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[Syn] Synergy

Discussion in 'Dead/Inactive' started by rymcd, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    I was convinced to put us into Social/casual instead. Makes sense since most of us want to wear the tag still, including me. So I guess saying dead is inaccurate, we're just done in the clan war scene.

    Also the Captains/Scrim group would probably be up already but I don't have a computer that can run mumble at the moment. I have an old mac computer coming today so that should do the trick. I forgot I had even had it at my girls place haha. I can't wait though, It'll be nice to see some casual but organized matches again.:heart:
  2. how to liek post in clan?
  3. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

  4. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    All the [syn] puns I didn't get to use in competitive matches:

    Ab[syn]the | Anarcho-[syn]dicalist | Anarcho[syn]dicalist | Anti[syn]chronization | A[syn]artete | A[syn]chronism | A[syn]chronous | A[syn]chronously | A[syn]chrony | A[syn]clitism | A[syn]detic | A[syn]deton | A[syn]ergia | A[syn]ergic | A[syn]ergy | Bio[syn]thesis | Bio[syn]thetic | Bio[syn]thetically | Bu[syn]ess | Chemo[syn]thesis | De[syn]chronisable | De[syn]chronisation | De[syn]chronise | De[syn]chronised | De[syn]chronization | De[syn]chronize | Di[syn]diotactic | Dys[syn]ergia | Eleemo[syn]arily | Eleemo[syn]ary | Eleemo[syn]ous | Euphro[syn]e | Geo[syn]chronous | Geo[syn]cline | Geo[syn]clines | Glyco[syn]apse | Idio[syn]crasies | Idio[syn]crasy | Idio[syn]cratic | Idio[syn]cratical | Idio[syn]cratically | Iso[syn]chronous | Ketoacyl[syn]thase | Lang[syn]e | Lexico[syn]tactic | Lip-[syn]c | Lip-[syn]ch | Mnemo[syn]e | Multi[syn]aptic | Napro[syn] | Nonphoto[syn]thetic | Non[syn]chronous | Non[syn]taxin | Non[syn]thetic | Nucleo[syn]thesis | Oligo[syn]thetic | Photo[syn]thesis | Photo[syn]thesize | Photo[syn]thesized | Photo[syn]thesizer | Photo[syn]thesizes | Photo[syn]thesizing | Photo[syn]thetic | Photo[syn]thetically | Poly[syn]aptic | Poly[syn]detic | Poly[syn]deton | Poly[syn]thetic | Post[syn]apse | Proto[syn]tactical | Re[syn]c | Re[syn]chronization | Re[syn]chronize | Re[syn]chronized | Re[syn]chronizes | Re[syn]chronizing | Sel[syn] | Semi[syn]thetic | Soft[syn]th | Solzhenit[syn] | Solzhenit[syn]ian | Sub[syn]dromal | [Syn]aeresis | [Syn]aesthesia | [Syn]aesthete | [Syn]aesthetic | [Syn]agogal | [Syn]agogue | [Syn]agogues | [Syn]agrops | [Syn]anceja | [Syn]antherologist | [Syn]apse | [Syn]apses | [Syn]apsid | [Syn]apsida | [Syn]apsis | [Syn]aptase | [Syn]aptic | [Syn]aptogenic | [Syn]aptomys | [Syn]aptoneurosome | [Syn]aptosome | [Syn]artetic | [Syn]c | [Syn]carid | [Syn]carp | [Syn]carpous | [Syn]categorem | [Syn]categorematic | [Syn]categoreme | [Syn]ced | [Syn]chro | [Syn]chrocyclotron | [Syn]chroflash | [Syn]chromesh | [Syn]chronal | [Syn]chroneity | [Syn]chronic | [Syn]chronicity | [Syn]chronisable | [Syn]chronisation | [Syn]chronise | [Syn]chronised | [Syn]chroniser | [Syn]chronising | [Syn]chronism | [Syn]chronization | [Syn]chronizations | [Syn]chronize | [Syn]chronized | [Syn]chronizer | [Syn]chronizes | [Syn]chronizing | [Syn]chronoscope | [Syn]chronous | [Syn]chronously | [Syn]chrony | [Syn]chroscope | [Syn]chrotron | [Syn]chytriaceae | [Syn]chytrium | [Syn]cing | [Syn]clinal | [Syn]copate | [Syn]copated | [Syn]copates | [Syn]copating | [Syn]copation | [Syn]copator | [Syn]cope | [Syn]copist | [Syn]cranterian | [Syn]cranteric | [Syn]cretic | [Syn]cretical | [Syn]cretically | [Syn]cretise | [Syn]cretism | [Syn]cretistic | [Syn]cretistical | [Syn]cretization | [Syn]cretize | [Syn]cs | [Syn]cytiotrophoblast | [Syn]cytium | [Syn]dactylism | [Syn]dactyly | [Syn]depositional | [Syn]detic | [Syn]dic | [Syn]dical | [Syn]dicalism | [Syn]dicalist | [Syn]dicalists | [Syn]dicate | [Syn]dicated | [Syn]dicates | [Syn]dicating | [Syn]dication | [Syn]dicator | [Syn]dick | [Syn]doche | [Syn]drome | [Syn]dromes | [Syn]e | [Syn]ecdoche | [Syn]ecdochic | [Syn]ecdochical | [Syn]echdoche | [Syn]echia | [Syn]ecism | [Syn]ecological | [Syn]ecologist | [Syn]entognathi | [Syn]ercus | [Syn]eresis | [Syn]ergetic | [Syn]ergetically | [Syn]ergetics | [Syn]ergic | [Syn]ergically | [Syn]ergid | [Syn]ergies | [Syn]ergism | [Syn]ergist | [Syn]ergistic | [Syn]ergistically | [Syn]ergy | [Syn]esthesia | [Syn]esthete | [Syn]esthetic | [Syn]ezesis | [Syn]fuel | [Syn]fuels | [Syn]gameon | [Syn]ge | [Syn]geneic | [Syn]genic | [Syn]gnathid | [Syn]gnathidae | [Syn]gnathus | [Syn]gonium | [Syn]graph | [Syn]izesis | [Syn]kinesia | [Syn]ochal | [Syn]ocil | [Syn]od | [Syn]odist | [Syn]odontidae | [Syn]ods | [Syn]oecious | [Syn]oecism | [Syn]oicous | [Syn]omone | [Syn]onym | [Syn]onymal | [Syn]onymic | [Syn]onymist | [Syn]onymity | [Syn]onymous | [Syn]onymously | [Syn]onymousness | [Syn]onyms | [Syn]onymy | [Syn]opses | [Syn]opsis | [Syn]opsized | [Syn]opsizes | [Syn]opsizing | [Syn]optic | [Syn]optical | [Syn]optically | [Syn]optics | [Syn]optics | [Syn]ovial | [Syn]oviocyte | [Syn]ovitis | [Syn]ovium | [Syn]periplanar | [Syn]petalous | [Syn]philin | [Syn]semantic | [Syn]set | [Syn]tactic | [Syn]tactical | [Syn]tactically | [Syn]tactician | [Syn]tactics | [Syn]tagm | [Syn]tagma | [Syn]tagmatic | [Syn]tagmatically | [Syn]tagmeme | [Syn]tax | [Syn]tectic | [Syn]tectoid | [Syn]teretic | [Syn]th | [Syn]thase | [Syn]theses | [Syn]thesis | [Syn]thesise | [Syn]thesiser | [Syn]thesist | [Syn]thesizable | [Syn]thesize | [Syn]thesized | [Syn]thesizer | [Syn]thesizers | [Syn]thesizes | [Syn]thesizing | [Syn]thespian | [Syn]thetic | [Syn]thetical | [Syn]thetically | [Syn]thetics | [Syn]thetism | [Syn]theton | [Syn]thon | [Syn]thone | [Syn]thy | [Syn]troph | [Syn]trophic | [Syn]tropic | Tele[syn]c | Tendo[syn]ovitis | Teno[syn]ovitis | Tsarit[syn] | Unidio[syn]cratically | Un[syn]ced | Un[syn]ched | Un[syn]chronised | Un[syn]chronized | Un[syn]chronous

