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KAG Server won't show up in the Master List

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Draco1991, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    If you port forward 50301, leave the sv_port now

    Leave the sv_enableipv6,

    Just leave them.

    Just run the server
    and see how it goes
  2. blackguy123

    blackguy123 Bison Rider

    Since when i press the Tab Key, i see on my server it says the ip is I suspect that its because thats the only ip there is which is my local ip because my ip isnt within autoconfig but ill see how it goes without them
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 2, 2017, Original Post Date: Dec 31, 2016 ---
    no work ;( all i wanted to do was host ship n sail because everyone likes that mod but no one hosts it ;(
  3. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    Have you done the same to your firewall?
    You need to allow the port you port forwarded before to your firewall as well
  4. blackguy123

    blackguy123 Bison Rider

    Inbound rules named them "kagserver" I portforwarded 50301 UDP & TCP, [do i have to do 50328 udp 80 tcp and 443 tcp too?]
    I believe it is my autoconfig may I see yours? So I may use that and see if that works?
  5. Sorry to bring a dead thread back to life, but I'm having the same problem. I can connect to it with the Connect to... option, but it never appears on the Master List, yet it totally works on my end and I can play, spawn sharks, etc. I've forwarded all 5 or 6 (can't remember how many - I did all the ones on the KAG wiki, though) ports in firewall. I am on a Windows 10 gaming PC. I am not using a custom map nor mods. Here is my autoconfig.cfg. Thanks in advance!

