner Arsonist

    Yeah, the network adapter. That why Linux sucks as personal use in my opinion. It should be only used for servers and pure terminal actions.
  5. miniswrider

    miniswrider Bison Rider

    also could you copy-paste the cgf onto here it just messed up(btw a .cfg is just a .txt with commands in it titled *.cfg so it is run differently unless you use notepad or something)
    EDIT: i reinstalled, made backup, and when messed up, replaced backup.
    it didnt work. the original text was just a URL and it was the exact same text. i even tried replacing the whole app folder...no luck
    also the driver error is not abour the network adapter(try WICD)...its intel^tm extreme graphics....
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
  6. Are you still looking for an answer? If so go to your KAG folder and go to app. then delete your version.txt and run it agin.
  7. miniswrider

    miniswrider Bison Rider

    no itried that on many occasions didn't work buti went on linux now its all good