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Server configuration tool with a GUI

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Maqq, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Cpt-Nanashi

    Cpt-Nanashi Catapult Fodder

    What is error message?

    Added some feature.
    But that feature based the JackD's idea.
    And, his version is more useful than my version.
    Download here.
  2. nzrock

    nzrock Shipwright

    Not much of a error message on the crashes...Moving the KAG folder to C drive doesn't work either.
    Top one is Maqq's, bottom one is both Nanashi's and JackD's, extra problem with JackD's one is that the error message/program doesn't close, it just keeps popping up.
    For Maqq's, both tempesta.png and menuitems.png does exist in my game folder, guiStarter.xml does not.
  3. Cpt-Nanashi

    Cpt-Nanashi Catapult Fodder

    I think, bottom one is not error.
    Hold the console window,then run the KAG and check the server browser.
  4. nzrock

    nzrock Shipwright

    No the thing is that I already said it crashes and obviously am not running.
    It gives the generic "program error, need to close" dialogue:
  5. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Hi, if Maqq's version fails, then ours will too, as they are based on his code ;)

    Which OS are you using?
    Where did you installed KAG?
    Does it work starting dedicatedserver.bat?
    Do you have all the .NET stuff needed installed?
    Does it work on another machine? (OS, VM, whatever)

    If you are using Vista/7 try running the config tool as an administrator (Right click, Run as Administrator)
    You could also try a clean install. I know it's really not much help, but without more information, a single crash doesn't say much to us either.

    Try the options above and let us know.
  6. fishfinger73

    fishfinger73 Haxor

    I'll try it... Hopefully it works :p.
  7. Cpt-Nanashi

    Cpt-Nanashi Catapult Fodder


    Run KAG.exe as administrator.
    But,I don't know it works.
    Download here.
  8. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    New version:


    -Added server output is displayed inside the app
    -Added RGB color picker for color team
    -Added message notifications to tray icon
    -Fixed tray icon stays in the tray area after close

    *Known Issues*
    -Sometimes the output redirection app crashes. No idea why yet.
    -App must be launched from command-line or the server won't close when the app closes (So we still have ONE command-line open)

    This issue *might* be resolved with the fixes to KAG shown here http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/16163/Real-Time-Console-Output-Redirection

    Normal output redirection gets stucked at some point, while the RTconsole works with no problems.
    Maqq and Cpt-Nanashi like this.
  9. nzrock

    nzrock Shipwright

    1) You can see in the screenshot I posted that I'm on Windows XP service pack 3.
    2) My G drive, I already said moving the folder to C drive doesn't work.
    3) Yes I can run my servers fine using the default .bat file, I had a server up and running for about 3hours with around 20players.
    4) Yes all .net are in, from .net1 to .net4.
    5) Have not bothered to try it yet on VM or other comps...
  10. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Also, the server restarting when you close it manually is a feature, not a bug. To stop it use the button in the GUI.
  11. nzrock

    nzrock Shipwright

    Yeah I already did saw that, nothing works :(
  12. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Then there's not much I can do for you. You can try on a different machine to see if it works I dont have WXPSP3 to test here.
  13. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    New version

    Download link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/65858755/KAGServerConfigTool/KAG Server Config Tool.zip

    * Latest changes *
    -Added: better error description to RTconsole.exe when it fails to assign the process to the job
    -Added: auto update

    *Not so lastest changes *
    -Fixed: replaced port, map width and map height text boxes with numeric up/down controls for easy number checking
    -Added: some tooltips and rephrased the naming of some options
    -Added: exit confirmation dialog when the server is running
    -Fixed: console window now closes on app start (You still have to use the bat file)
    -Added: Check for KAG updates on app start
    -Added: Check for KAG Server Config Tool updates on start

    * Known Issues *

    -Sometimes the output redirection app (RTconsole.exe) crashes. No idea why yet.
    -App must be launched from command-line (Use included bat file) or the server won't close when the app closes.
    Cpt-Nanashi and Noburu like this.
  14. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    The one of Cpt-Nanashi works more for me because when I change IP on files, Maqq program change it automatically.. but I can change IP with the other one. :)

    Also, really nice work, this help alot.
    JacKD likes this.
  15. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I'll try to add that feature ;)


    New version, auto update or download from here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/65858755/KAGServerConfigTool/KAG Server Config Tool.zip

    * Latest changes *

    -Fixed: auto update version checking
    -Added: number of players connected in server output tab (it includes bots)
    -Added: information dialogs when there are no updates available
    -Added: you can now change the default server ip
    -Added: class editor

    * Known Issues *

    -Sometimes the output redirection app (RTconsole.exe) crashes. No idea why yet.
    -App must be launched from command-line (Use included bat file) or the server won't close when the app closes.
    -No default configuration for any of the classes (they must be configured manually)
    Maqq, Noburu and Cpt-Nanashi like this.
  16. Cpt-Nanashi

    Cpt-Nanashi Catapult Fodder


    Fixed the Rule editor, Team editor, and some bug.
    Added the help file!

    Download here.

    My version is launch the KAG.exe by administrative privileges.
    Don't need bat file If you are administrator of your PC.

    So, I'm a middle school student.
    I don't have times.
    Noburu likes this.
  17. PainGiver

    PainGiver Arsonist

    Download link for newest version doesnt work.

    Thanks for fixing.
  18. Cpt-Nanashi

    Cpt-Nanashi Catapult Fodder


    But, I have a big problem.
    It's fatal error.

    IP automatic detection Doesn't work.
    global sv_ip <= automatic detection if set to 0.
    but doesn't work.
    Server output:
    An error occurred while trying to create an ENet server host 0:50301

    JacKD's version will not set to 0.
    his version will set to 150.
    PainGiver likes this.
  19. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Fixed the errors described by Cpt-Nanashi.

    * Latest changes *

    -Fixed: bug on closing
    -Fixed: can't use negative numbers on some numeric controls (e.g.: death points)
    -Fixed: decimal 0,1 increment on numeric controls that use decimal values
    -Fixed: bad ip address when automatic selection is enabled
    -Fixed: gui lock up after stopping server if the process couldn't be assigned to the job

    Autoupdate, or download from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/65858755/KAGServerConfigTool/KAG Server Config Tool.zip
  20. Cpt-Nanashi

    Cpt-Nanashi Catapult Fodder

    It works?