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The meaning of your school uniform?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Darksteel, Feb 16, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Frogdo

    Frogdo Shopkeep Stealer

    Wow, that school sounds awesome Hella.
  2. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Not having an official school uniform like i believe they got at some places around the world...
    But i almost always wear a black hoodie or white hoodie with a black jacket/coat over it along with jeans.
    The meaning of it? 'Damn its cold outside'.
    And i seem to have taken a liking to black and white for no reason.
    (No sarcasm here).
  3. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    I can honestly say I never heard anyone criticize someone else's clothes while I was at school.
    People occasionally came to school in PJ's and slippers.
    I often was barefoot and wearing fat-pants and a wife-beater.
    No one cared about others clothes, apart from that one girl who told me that I wore fat-pants too often...

    Must be a British and USA thing...
    Don't hate I've lived in england. :D
  4. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I've had both sides of this and I can honestly say I'm still not sure, uniforms are generally not really worth it and infringing on (at least here in America) what should be a freedom (to wear what the hell you want) without much of a reason always seemed silly to me. When anyone would ask the answers would be: "So poor kids don't feel bad!" or "So we know you go to our school!", but that was always B.S. because if you talked to the right people you could actually get your parents to sign a form that would waive your requirement to wear uniform.

    I'd hate to give the usual 'conformity' speech and how schools are a way to beat the soul out of the next generation and shape them into drones, but I'm sure we've all heard it, so I guess what I really wanted to say is that I've been on both ends, living in a very poor area going to school without uniforms, suddenly being forced into uniforms, then back out of them in different schools. Uniforms were typically hardest on those who didn't have money and terrible in poor schools because parents had to now waste money on clothes for school, pay the prices that were always higher than just buying a damn t-shirt and some jeans or shorts (and always will be), looked worse, had to be worn so they had to be replaced if they were broken, and more often than not none of the parents got financial help getting them during these changes. I personally hated uniforms, they weren't always so bad and I usually just wore a fucking hoodie to get over it and enjoyed wearing khakis, but the fact that I couldn't wear anything else if I wanted to really grinded my gears, kids would still create these social hierarchies based on looks, the 'cool kids' would buy dickie's and swear they were 'the best you could do with khaki's, so now instead of having a system where there are many choices, whether the kid wants to wear shorts, sweats, jeans, khakis, slacks, whatever and it was too much for a kid to know what was 'the best' other than someone flaunting something new and thinking he was the shit (and you know, most people not really caring) it became as clear as day, there were those who wore regular ass khakis, and those of us who wore dickies, and it was terrible. Ah well, I suppose I'm done with all of that now and shouldn't care, but it's about as stupid as telling adults they have to wear a specific thing to do a job that isn't sales or floor work. 90% of the time all that is needed is a dress code and not a uniform policy, solves almost every problem that they say uniforms do and doesn't have the nasty side effect of having kids hate you for making them all look the same.

    e:Oh and it could be the areas (going from an area that was very impoverished to an area that was upper middle class, although one of the uniformed schools was also in the impoverished area) I found that people made fun of every little thing about your uniform, what's that your shit is out? Oh my. It's tucked in? What a fag. I always found this I don't know why, but I guess cause everyone looked the same it was easy to tell how you 'should' look and tell off those who don't fit in with it. Never had those problems other than kids who wore shit that was just off the fucking chain stupid when there was no uniform. (I'm talking about kids wearing shirts 2 sizes too small and basketball shorts).
    Overlord likes this.
  5. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    The uniform really is, at least partially, in order to tell who is from your school and who isn't. Even our teachers have to wear a name badge by law now. O.o
    If we didn't have a uniform, I think they're scared that people might sneak into the school and, I dunno, steal a couple of 17 year olds. That said, people outside of the sixth form already wear the uniform to sneak in to the school on their non-pupil days.
  6. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Some people are just paranoid....
    Chinizz likes this.
  7. Baron_Norab

    Baron_Norab KAG Guard Tester

    The Sixth Form sounds like some sort of occult organization.
  8. Frogdo

    Frogdo Shopkeep Stealer

    Yes... We practice occult rituals and whatnot, you know, human sacrifices and satanic rituals. All that good stuff.
  9. Frogdo

    Frogdo Shopkeep Stealer

    I have performed an analysis of my school uniform.

    There are several variations, we have at first the yellow shirts worn by the lower school students. These shirts are made of what could be cotton, if not it's some other similarly HIGHLY FLAMMABLE material, the colour of which has earned the lower school students the title of 'lemons'. This shirt is worn by both genders, from years 8-10.

    The upper school students get an option of either white or blue shirts, both of which are made from identical materials to the yellow shirts. Each of these shirts displays a school logo, but are otherwise generic blue, white or yellow cotton shirts. Which are reasonably comfortable to wear, providing ample ventillation.

    The shorts or trousers are universal throughout the years, made of some random yet HIGHLY FLAMMABLE substance of beige colouring. These likewise feature a school logo, but are otherwise generic beige leg coverings.

    The skirts are similar, although I do note that the current fashion of the younger students is to make it appear that you aren't wearing any skirt at all. My sister has adopted this fashion to my utter disgust, contempt and annoyance, I now make a point of glaring at anyone who looks in her direction whilst I'm in the area.

    As for the meaning of the various garments, the yellow shirts I believe are intended to make them the more obvious targets for homicidal maniacs who storm into the school. Another purpose of this colour could be to attract as many bees, wasps or hornets as possible to increase the chances of reducing the schools 'lemon' population, yellow also stains with greater visiblity than most colours resulting in the school making greater profit.

    White is similar to yellow in the way that it maximises the schools uniform profits, other than that it's fairly mundane. The blue shirts are the odd ones out, being a darker colour they have greater stain resistance and also have the added affect of being a nice, calming colour. This, I believe, is the schools sole attempt at being logical.

    As for the beige clothing, it's a boring colour designed to reduce student morale. It's also a fairly light beige, again maximizing uniform profits.
  10. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    I've never wear any type of school uniform. Yeaaah, my post is just pointless
  11. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    At times where I did have to wear uniform, I liked it when the girls wore their skirts really short. So you could see all that lovely thigh... 610x.jpg

    Canadian98 likes this.
  12. Frogdo

    Frogdo Shopkeep Stealer

    • Agrees with you, but please don't post spam
  13. Money21

    Money21 Shipwright

    My uniform is green and yellow which rep the Aussie flower thingy ( sorry Im not from Australia so I dont ok )
  14. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Why resurrect this thread? It's about 8 months old now!
  15. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    This, not to mention that none of your uniforms actually mean anything except the fact that you are now sheep that are branded and their purpose is to make sure that you do not wander too far and that others do not sneak into the herd.
    Jim_Dale likes this.
  16. Lord_bugg

    Lord_bugg Smashing Donator

    My primarary school uniform was a white polo shirt, a red jumper with the oak tree logo on it and shorts or trousers, depending on personal preference.
    My secondary school uniform is a white shirt, black trousers, black smart shoes, a black blazer with the school shield on the front pocket and a black based tie with stripes in the colour of your school house on and the school shield.(my school is boys only)

    I dont mind having to wear uniform as it does prevent the awkward your wearing this and your wearing that thing.
Mods: BlueLuigi