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Steam Greenlight *Please Read*

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BindNation, Jul 10, 2012.


Would you support KAG on the Steam Greenlight program?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Just consider newbies playing , teach them the nice way. :D If they grief , there are many ways to stop them :) Just have Fun, they said. Don't be sooo troll, ADMINS SAID.
  2. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Make me laugh, you know how much griefers is on Steam ? You know everything man. :thumbs_up:

    Also Ghozt, why making 'secret' area in the forum ? You still have groups (okay, a bit buggy but still works) and convo if you want to talk with your friends and clan mate. We don't need this. For people who said we're gonna got new griefers, you will have griefers from everywhere. You don't have it more from Steam.

    This idea to be on Steam with this is pretty nice. It just can be good for KAG.
    Antman and delankski like this.
  3. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Just an Opinion :)

    Agree.. It will Help KAG but otherwise it can contribute some bad effects on KAG's Community :)
  4. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Nop, this can't.
    delankski likes this.
  5. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    I still dont see any valid counter-argument.
    I ALREADY try to help newbies.


    Also, another reason why i dont really want this is, i said before, steam is not developer heaven. you'll have to either increase the price of your game or make less money (per buy), you have some limits, you cant break the steam overlay, all these things.

    its up to the devs, but i dont think they will do it.
  6. BindNation

    BindNation Bison Rider

    Well of course there is ALWAYS going to be negatives, but I think the POSTIVES really overtake those.

    Think about it. Steam will and could offer the following possibilities (but aren't limited to):
    • LARGER community
    • GREATER advertising at a LOWER cost (time = money)
    • INCREASED support for multiplayer platforms
    • Possibly even MORE content to the game with demand
    • DEDICATED server support. LAN/Internet and otherwise
    • SUPPORT for the Devs (financially and for game development.)
    I see your point about playing with the regulars being fun, but that's the reason why we have MULTIPLE servers with DIFFERENT names and a FAVORITES list. Just hit up your friends, clan members, and forum peeps and meet up on a server. Better yet, GET A SERVER.
  7. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    This is selfish. You would sabotage the game's success just so that you keep feeling the game is your little cool kids club? Th devs deserve a growing KAG.

    I have news for all of you who fear that the golden age of KAG community will end: It's already over. Most of you weren't around for it.

    Something I've already learned is that this inclusive circle-jerk attitude is the cause of community degradation, not expansion itself. It is us who decide how newcomers will change things. New players is an opportunity for the community's strength to grow. Remember the most recent /v/ wave? That was a fair increase to our population, and brought may good members.
  8. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Adinxs and UnnamedPlayer like this.
  9. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Er.... me? 99% of average players will be happy in with the fuckwits playing stupidly, but I'm happy to be patient and play good games at the expense of a few minutes looking around and putting some effort in to get a good game with people that either play properly or want to learn to do so.
    Ghozt likes this.
  10. Koolala

    Koolala Shopkeep Stealer

    As great as being on Steam would be, I doubt it is possible. Whatever third-party contract Transhuman Design agreed to could easily not support a Steam release. We will most likely have to wait a few months until the NDA drops to get a real answer.
    Ghozt and Rayne like this.
  11. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    HAHAHA, funny. Not.

    1: Prices on steam are known that they are usually higher than other shops.

    2: MORE content to the game with demand? What? We want steam to make developers "work" faster beacuse WE want do it? THEY are doing the game. THEY are deciding what to implement and what to don't.
    Miauw62 likes this.
  12. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    What are you saying here ? Totally not true.
  13. BindNation

    BindNation Bison Rider

    Well WE, the community, have an influence on what we would like to see in the upcoming builds and the like. It's not that devs don't care about what we think as a community. Right now, they are just trying to finish their game. Once their goals that they set out to complete are done, they'll move onto bigger and better things. Perhaps leading to future games or even future additional content for KAG by community demand.
  14. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    Varies for regions with ultra-low pay per month(i have no idea what's called in english; by month you take money after working).
  15. BindNation

    BindNation Bison Rider

    Honestly, I'd like to see a true democratic vote and dev say on how this discussion turns out. I honestly hope the devs consider Greenlight an option.
  16. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    I hope they choose to sell their product on GreenLight - I would love to see this game get moar players. Although I don't know if they are willing to sell through Steam's Platform because Steam gets a percentage of the money you make because they are hosting your game to thousands of players world-wide(http://www.steampowered.com/steamworks/FAQ.php).

    This is just my opinion - but if the developers want to keep all of the money they make off of KAG then don't go through a gaming network like Steam or Desura. Although It maximizes their chances of reeling in moar players - thus doubling the profit(while Steam takes some of it).

    EDIT: They have their game on DESURA for FWEE - but you still have to buy it from KAG's homepage.
  17. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    This is an amazing idea. It can help get this game back up on it's feet if it gets the right about of votes to be put on Steam. I dislike new premium guys, who come into a game and have no idea what they're doing. This is only gonna bring in more of those people. But I enjoy this game too much just to see it die out completely. It would be awesome to see a thriving community, with thousands of players playing all at once.

    I completely support this. I just hope the new people would be willing to learn, rather than curse at you for telling them they're not good at the game. :(
  18. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    My "counter-argument" is that it's what the Devs need... more money for this awesome game! Now that is one thing you can't argue to. When people come and play, I mean the ones that aren't griefers, and they like the game they will by it, some of them anyway. And you just can't say that it won't make a difference because it does, the same way it makes a difference for your argument.
  19. CoolGreenApple

    CoolGreenApple Catapult Fodder

    I don't know. I think it might be best if the devs keep away from Steam so they have 100% control over KAG. I don't know what sort of hold Steam would have on them if they did choose to put KAG on Steam, but it worries me for their sake.
  20. Miaow

    Miaow The Fanciest Pants always wins Donator Tester

    Personally, I think it would be good for KAG if it were to be put on Steam. But as someone said earlier, this seems unlikely due to the agreement THD has already made. We will just have to wait and see what this agreement entails before we get too excited about it.
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