    g_debug = 0 # Sets the level of debug information (0 - none).
    g_locale = en # Sets the translation language - minimal support currently, more coming!
    g_externaleditor = # Sets the external script editor eg. for Sublime Text 'sublime_text.exe %s:%i:%i'
    k_rendersync = 0 # Sync rendering FPS with game ticks ~ 30FPS
    g_sort = 2 # Type of sorting in the server browser
    g_forceresolution = 0 # Forces the given resolution to be used. Useful when your desktop resolution is poorly detected.
    g_verbosefilesending = 0 # Enables verbose file sending.
    g_filterplayerlower = 0 # Lower bound of players to filter on in the server browser
    g_filterplayerupper = 100 # Upper bound of players to filter on in the server browser
    g_filtergold = 2 # How to filter on modded servers in the server browser
    g_filterpass = 2 # How to filter on passworded servers in the server browser
    g_filtermode = All Gamemodes # Which gamemode to filter on in the server browser
    g_filtercategory = 0 # Filter by Cooperative/Competitive game modes
    g_videorecording = 0 # If set to 1 will hide most of the interface for a clean video recording.
    m_width = 256 # Map generator width
    m_height = 128 # Map generator height
    m_seed = 0 # Map generator seed. Pick a random number. 0 will be random each time
    auth_autologin = 0 # Should authentication be automatic on game start with saved password.
    auth_login = Blubahub # THD Account authentication login
    auth_remember = 0 # THD Account authentication remembered
    sv_gamemode = CTF # The gamemode launched on start of dedicated server. This usually is the DIRECTORY name under Base/Rules!
    sv_mapcycle = # The default map cycle loaded on server start. See Base/Maps/mapcycle.cfg.example for an example. Leave blank if you want Rules to load their own cycle.
    sv_mapcycle_shuffle = 0 # Shuffle the map cycle or use maps in order?
    sv_mapautocycle = 1 # Auto-cycle on next map to next map in list
    sv_gravity = 9.81 # Sets the global physics gravity.
    g_registrationtime = 0 # Time of players account registration.
    sv_canpause = 1 # Determines whether the server can pause and sleep while there are no players to save CPU load.
    sv_test = 1 # This determines if the server is in development testing mode. For usage in scripts.
    sv_restart_on_update = 1 # The server closes and restarts itself if game update is detected - only done on map changes.
    g_measureperformance = 0 # Measures game performance. Reset to 0 after game restart. Use performance console command to show.
    g_measureperformance_interval = 0 # This is the measureperformance interval, used to save CPU load when set to 2 or more while profiling.
    v_bpp = 32 # Requires v_restart to take effect.
    v_driver = 5 # Rendering driver (0 - null, 1 - software, 2 - software+, 5 - ogl).
    v_vsync = 1 # Vertical synchronization of video with monitor.
    v_capped = 0 # Set to 1 to limit framerate to 30FPS; set to 1 if computer is overheating
    v_showfps = 0 # Show the current FPS on screen.
    v_showminimap = 1 # Show minimap or not. Might solve performance issues.
    g_playerlistkey = 9 # The key used for showing the players list.
    g_screenshotkey = 115 # The key used for taking screenshots.
    g_tutorialkey = 112 # The key used for showing help.
    v_postprocess = 0 # Use fullscreen post processing effects.
    v_fastrender = 0 # Degrades visual quality for speed
    v_smoothsprites = 0 # Uses a filter to smoothen sprite pixels
    v_smoothmap = 0 # Uses a filter to smoothen map pixels
    v_screenshotquality = 100 # screenshotquality 92
    v_drawhud = 1 # v_drawhud 1
    g_fixedcamera = 1 # Uses a fixed camera on player. Disabling this makes the camera Soldat-like.
    g_kidssafe = 0 # Turns on/off violence & gore.
    g_noswears = 0 # Turns on/off the swear filter.
    cl_chatbubbles = 1 # Turns on/off chat bubbles hovering when players chat.
    v_camera_ints = 0 # Snaps camera position to whole integer value.
    v_no_renderscale = 0 # Disables the resolution scaling effects
    v_deltatime_diag = 0 # Turns on/off the render delta time monitor window
    s_soundon = 1 # Determines if the sound engine starts or not. Requires restart to turn sound on/off.
    s_volume = 0.25 # Sets the overall sound volume.
    s_musicvolume = 0.25 # Sets the music volume.
    s_effects = 0 # Use sound effects or not.
    s_system = 0 # Sets the sound system (0 autodetect; 1 DirectSound 8; 2 DirectSound; 3 Win MM; 4 ALSA; 5 Core Audio; 6 No sound.
    s_showmixer = 0 # Shows the music mixer debug.
    s_gamemusic = 1 # Plays music in game
    s_ambientmusic = 0 # Ambient music while playing game.
    s_menumusic = 1 # Menu music on or off.
    s_swapchannels = 0 # Swaps audio channels.
    security_whitelist_active = 0 # Set to 1 to allow only the names in the whitelist or 0 to disallow the names in the blacklist
    security_whitelist = Security/whitelist.cfg # The file with the whitelist config
    security_blacklist = Security/blacklist.cfg # The file with the blacklist config
    security_ignorelist = Security/ignorelist.cfg # The file with the ignorelist config
    security_seclevs = Security/seclevs.cfg # The file with the seclev config
    security_banflags = griefer abuser impersonation # Ban flags to observe but be lenient about - once expired these users will be allowed back in.
    security_strictflags = hacker # Ban flags to observe absolutely, anyone with a history of these will be banned permanently.
    n_graph = 0 # Shows the network activity graph.
    n_file_chunk_size = 8192 # Max amount of file sent every packet (in bytes). Higher numbers give faster downloads but can degrade gameplay. 2k-64k recommended.
    sv_maxplayers = 12 # Maximum number of players allowed ingame.
    sv_enable_joinfull = 1 # If set to 1 then privileged users (join_full seclev feature) may join the server when full.
    sv_reservedslots = 0 # Number of reserved slots (additional slots on top of the max, accessible only to privileged players).
    sv_tcpr = 0 # Whether to enable the TCP RCON server on sv_port. Default: 0.
    sv_tcpr_everything = 1 # Whether to print the entire console log to tcpr, or just stuff sent specifically from scripts with tcpr(). Default: 1
