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Rejected "Sunken" by EhRa

Discussion in 'CTF' started by Ferrezinhre, Oct 16, 2019.

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  1. Ferrezinhre

    Ferrezinhre Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    Map name: EhRa_Sunken
    Thread: https://forum.thd.vg/threads/ehra_sunken.28038/
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 16, 2019, Original Post Date: Oct 16, 2019 ---
    14 gold on start that is 280, yest this map have too much gold, same bedrock wall (red) problem as biurza's map and ask for better resource spread, let's ignore this phallus made from resources. Flag seems be bit to close to tent possible stalemate. Mid is chaotic mess in my eyes, if (blue) part of map will deteriorate we get fine pit, same for middle after longer match it will be just a death pit. Map require solid work for now no.
  2. Ferrezinhre

    Ferrezinhre Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

  3. Magmus

    Magmus Ballista Bolt Thrower Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    Agree with the gold amout, and mid will almost certain deteriorate, turning into a big bowl. Bedrock should be reworked to not let that happen. Flag is too close to tent, im pretty sure you can jump+glide as knight and arrive at the flag, could be moved foward a bit. The resource spread is kinda good. The trees on mid hurts visibility a bit, they could be moved some blocks, not a big deal tho. Its a no until fixed.
  4. Ferrezinhre

    Ferrezinhre Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

  5. mehwaffle10

    mehwaffle10 Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    Agreed, we had a swamp like map in the past and getting around was awful.
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