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Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Arthur, Aug 7, 2011.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Arthur

    Arthur Guest

    Hello, i'm pretty new to the community, I noticed not much staff is araund and granted there isn't that many posts by users yet but i'd love to help out, i'm online 20/7 and I have been staff in many other places. Minecraft and Terraria woulden't accept me to help out mostly because they had too much staff already and it's hard to catch a specific player thatt would make good staff, both sites had staff applications and I didn't get accepted. I thought here it might be appropriate to make, well not exacly and application but an active member willing to moderate/help.

  2. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I assume you mean staff for the forums? As in, moderators/admins?

    There has been some talk about maybe adding some more in the future but at present I don't think there are any 'official' plans to do so.

    But even if they were accepting applications I think you would have to rack up a few more than 3 posts before it could be a realistic option ;)

    However, it is always good to see new folks in the community that wish to actively improve it!

    ...And of course we would have to wait for an actual member of staff rather than a regular forum-user like me to respond before you get a definitive answer :p
  3. Arthur

    Arthur Guest

    Yeah, I woulden't "expect" it or anything ridiculous like that, just saying i'm totally intrested.
  4. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    We're here quite often actually, just most of the moderation that needs doing is spam removal. Regardless of your suitability you'll need to demonstrate an ability to contribute, help out new users and be active enough to contribute moderation-wise. We haven't decided on or even discussed in depth the possibility for moderators from the community on the forums, but it's an option. At the moment I'd consider some of the more active members around here over you, though the tutorial is a step in the right direction for sure.

    May I ask why you're interested in the position of forum moderator? It's a fairly grueling, boring, unpaid job.

    Here's a rundown of the current staff:
    - Me (Max/Geti) - the artist for the game. I do a lot of PR stuff because Michal's very busy.
    - Michal (MM) - the programmer for the game. He's not on the forums as often.
    - Devin (Poe) - the website developer. He's around here more often than MM.
    - Citricsquid - the forum admin. He's not around as often as he could be.
  5. Arthur

    Arthur Guest

    To be honest I just love the idea of being staff and helping, moderating and having something to do and that i'm responcible for, it's not really a need for power. I like having the charm and respect of the community and being in "the loop". Bieng araund poeple in real life makes me feel sick for no apparent reason so i'm constantly online. I'm a capercorn which is the management simbol or sign or what ever that is. When Minecraft was one of a kind I wanted nothing more but to be able to work as staff, then Terraria came out and I tried to be an active member and earn it, then I made an "application". Declined pretty much, I know this is way more information than you were going for, sorry.
  6. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    No worries, demonstrate your ability therein and it might happen, but this is in no respects a promise :)
  7. Arthur

    Arthur Guest

    When it logs me out and says theres no new posts that sure doesn't help ..
Mods: BlueLuigi