    sv_print_tcpr_specific = 0 # Whether to print tcpr specific stuff to the console. Default: 0
    sv_register = 1 # Whether or not to register this server with the master list. You likely only want this set to 0 if this is a firewalled private server.
    sv_sendminimap = 1 # Sends minimap to API. If this is set to 0 the minimap won't appear in player's server browser.
    sv_port = 50301 # Server communication port, this is where it listens for incoming clients. Remember to open this port in your firewall.
    cl_port = 50328 # Client communication port.
    sv_password = # Sets the server password.
    sv_rconpassword = # Sets the server remote console password.
    disable_seclevoutput = 1 # If set to 1 then loading seclevs will not print them out.
    sv_allow_globals_mods = 1 # If set to 1 global moderators and admins can kick/ban players on server.
    sv_deltapos_modifier = 1 # Controls the threshold for delta packet updating. Value higher than 1 will reduce bandwidth, lower increase.
    sv_compression = 1 # Compress network data or not. Disabling compression may improve performance.
    sv_fastdeltas = 0 # Faster deltas mean less CPU intensive but more bandwidth used.
    cl_name = v6steeda # Sets the players nickname.
    cl_clantag = -Wanderer- # Sets the players clan name.
    cl_classnum = 0 # Sets the players class number.
    cl_team = -1 # Sets the players team number.
    cl_sex = 0 #
    cl_head = 87 #
    cl_hat = 0 #
    cl_joinaddress = # Client only! Join address for the GUI box in menu.
    cl_password = # GUI: Join password.
    sv_maxping = 350 # Max ping allowed on server after which player is kicked. Large ping players will slow down server.
    sv_maxping_warnings = 600 # Because of ping spikes, warnings are issued if a player has ping over max number.
    sv_maxhack_warnings = 25 # Maximum amount of warnings where server thinks player is hacking.
    sv_alloweditor = 0 # If set to 1 players that have RCON can start map editor on server
    sv_freezeban_time = 30 # The amount of time in minutes to ban someone for if they leave while frozen. A value of 0 disables this feature.
    sv_name = Commands CTF # Sets the server name displayed in server browser.
    sv_info = Hosted by v6steeda (or Blubahub) - CTF w/ cheat commands! # Sets the server info displayed in server browser.
    sv_global_bans = 0 # Determines whether the server uses the THD accounts global ban data.
    sv_verify_mods = 1 # Set to true to if you want this server's mods to be API-Verified (must be registered and distributed directly by the developer), else false.
    sv_visiblity_scale = 1.25 # Scales the area where other blobs are determined to be visible by the player.
    sv_max_localplayers = 1 # Maximum number of local players.
    sv_bots = 0 # Number of bots (might not be used by server).
    cl_ask_to_download = 0 # Prompts for mods download when joining server.
    cl_popup_shown = 2 # Manages offers on menu startup.
    u_transparency = 255 # Transparency of the game interface.
    u_showtutorial = 1 # Show controls tutorial
    u_shownames = 1 # Show team member names above head
    u_agreedterms = 1 # Agreed to terms
    c_write_console_to_disk = 1 # Whether or not to write the console log out to disk. (The file will still be created and some data written, but it will stop ASAP.)
    c_write_chat_to_disk = 1 # Whether or not to write the chat log out to disk.
    c_dimension_x = 1 # Width of console in percents of screen.
    c_dimension_y = 0.9 # Height of console in percents of screen.
    c_linespacing = 1 # Space between lines in console.
    c_indent = 1 # Left indentation of messages in console.
    c_key = 36 # The key for opening and closing the console.
    c_history_size = 20 # Number of console commands stored in history.
    c_halign = 2 # Horizontal alignment of console 0-left, 1-center, 2-right.
    c_valign = 0 # Vertical alignment of console 0-top, 1-middle, 2-bottom.
    cc_linespacing = 1 # Space between lines in console.
    cc_indent = 8 # Left indentation of messages in console.
    cc_key = 84 # The key for opening and closing the chat.
    cc_key_team = 89 # The key for opening and closing the chat in team mode.
    cc_hide_chat = 0 # Force the chat not to render (this might make you miss important chat or get kicked from the server).
    cc_history_size = 25 # Number of console commands stored in history.
    cc_halign = 2 # Horizontal alignment of console 0-left, 1-center, 2-right.
    cc_valign = 2 # Vertical alignment of console 0-top, 1-middle, 2-bottom.
    cc_killfeed = 0 # Show kill feed in chat console?
    g_reloadfiles_count = 0 # How many files to tick forward the file reloader each frame. High numbers will cause lag.
    g_reloadfiles_wait = 0 # How long to wait between updates to the file reloader.
    g_particlegraph = 0 # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off particle performance graph.
    cfg_version = 1 # Manages migrating from one config version to the next.
    g_physicsgraph = 0 # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off the physics time graph.
    g_scriptsgraph = 0 # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off the scripts time graph.
    c_bgcolor = 220;10;10;10 # Background color of the console.
    c_fontcolor = 255;211;211;211 # Default color of the console font.
  6. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Connecting your server via
    doesn't mean it's connectible from the Internet. You have to forward the same ports on your router and you have to have public pingable IP for server to show up in server list.
  7. Sorry, but this is my first time setting up a server for anything. So forwarding the ports to the firewall is not the same as forwarding them to the router? Also, how would I know I have a "public pingable IP..?"
  8. blackguy123

    blackguy123 Bison Rider

    holy crap
    now i realize this problem which i have given up on. With Furai's simple response that just clicked in my head

    You have to forward the same ports on your router
    (I was forwarding the ports on my firewall the entire time) lol
    Blubahub likes this.
  9. Oh XD I was doing the same thing! Glad we could help each other :D And hopefully this will be useful for others who have the same problem..!
    blackguy123 likes this.