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The classic Tournament

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Orso, Aug 12, 2015.


What type of tournament do you want (only for participant) ?

  1. 2 rounds with A vs B & C vs B and winners against winners (and losers against losers)

    23 vote(s)
  2. Each team fight again each other and we count points

    12 vote(s)
  1. PussyDestroyer

    PussyDestroyer Bison Rider

    You can add me to subs i just back.
  2. Orso

    Orso Haxor Official Server Admin

    Yeah Yeah guys, I know that 9am isn't a good hour but I just come back from holidays and that was the only hour where I could open a server with (normaly) most players available.

    Anyway, we can do this an other day but please fill the doodle. I do my best for organize but it's not always easy ;)
    Withror likes this.
  3. Withror

    Withror Ballista Bolt Thrower

    OK, let's reboot this thing. On the other side though, how about we make this a weekly thing? Hear me out here. Once per week, on Saturdays. 2 teams, 5v5 random, locked classes. That way there's no screwing around with who can and can't come. It's simple, the first 10 people that get on the server get to play, the admin randomises the teams and everyone else who joins after that can only spectate. The only problem is on who would host the server.
    PussyDestroyer likes this.
  4. 3p1cL0bster

    3p1cL0bster Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Thumbs up.
    Perhaps someone with actual functioning servers wouldn't mind to help or even participate, but I don't know.
    Withror likes this.
  5. Orso

    Orso Haxor Official Server Admin

    Hello guys,

    As you can see and as i already said to some of you, I'll finaly not organize this tournament.
    First, I didn't feel a lot of feedback from player to help the organisation (doodle feel by 7 of yours, not a lot of question/comments on this thread...), so it's hard for me too organize something... without players.

    Secondly, as mot of you, i go back to work after the holidays, so I've not enough time to prepare this event (that and a random internet connexion).

    So I delete the tournament for the moment, maybe I'll come back on it later but not so soon ;)
    Don't worry, you'll be prevent !

    Thank you for your intention of participation and sorry for this inconvenience.
    See you in game ;)
    miniu, PussyDestroyer and Withror like this.
  6. When tournament back , give me alert ;)
  7. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    Quand tu veux organiser un tournoi Orso, ne compte pas ou tres peu sur les autres. Bien souvent l'organisateur fait entre 80 et 100 % du travail administratif. Les autres peuvent tres bien t'aider au debut et te laché en court de route apres, cela fait partit des alléas de l'organisateur. Comme on dit souvent "on est jamais mieux servis que par soi-même."

    Si tu veux te faire aidés déja tu dois etre extremement motivé, ne pas avoir peur de faire des posts grands comme chez pas quoi pour toujours tenir au courant tes internautes des dernieres actualités, dernier ajouts etc .... Donc essaye de faire des posts chaque semaine ou toute les 2 semaines (sa depend de combien dure ton tournoi aussi)
    Si tu veux plus d'infos de comment faire un "bon post" envoie moi un pm et jte donnerai quelques conseils.

    Sinon oui je disais, "si tu veux te faire aidés" il te faut une equipe solide de gars qui sont autant motivés que toi voir plus. Tu dois aussi savoir ce que tu veux, un organisateur qui ne sais pas ce qu'il veux n'est pas crédible.
    Tu peut néanmoins demander des conseils / avis a tes collégues :)

    Pour moi commence a faire les regles ensuite fait un trailer (pour le trailer tu peut te faire aidés par exemple)
    Un trailer sa fait vraiment tournoi/league organiser et sa donne envie d'y participer si il est bien fait ;)
    Donc pense â ça ;)
    Ensuite niveau idées orginals personnellement pour ma league jai pensé â un site officiel qui affiche les scores, un twitch pour des lives avec des commentateurs officiels etc ... a toi de voir pour les tiennes ;)
    Eeeeet voila je pense avoir fait le tour.

    ~ Snake
  8. Withror

    Withror Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Snake just put 300+ words into something classic related... SOMETHING'S WRONG
    miniu, Snake19, Orso and 1 other person like this.
  9. 3p1cL0bster

    3p1cL0bster Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I'll tell you what's wrong. "English only" except for the specific language sub-forums. Ah ain't know no french.
    miniu likes this.
  10. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    yes sorry, but it's a bit hard to explain with the same words in english ahah ^^
    3p1cL0bster likes this.
  11. Orso

    Orso Haxor Official Server Admin

    So, i'll answer you in english Snake ;

    I didn't want to make a huge and wonderfull tournament but only give a bit of life to the classic. So I don't want nice original idea but just a classic² tournament.
    I think I miss something when i planned to make this tournament. I was hard to fine the same hours for everyone when the classic was (more) active (than now), but now, make a 4*5 players tournament is really hard.
    It's possible, if the players well want to give them avaibility... But even when i though that i'll have enough players, only 3 of them was ready on the server at the right time...

    So maybe i've not harass enough the participants players to have them avaibility, but I think the real problem it's that classic is too dead to make a so huge tournament.
    miniu and Withror like this.
  12. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    This what i think. Personally i always need to give reminders to players and leaders, that they have a match this weekend etc ...
    (it's mostly happened during the 2nd Kag World Cup, now it's quite ok with the MLK S2)