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Some Constructive Criticism [Forum]

Discussion in 'Forum, wiki and other THD pages' started by Wired, May 5, 2012.

Mods: dnmr, Kazaco97
  1. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    XF has 'notices' - you will have seen them a few times when I've pushed out announcements about things like the forum donations, as well as in the suggestions forum.
    If we really wanted to start using this more, I could push out global notices (i.e. showing on every page) that link to the announcement threads. But I'm not really sure whether this is needed...
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  2. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    those little boxes that have a tiny dismiss button?
    sure, after my fifth one I started looking for a way to get rid of them!
    I think that if you'd use that system,
    1. most newbs would get three pages full of them notices, before finding the dismissbutton
    2. it wouldn't be what BlueLuigi meant (i think)
    i think he meant that there would be a front page, with some announcements.
    it has a front page with the announcements, quizzes/lists of winners, and, in this case, the "build something to place on the frontpage" game!
    maybe that is what he meant? if not, I think he means that there are some SUPERSTICKIES that appear literally EVERYWHERE,
    so that you will be urged to click them, and read their contents.
  3. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    I'm pretty sure he meant super stickies.
  4. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Which XF doesn't have, hence why I suggested an alternative >_>
  5. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    I know I was just confirming for Gofio. :p
  6. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    I think this might actually be the best idea. (if i DID get it right this time...)
    did you mean that whenever something important happens,
    everyone gets a little text message about it?
    in that case, I suggest making messages such as: build 380 was released! check https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/build380wasreleased/ for more information (or something like that)
    if I dont get it right this time, you can kill me!
    on second thought, you can tell me, and make me correct myself!
  7. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    That is literally what a Portal is, that isn't even edited, it's basically as basic as a Portal gets lol.
  8. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    I have to admit I quite like the way the portal works over at Terarria Online but I'm not sure how viable/productive it would be here. But it would still be nice to have.
  9. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    sorry, didnt know what a portal is... (aside from a purple Zombiespawner, of course)
  10. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    So back to the topic of rules what is every ones opinions of the current ones? Also do you think there should be a more set in stone warning system put it? Also what do you guys think of what I said here? Also, to be or not to be?
  11. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    a good warning system would be great!
    that would mean that I have to stop trolling around!
    no really: I'd like a warning system, BUT! if it is added to the forums, PLEASE keep it more balanced than the game itself...
  12. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    I know that in the older days of XenForo 1.0, you could see warnings given to someone on their profile. Nowadays only moderators can do that. Also, warnings given out in general are set in stone, although it's not stated anywhere (and it probably should)

    • Didn't Read Stickies: 1 point/7 days
    • Wrong Language: 1 point/3 days
    • Already Suggested: 1 point/7 days
    • Spam: 1 point/7 days
    • Off-Topic: 1 point/7 days
    • Make Sense: 1 point/7 days
    • Flaming: 2 points/7 days
    There is also the option for a custom warning which allows us to make a warning for a person in case they break more than 1 of these rules (since we can only give out a single warning to a post) or for heavier stuff like hacking/talking about illegal things.

    You automatically get a ban when you get 10 points, and the ban will last as long as it takes for the points to expire, meaning at most a one week ban although usually it ends up being for just a day or two. Since we can see past warnings, we can increase the length/number of points received, in which case can result in longer bans/quicker bans for repeat offenders.

    Of course the biggest problem is that you guys can't see it, so in order to let you guys know, we have to give you pms. Now, I don't do it with every warning I give out because that would spam the hell out of my message box, but I do give make a pm for the first warning a new person gets and every time someone reaches 3-5 warning points. At that point they tend to stop.

    From what I read about XenForo's warning system, it seems possible to set it so that people have access to view those warnings, but the issue is that you can see everyone's and not just your own and that can cause conflict. Not sure if there is an add-on so that you can only see the warnings given to you.
  13. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    I don't think seeing other peoples warnings as a bad thing, it's probably best to be a transparent as possible when it comes to warning so making them as public as possible so we all know when some one has X amount of warnings and so we know if something has been warned for yet. To stop multiple warnings. Also in some sense it makes warning more severe when there public I find that people begin to pride the selves in having 0 warning and are more upset when they lose there perfect record, but if it isn't public they don't seem to care as much. Also adding a public message to the post your warning is always useful like I said so people know when something has been warned already. Also can you now give a automated PM when someone is given a warning, (Or do they already) because I think the offender should always get a chance to debate a warning if they choose.

    As for the current guidelines for warnings:
    • I don't know how I feel about this I'm not sure if not reading stickies should be a warnable offence. Maybe if they do it multiple times.
    • See above.
    • See above.
    • What exactly falls under spam?
    • Of course. Maybe double this as useless post, E.g single image/word post and other such annoyances.
    • What falls under "Make Sense"
    • Again what exactly fall under flaming. This could maybe get split into some more specific warnings such as:
      Sexism/Racism/Homophobia, Personal Attack ,Trolling etc.

    Also do you still put public warning on the posts or was this from ages ago?
  14. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Those warning titles aren't really aimed at end-users, they're for mods - that's why they aren't descriptive.

    And I have generally advised that we stop giving public warnings, because its far too negative. So yes, we've (mostly?) stopped giving out public warnings.
    A warning is meant to inform a user that they're doing something wrong and they need to change their behaviour, not publicly name and shame them.
  15. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    I guess I was looking at it as we don't know what's really going on point. With out public warning people see posts that have some sought of flaming or offensive content it, or have broke some form of rule and don't know if it's been warned yet etc. I guess it's just a different way of doing thing. But I think in the majority of cases having warning public can be more productive the counter-productive.
  16. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Indeed, I cannot even see my own warnings, that is a problem I believe.

    If I cannot see where I have been warned, where my posts have been deleted, this is an issue. If I cannot see my warning points, this is an issue.

    A big issue.
    Wired likes this.
  17. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    You're meant to receive a PM explaining the nature of the warning :/
  18. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    @Shad; Kouji referred to this a point futher up this page saying that he would do this for first time offender etc, but if he was to do this for every warning his inbox would become overly full and ridiculous.

    A lot of thought you guys have put into this.

    But from what I have taken (I am not a mod so.)

    Is the rules are not distinct and accessible easily.

    The warning system is not distinct. (I remember getting a warning late last year and it said under the post to watch my spam) but was this changed with the new forum style?

    Also know that my warning system in specific does not work 100% (Informed Shad)

    I also just thought with the mods for certain sections were online then there names should come up. (Or glow?)

    I also think the full member forum is a bit messy, I barely go into it. (Maybe some sub-forums of Genral, misc., suggestions/class mechanics, under misc should be other games etc.

    But overall for accessibility for my first forum, this forum is easy to understand and read, it also looks smooth.

    But good ideas.
    Wired likes this.
  19. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    I don't think this would be possible due to forum software just not having that option, but as always anyone want to go addon searching?

    I think this thread shows some good opinions on that topic. https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/this-forum-needs-sub-forums.4431/
    But maybe the situation has changed a bit and it could be time for sub sections.

    So, public warnings seem like a optimal approach to fix a few of these problems. Also turning on the warnings tab to view for all members. Just a thought.
  20. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Okay, so now that I have some admin powers, I'd like to ask for the rules: https://forum.kag2d.com/help/terms

    What specifically would you like to see added to it? (we can discuss placement later) What rules/words should be explicitly outlined? What else should specifically included under it?
Mods: dnmr, Kazaco97