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Share your confessions (Confess!)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by SJD360, Jan 2, 2016.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. I guess that solves the mystery of the missing mint. We can all go back to eating toilet paper now.
    blackjoker77777 likes this.
  2. Find out in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!
    Lava likes this.
  3. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    I got a real confession this time and it actually embarrasses the hell outta me. It's also rather stupid but I can't really help it.

    When it comes to KAG I am incredibly sensitive, mainly in terms of my productivity. I try my best to do good for my team and make every match interesting while also improving my own skills and trying to make people laugh and smile on the forums but it's a rather rough road for me. I put on a tough little external shell while playing to sorta cope with the fact that I always feel inadequate. My self-esteem's always been sorta low but in KAG especially. Anytime I feel like i'm doing decently I either do a big fuck-up and get scolded or just mess up at something. I try to tell myself that it's only a game and that I shouldn't get worked up and upset over it but I just can't because KAG is actually really important to me. When I first got KAG I was going through Major Clinical Depression and wanted to die but then I started playing it and it made me really happy. All my friends I've met are from KAG and they're some of the best people I've met in my life. Which I think is the reason why I get so worked up over it and which is why I always try to get better, because it's helped me so much that I wanna help the community and the game out but I always feel just, shitty honestly. The THD forums and the steam discussions for KAG are really the only things i'm proud of atm. (Especially when my post on the steam discussions got pinned, I jumped for joy when that happened even though it was so small, because I felt like I was contributing something and making something better.) I'm probably the only person that feels like this in the KAG community, who takes the game so seriously and hates themselves because they're not as good at it as they want to be. But maybe there's somebody else who understands this weird feeling and knows how to deal with it, otherwise i'm stumped :l. But yeah, while I don't show it during KAG or on the forums I do actually get upset if I make a mistake, KAG's probably the only game I do this in.
    other than that I hope ya'll have a good day and if you've felt this before or are going through it, be prouda yourselves, cuz atleast you're not a Terri :^). 25252525
    Auburn likes this.
  4. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester


    Honestly, I kinda feel the same way without the yeah...

    Building on that, when I was younger I got really upset if I did the smallest of things wrong and was usually scared of doing the wrong thing...

    Not sure if anyone recalls or has seen my very first posts on the forums but it usually ended something like this:

    "I'm sorry if I've done anything wrong, I didn't mean it, please dont ban me,"

    Actually... Please dont go looking for these posts... They're kinda embarrassing...
    Last edited: May 7, 2016
  5. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    You guys want confession time? I'll give you all a real confession.

    I don't have a waifu :rektlord:

    Just kidding.

    When I was 6 years old I was raped/molested/abused by my biological father, he did the same to my 3 year old brother and my mother, we basically nearly all got murdered. We were all drugged too, due to that I don't have any memories of any of it, but I know it happened because my mother can remember it all.

    Now that's what you call a confession, right guys?

    That's basically all the surface stuff, I don't think it would be very wise to go into detail and I honestly cba right now.

    I might have also lost my anal virginity.... shudders

    Oh well.
    Shit happens.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
    Hermap, an_obamanation and Blue_Tiger like this.
  6. confession? u all suck and im the best
    Vamist likes this.
  7. Hermap

    Hermap Haxor

    I didn't go to my prom in 9th grade. I was at home playing KAG so yeah...
    Vamist likes this.
  8. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    You're a pretty goddamn strong person to have your whole family molested by your father and just go "Shit happens". Because no, shit doesn't happen in this manner. It's sick and shouldn't be forgotten. If we forget history we're doomed to repeat it. As hard as it is for us to remember and talk about you should really let it be known and that way you could give someone else the courage to speak up about they're possible experiences, or let someone know that they're not alone. Believe me, the worst feeling in the world is not being understood, as our animal instincts pretty much instruct us to follow a sorta pack mentality and to socialize almost constantly so we value the opinions of others rather than ourselves.