    Source: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=words containing syn
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 7, 2015, Original Post Date: Aug 7, 2015 ---
    tfw this is a real word
    I didn't realize that I created a meme :p
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
  5. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

  6. Clev

    Clev Resident Stoner Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    ^^ agreed
  7. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    just post "likes this"

    100 likes = 1 syn revival
  8. i dislike it
  9. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    It dislikes you.
  10. Lawrence_Shagsworth

    Lawrence_Shagsworth Joke Slayer Official Server Admin

    CAN YOU DIG IT? If you don't, you are a [Syn]ner towards the [Syn]dicate. Instead of lynching, they'll get [Syn]ching...

    Kill me for the puns after
  11. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    I'll put out a hit to assas[syn]ate you
  12. Lawrence_Shagsworth

    Lawrence_Shagsworth Joke Slayer Official Server Admin

    Please sir, let me make you some [Syn]namon buns to settle this [Syn]cident of [syn]ematic proportions!
  13. Clev

    Clev Resident Stoner Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    +1 to Shags
  14. I think this whole thing could be a [Syn]ematic movie!
  15. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Make your own puns
  16. Lawrence_Shagsworth

    Lawrence_Shagsworth Joke Slayer Official Server Admin

    This seems very [Syn]biotic of a relationship. We shall never touch on the same terms, similar to a straight line and an a[Syn]ptote. How [Syn]ister of you
  17. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    I feel like substituting syn for sym is a bit of a stretch. What do you think, Jiggy [syn]pai? @rymcd
  18. He could be showing [Syn]toms of idiocy.
  19. you are why syn disbanded