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The meaning of your name?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Eggnogg, Jan 31, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I made up some name that had 'Shad' in it for some online game many years ago, when I was but a wee teenager of 14 or so.
    Folks would abbreviate it to 'Shad' and eventually one of them started calling me Shadlington for some reason or other. I liked it. That's it. :p
    Piano, Auri, Ghozt and 5 others like this.
  2. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    I totally misread that as "Whatever blows your boat". Still fits.
    Noburu, Piano, tlc2011 and 4 others like this.
  3. Darren

    Darren Shipwright

    Well my name is from..
    it's not my real name, honest!
  4. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Umm...let's see. I was lying on bed from insomnia and thinking about paralegals or something from a book or movie. Then I thought it would be could if I changed legal to logic. Then next day, I tried to make a user called ParaLogic (I think on YouTube), but it was taken. Then, I was introduced to KAG, and I decided to use the variation of ParaLogia.

    Or it could be Spanish: "for lodge"
    Sir_Walter, Auri and GrimWaltz like this.
  5. harbringerod

    harbringerod Bison Rider

    i don't actualy know the meaning of my name... :p
  6. Melan

    Melan Shark Slayer

    Came up with Melanvolent in Maplestory a year ago, for my battlemage, a dark mage type class, so it fit. I quit like a year and a half ago now, and I didn't like using that name mainly because everyone seemed to call me Melan and I thought it sounded too dark for my tastes. So I shortened it to Melan. :)
    Auri likes this.
  7. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Harb(r)inger Overdose?
  8. Khombhat

    Khombhat Shopkeep Stealer

    Khombhat is just a slight mispelling of Khambhat as in the Gulf of Khambhat which is pronounced the same way as my spelling of the word, but I figured that it would be more likely to be pronounced properly by others using my spelling of the geographic location. The location itself is a source of controversy as there have been found what appear to be the ruins of a lost civilization in that area formerly known as the Gulf of Cambay. I am a big fan of the whole "lost civilization/technology" theories and Khombhat, aside from being an attempt at showing support for said theories, just sounds the coolest out of any other pointers to such theories that I could think of. It's unique i.e. doesn't require a bunch of numbers after the name itself in order to be valid and it generally fits the mood of just about every game that I play which is mostly combat-based strategy or adventure-based with combat elements.

    Khombhat. I think it's a good name. :B):
    Auri and BlueLuigi like this.
  9. Hippo

    Hippo Shark Slayer

    The reason behind my name:
    Hippo was a Tyrian colony on the west coast of the bay to which it gave its name: Hipponensis Sinus, first settled by the Phoenicians probably in the 12th century BC; the surname Regius 'of the King' was bestowed on it as one of the places where the Numidian kings resided.
    A maritime city near the mouth of the river Ubus, it became a Roman colonia which prospered and became a major city in Roman Africa. It is perhaps most famous as the bishopric of Saint Augustine of Hippo in his later years. In the summer of 430 the Vandals put the city of Hippo under siege as the aged bishop lay on his death bed; he died 28 August 430. Following a 14-month siege, the city fell to the Vandals and King Geiseric made it the capital of the Vandal kingdom until the capture of Carthage in 439.[2]
    It was conquered by the Eastern Roman Empire in 534 and was kept under Byzantine rule until 698, when it fell to the Muslims; the Arabs rebuilt the town in the eighth century. The city's later history was under its modern name.
    About three kilometres distant in the eleventh century the Berber Zirids established the town of Beleb-el-Anab, which the Spaniards occupied for some years in the sixteenth century, as the French did later, in the reign of Louis XIV. France took this town again in 1832. It was renamed Bone or Bona, and became one of the government centres for the department of Constantine in Algeria. It had 37,000 inhabitants, of whom 15,700 were French, 10,500 foreigners, mostly Italians, 9,400 Muslims and 1400 naturalized Jews.