    This is your decision at the end of the day. After all i'm not the person who went through such awful things, so I really shouldn't try handing out advice like they were crackers at church. But remember that you're an incredibly strong person to have gone through this and stay happy.

  9. SJD360

    SJD360 Haxor

    I've got a similar confession which I shall do once I get back from watching the Big Bang Theory.
  10. Elf

    Elf Bison Rider
    1. A Special Forces [SF#]

    I have trust issues, after posting here I'll prolly forget about 95% of you, I'll prolly never speak again to 99.9% of you and my life got so fucked up recently, that I refuse to accept it. Instead, I stopped giving a least f❌k about school, so called 'friends' I call like that because I see them 5-6 times a day and people closely around me I hate but I am forced to smile to every single f❌king day. There's a high chance I may do something stupid. Living no regrets - peace out.
    Hermap likes this.
  11. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    And yet you still try to contribute to life and society. Seems like at any point my faith in humanity is shattered KAG seems to restore it, huh. And this game has a bad community.
  12. SJD360

    SJD360 Haxor

    Not all of the community is bad; such is with every community that exists, it has a good and a bad side. :D
  13. Sytoplasma

    Sytoplasma Haxor

    The community's only bad if you look at it the wrong way and hang around with the wrong people. I don't know why, but KAG seems to attract an interesting bunch.
  14. And the worst thing that happened to me recently was that time I accidentally got a four pack meaning that I couldn't complain about being too lazy and fat to do work...
  15. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    plz don't open this P:
    my father died when I was 7, now im a lone shitlord playing KAG all day long instead of learning.
    also, im sick as fuck and will probably die in next 4 years, wooo.
    Hermap likes this.
  16. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

  17. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Don't worry fam, I'm more using the "Shit happens." quote here to show that it is currently affecting me in no way whatsoever or letting it affect my future life, I talk about this all the time with my Mother every now and then as well as my friends.

    If anybody has had similar experiences I hope you're doing well and not letting it get to you now, the past is the past and it stays there, it's alright to get it off your chest and talk about it, it's what I do to friends/family and let it off on the internet too sometimes.

    The way I mostly deal with this is joke about it, I love dark humour lmao so what's funnier than to joke about your own touchy subject? pun fully intended

    Anyway, honestly this may sound corny or cringy but I have to hand it to a show called Gurren Lagann for teaching me to never give up, it's really fucking stupid on how much it touched me personally and made so much happier as a person, and it also helped me deal with my past a bit better.

    For a slightly more lighthearted confession, A while ago a dick pic of mine got leaked through Instagram and subsequently my whole school year saw it. Guess what I thought?


    Literally didn't give a fuck, if people mentioned the pic I'd laugh and say it was pretty stupid of me to do it and just said that I honestly don't give a fuck and worse things have happened to me.

    You'd expect my school life to be ruined but honestly the way I handled the whole situation made people possibly like me more for owning up to it, it's like I turned it into a major PR stunt. In other words my social status at school was largely untouched.

    I guess that's it for all of my confessions. Nothing to really share now.

    I'll always stay the happy lighthearted memeing motherfucker weeb that I am now, no matter what happens to me, and I can wholeheartedly promise that.

  18. Hermap

    Hermap Haxor

    Reading this thread my problems seem rather miniscule... you bunch are some tough people. Best of luck. :heart:
    EhRa, an_obamanation and SirDangalang like this.
  19. SJD360

    SJD360 Haxor

    I've used humour to get by pretty much everything in life, when I was in hospital from the first attempt, my best friend gave me a "Better Luck Next Time" card, it was the highlight of my whole year, but much like @Hawxx I just tell myself "I've had worse!" in the case that I literally have, and if I can survive the worst I can survive getting one of my teeth pulled out at the Dentist's, or doing a speech in front of 160 people.
    Blue_Tiger, Hermap and Hawxx like this.
  20. And I thought I had it bad when I poured milk in before cereal... Stay strong!
Mods: BlueLuigi