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Rejected "SymmetricPleasure" by Ferrezinhre

Discussion in 'CTF' started by Ni, Oct 5, 2019.

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  1. Ni

    Ni Battle Angel Global Moderator Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Donator Tester Official Server Admin
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  2. Ferrezinhre

    Ferrezinhre Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    On my defense I was drunk and made it by using kaggen, what else I know that each halfs have same amount of stone acces to gold is same, so map is balanced if you think about it, high sky, flags and tents are in same length of both sides. Truly I don't know what I was thinking that time. And I think ground is balanced, yet bit different. And ratting can be bit problematic but but Idk.
  3. Magmus

    Magmus Ballista Bolt Thrower Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    I really don't know what to say about that map, its nice that the sky is high and the flags/tents are the same length, but I am almost 100% sure that blue team can just spam siege for win and red would be unable to defend. On the other side I doubt red team will be able to push due to the terrain height, and will have to rat to try to make advances, but blue team can also rat to make defending on red harder. Its a no for me right now but I think that map could work with some tweaks, like making the mid a bit smaller and lowering the sky limit.
  4. Ni

    Ni Battle Angel Global Moderator Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Donator Tester Official Server Admin
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    mehwaffle10 likes this.
  5. mehwaffle10

    mehwaffle10 Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    I'm going to go ahead and say no on the principles a. people are gonna be salty about asymmetry and b. people would be salty if a drunk map mod used kaggen to make a map and it got in when people put a lot of effort into maps that didnt make it. Other than that, fighting uphill is much harder so there is a team advantage, and the resource spread is... weird.
  6. Ni

    Ni Battle Angel Global Moderator Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Donator Tester Official Server Admin
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    It's a no than - Rejected
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