    okay, I actually just googled that. The reason I got Hippo was because I was playing something like Chrono Trigger or A Link to the Past and randomly entered in letters and got Hippoqk. I use that username elsewhere, but since the KAG community was smaller and a bit more humble, I just shortened it to Hippo.
    I have to admit though, Hippo Regius sounds quite catchy...
    Auri, GHOZT, BlueLuigi and 1 other person like this.
  10. blubex

    blubex Shipwright

    'Blub' was a code-word for breasts in my family a long time ago (:P :P :P) and I needed a name for Club Penguin when I was like 9. So I added 'extreme' (spelled wrong as 'extream'). Blub Extream. Then I found out most things don't allow spaces, so I shortened it to Blubex. It's an awkward story and I've wanted to change my name many times, but it grew on me. ;)
    Sir_Walter, Ghozt, BlueLuigi and 3 others like this.
  11. Pitbull7

    Pitbull7 Shopkeep Stealer

    i know this is off offtopic but arent those numbers the fibbonacci numbers???
  12. Frogdo

    Frogdo Shopkeep Stealer

    Yes, yes they are.
  13. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I had gotten back to Soldat after a year's break two years ago, and I couldn't remember my old and popular nick.
    I then thought ''fuck it'' and filled the bar with Monsteri, cause I hate the energy drink.

    So yeah, didn't stop playing, was too lazy to come up with anything better, joined a clan and so this nick staid.
  14. well, I've used this name for lots of online games like realm of the mad god. Most people just say 'Mulp' . I don't know why that sounds appealing. Its not even a nickname. It is derived from...my last name. I always know I've been friendzoned at school when girls start calling me 'mulpy' :(
    Auri and Hippo like this.
  15. evol_nomad

    evol_nomad Bison Rider

    Really Pitbull7 you had to point that out.
    So whats the meaning of your name Pitbull7
  16. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Mine's referential in two parts:

    In ages past I played a lot of RTS with friends via LAN and, more often than not, the game would end by virtue of me rolling into my opponent's base with 20-30 tanks (or elephants & catapults, depending on the game) and flattening everything in sight (things actually got to the point where my friends would concede the game if I managed to build a tank factory). Because of this, somewhere along the line I adopted the moniker 'Lord Rommel' as an apt description of my playing style. This in turn gave lead to 'Baron Rommel' as our tastes changed and we played a lot of fighter-plane simulators (including TRIPLANE!!!) - something, as it turned out, I was also rather good at. I then maintained Baron Rommel for a number of years until, on a whim, I changed my preferred nick to 'CookieStealer' - possibly as a reference to my extreme love of baked-goods. Shortly after this I met my wife and, while gaming with her, encountered a game where my nick was already taken. Rather putout by this, I created my current moniker 'FuzzyBlueBaron' as something that contained a nod to my past but also encapsulated who I was now (I remain, to this day, my wife's 'cookie monster' :)).

    I don't think I'm likely to change again: FBB is pretty much who I am these days - what you see is what you get. :B):
  17. synthesispandabot

    synthesispandabot Bison Rider

    • stay on topic
    If you like this post,
    you lose.
    (PS. im a god and a boxer according to wikipedia)
    J-man2003 likes this.
  18. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    When I was 5 and playing Pokemon back in the day, someone was opening a door, then I heard keys, and it snapped, Keyofdoor.
    Piano, Auri and Ghozt like this.
  19. Zuboki

    Zuboki KAG Guard Tester

    I've read through this whole topic, and am surprised to find no one with an origin story similar to mine.

    Zuboki has no meaning. I came up with it in first grade as my America Online username. It's not a reference to anything, it's not inspired by anything; hell, at the time, I didn't even know other countries like Japan or Russia existed (which most people guess as the "nationality" of the name). Other names I use are mostly similar- Eoje (pronounced EE-oh-hey or EE-ozh, whichever- possibly Spanish?) and Aghbobyn (Most guess Russian). I'll occasionally use my real life nicknames Rattail, Tail, or RT, but I generally stick to Zuboki.
    Mulpy and Auri like this.
  20. joshuabr123

    joshuabr123 Builder Stabber

    My name is joshuabr123 because when i bought spore, I wasn't able to successfully create my account on my own so then i asked help for my parents, But they choosed my name without asking me, So since that day i use this username for most of the things, cause it's easier to remember! ;)
    GHOZT likes this.
Mods: BlueLuigi