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The False Prophet

Discussion in 'Groups' started by cincoscuencas, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. cincoscuencas

    cincoscuencas Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]


    St. Lukes Medical Centre

    She waited so long for this opportunity. She was wacthing him lie on his hospital bed, with tubes snaking around him. He was unconcious and was breathing heavily with the help of the oxygen mask. The doctor told her that there is a ninety percent chance of him to survive - but all they need is time to allow for full recovery. She was looking at him with contempt. Suddenly, she grabbed him on his neck, snapped it, and left the hospital facility as silently as she entered it

    "I'm rich! Im rich!" she shouted the moment she entered her apartment.
    The next morning, the patient was declared dead. And after three days, she inherited a sum of $14 billion dollars worth of company stocks, properties and financial assets. No one gave her a second look.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013
  2. cincoscuencas

    cincoscuencas Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    Chapter 1


    Pastor Benedict Thomas was preaching on the pulpit with a deep topic on the propecy revealed to Apostle John in the book of Revelations. As he was saying in a loud voice: "In Revelations chapter 12, there is a woman and the dragon. Apostle John saw a vision in heavens -- a woman is crowned with 12 stars on her head, her dress is like a sun and she is standing on the moon. The woman in here represents the nation Israel. Then a dragon appeared with 12 heads and on each head is written a word that is insulting to God. This dragon represents the demon, who plans to take away the child that the woman is about to deliver..."

    Everyone in the church has been listening intently to what Pastor Thomas was saying for they believe that all he was saying is about to come true. All they need is to be patient. Pastor Thomas encouraged them to give 90 percent of their salary to him and promised them that the more they give, the more they will receive heavenly treasures. He always quotes Matthew 6:19 when saying this. Little did they know, Pastor Thomas had invested their money on stocks and had managed to triple the amount -- thanks to his financial degree in college. Now Pastor Thomas became an instant billionaire since the members of his church were rich.

    Before Pastor Thomas became a person of interest in religion, he was an excellent real estate agent - no one knew this. But when the market for properties went down, he needed to find an alternative. He knows his talent and he very well know that he is very good at it; and that is talking. He is a good negotiator, and that made him a very good real estate agent. With the right selection and combination of words, he can persuade, even a professional, to buy a house that is double the price. He will find a weak spot in a person's sentences and twist it, give it an entirely different meaning and use it against the person itself just to get what he wants.

    Although Pastor Thomas is a smooth talker, there is a smart person in his church that seems to question everything he does - that is Luke Rinehart. Once, he complained about the amount of tithes they are required to give using particular verses in the Bible...
  3. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    really good.
  4. why is it really good? can you provide critique? heh, we can't really improve as writers without knowing where we did good, and where we didn't.