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Siege Placement Restrictions

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Duplolas, Mar 24, 2014.


Good idea or bad?

  1. Good, I like it, implement this.

  2. Bad, I hate it, get that shit out of my face.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    The issue is that you hit upon the issue that this is a game (so speaking in "real" terms is weird), and you are going to have game issues as a result of this.
    One of the issues being ergonomic issues, how do you sit in the right chair, let alone use the damn machine.
    With stacked machines, the spawn point selection bar gets cluttered. (Can you tell me the difference between ballistae a, b, c, d, e, and f? a ,b, c, are stacked here, d is else where, e, and f are stacked in a third location. This can be aggravated when people don't convert all of the ballistae in a stack, leading to lots of wasted time having your spawn timer reset for not picking a a valid spawn point, because spawning enemies are momentarily capping the other ballistae)

    At the very least, Dup is asking is that the Build Box of a Siege Crate can't overlap another Siege Engine.
    In my opinion, one siege engine is bad enough for everyone's day, stacking them seemingly makes a nightmare for both sides.
    Duplolas likes this.
  2. emasame

    emasame Bison Rider

    you can but its an exploit. monsteri's arguing a stupid point. you just have two different builders drop the shops at the same time. its a ping issue probably similar to carrying a keg through a tunnel
Mods: Rainbows